3 research outputs found

    Acute toxicity and behavioral changes of Caspian kutum (Rutilus frisii Kutum Kamensky, 1991) and Caspian roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus Jakowlew, 1870) exposed to the fungicide hinosan

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    Pesticides are used in agriculture to control pest and protect human health and animals. Excessive use of pesticides caused risk for human health and threated non-target organisms, polluted water, soil and air. Hinosan is a component of organophosphate pesticide which is used as a fungicide in agricultural fields. In the study, lethal concentration (LC50) of Hinosan was calculated for Rutilus frisii kutum and Rutilus rutilus caspicus with a mean weight of 3 ± 1 g [mean ± SD]. The experiment were carried out in static condition and based on instructions of O.E.C.D in four days under controlled water physicochemical factors with pH = 7 to 8.5, dissolved oxygen = 200 mg L-1 (CaCO3) and temperature = 20 ± 1°C. Fishes were acclimatized in 70x40x30 cm aquarium for 10 days. Five treated aquariums with concentration ranges 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ppm of hinosan (Technical 95 Edifenphos) with one control group (no toxic concentration), were performed. Data were analysed using the probit analysis. LC1, LC10, LC30, LC50, LC70, LC90 and LC99 were calculated in 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. Our results indicate that LC50 96 h hinosan for R. frisii Kutum and R. rutilus caspicus were obtained 3.61 and 2.88 ppm, respectively. These findings suggest that hinosan is medium toxicity for these two species. Clinical symptoms including irregular protrusion of the eyes and irregular swimming were observed.Key words: Organophosphore, hinosan, Rutilus frisii kutum, Rutilus rutilus caspicus, LC50, pollution

    Geo-knowledge management and geoconservation via geoparks and geotourism

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    A geopark as a new tourism destination contains a number of geological heritage sites. Geoparks as an innovation for the protection of natural and geological heritage are a network of sites for the transfer of Earth knowledge and the popularisation of geosciences. Moreover, geoparks play an important role in rural development through local involvement in geopark and geotourism activities. This paper discusses the role played by geoparks in the conservation and geo-knowledge management. To this end, 25 geopark strategies were analysed (20 in Europe and three in Asia: Malaysia, Japan and Iran; one in Australia and one in South America: Brazil). The results indicate that finding, introducing and establishing geosites are the first steps for geopark creation. Furthermore, involving local communities in the conservation of geoparks and providing educational projects are key factors in the knowledge management and preservation of geoparks as new tourist attractions