10 research outputs found

    Remote and Safe Monitoring of Magnetic Fields Produced by Transmission Lines in Areas of High Concentration of Lightning Strokes

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    Monitoring of magnetic and electric fields in high voltage transmission lines (HVTL) of power plants and substations (SEs) is contemplated by Brazilian Regulatory Standard 616/2014. The measurement procedures of the magnetic and electric fields in SEs must follow a methodology in case of continuous field monitoring of the power equipment where it is common lightning stroke incidences. These monitoring procedures must be carried out in such a way that the recording of electromagnetic fields is done without necessity of exposuring the technical team to irradiation from the equipment and machines generating electrical power. This paper describes a prototype which is able to produce data at a specified safe distance from the irradiating area. The experimental recorded data was acquired, processed, compared and analyzed in areas of more intense radiation levels, acceptable levels and safe levels. This work aimed to establish basis of a technological innovation for the continuous recording of electromagnetic data, trying to cover the surroundings of transmission lines in urban environments, close to the generating units and substation installations wherever the highest levels of magnetic field could be found

    Small Wind Energy Systems

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    Small Wind Energy Systems

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    MPPT of Magnus Wind System with DC Servo Drive for the Cylinders and Boost Converter

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    This paper presents an algorithm MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) for a Magnus wind system with a DC servo drive system (DC drive and BLDC motor) to rotate the turbine cylinders. The optimal cylinders rotation is the one to deliver the maximum power extracted from the wind tracked by fixed and adaptive step HCC (Hill Climbing Control) acting on the servo drive. The proposed wind system consists of a PMSG (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator), a three-phase diode rectifier, a DC/DC (boost) converter, and a resistive load. Furthermore, the boost converter acts with the fixed step HCC algorithm to track the maximum power operating point. Therefore, the MPPT for a Magnus wind system requires both tracking for the optimal cylinder speed and the optimal generator speed

    Proposta de metodologia para o gerenciamento automático de sistemas fotovoltaicos de geração distribuída

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    The main goal of this paper is to propose a proper methodology for automatic management of a photovoltaic distributed generation system. Such methodology is based on a group of operational premises, as well as energy price in a particular installation and user-driven preferences. Most features of the proposed system are based on the capability of: (i) supplying active and/or reactive power to local loads, (ii) storing energy on a battery bank (iii) selecting loads to be turned on or off; (iv) operating in islanded or connected modes and, (v) acting as active power filter. Finally, some of the proposed operation conditions will be discussed and validated by means of simulation and experimental results.O objetivo principal deste artigo é propor uma metodologia de gerenciamento automático para um sistema fotovoltaico de geração distribuída. A metodologia apresentada é baseada em um conjunto de premissas de operação, bem como informações relativas ao preço de comercialização da energia em uma dada rede, ou ainda, preferências definidas pelos usuários do sistema. Algumas características do sistema proposto são: (i) capacidade de fornecer energia ativa e/ou reativa para cargas locais e vizinhas; (ii) armazenar energia em um banco de baterias; (iii) priorizar cargas; (iv) atuar conectado ou isolado da rede principal e, (v) operar como filtro ativo de potência. Por fim, algumas das possibilidades de operação do sistema serão discutidas e validadas por meio de resultados de simulação e experimental.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    “Актуальні питання енергозбереження як вимога безпеки життєдіяльності”, Міжнародна науково-практична конференція

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    Розглянуто питання використання металогідридів з метою підвищення безпеки процесів акумулювання та зберігання водню. Описано принципи побудови та роботи подібних пристроїв. Проведено дослідження адекватності аналітичних залежностей, що характеризують фізичні властивості металогідридів, експериментальним даним.The problems of using metal hydrides for the purpose of increasing the safety in the process of hydrogen storage are considered. The principles of construction and operation of such devices are described. The adequacy of the analytical relationships which characterize the physical properties of metal hydrides to experimental data is investigated.Рассмотрены вопросы использования металлогидридов с целью повышения безопасности процессов аккумулирования и хранения водорода. Описаны принципы построения и работы подобных устройств. Проведено исследование адекватности аналитических зависимостей, характеризующих физические свойства металлогидридов, экспериментальным данным