104 research outputs found

    The Mediterranean and Atlantic connection: Seismic Clues from the Alboran Sea

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    Ercilla, Gemma ... et. al.-- Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy (RCMNS) Interim Colloquium 2015 - Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateways (Neogene to present), 5-8 May 2015, Rabat, Marocco.-- 1 pageThe spatial and temporal evolution of contouritic features as well as changes in their morphology and type suggest: i) their formation roughly agrees with the present-day Mediterranean water masses distribution, i.e., the Low Dense Mediterranean Water-LMW (Winter Intermediate Water + Levantine Intermediate Water) in the Spanish margin, and the High Dense Mediterranean Water ¿DMW( Deep Mediterranean Water) in the subbsains and Moroccan margin; ii) the important role played by the changing landscape during the Pliocene and Quaternary, with important consequences for the water masses circulation, especially for the DMW. Point and linear barriers, and troughs and elongated subbasins, condition a complex current distribution, especially for the Quaternary; iii) a higher energetic recirculation of the DMW in the Western Alboran Basin; iv) a more an enhanced density contrast between the LMW and DMW during the Quaternary; and v) larger vertical and horizontal displacements of the water mass interfaces during the Quaternary related to 4th-order glacioeustatic change. These frist paleoceanographic reconstructions have implication for the ventilation of Mediterranean waters trough the Strait of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Outflow Water formation, Altantic-Mediterranean interchange and then for the AMOC and climatic changes in the past.Peer Reviewe

    IMAGE2SEGY: Una aplicación informática para la conversión de imágenes de perfiles sísmicos a ficheros en formato SEG Y

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    VII Congreso Geológico de España, 14-18 Julio 2008, Las Palmas de Gran CanariaPeer Reviewe

    IMAGE2SEGY: Una aplicación informática para la conversión de imágenes de perfiles sísmicos a ficheros en formato SEG Y

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    VII Congreso Geológico de España, 14-18 Julio 2008, Las Palmas de Gran CanariaPeer Reviewe

    Correlación cronoestratigráfica entre deltas marginales y complejos turbiditicos en el margen continental del Ebro (Mediterráneo noroccidental)

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    II Congreso Geológico de España, 1988, Granada.-- 5 pages, 1 figurePeer Reviewe

    Geoquímica y sedimentología de los sedimentos profundos del Mediterráneo sur occidental: Significado pale-oceanográfico

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    Memoria presentada por Marcel·li Farran Vert para obtener el título de Licenciado en Geoología por la Universitat de Barcelona (UB), realizada bajo la dirección del Dr. Andrés Maldonado López.del Institut de Ciències de la Terra Jaume Almera (ICTJA-CSIC).-- 149 pages, appendixesPeer Reviewe

    The Ebro continental shelf: Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and growth patterns

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    Special issue The Ebro Continental Margin, Northwestern Mediterranean Sea.-- 24 pages, 16 figuresSingle-channel seismic-reflection profiles on the Ebro shelf and upper slope between Cap Salou and the Columbretes Islands have been interpreted to outline the Quarternary shelf evolution in this deltaic area. Three types of unconformity surfaces can be differentiated in the seismic records, type 1 and 2 unconformities, and toplap surfaces. These surfaces are the stratigraphic expression of the difference between rate of eustatic sea-level fall and subsidence on the outer shelf: a type 1 unconformity forms if the rate of eustatic sea-level fall is the more rapid, a type 2 unconformity forms if subsidence is faster, and toplap forms if subsidence and eustatic sea-level fall are equal. Thirteen stratigraphic units can be differentiated on the basis of unconformities. Based on their relative location on the shelf, these units are subdivided into inner and outer units. The inner units occur on the inner and middle shelf and are characterized by an underlying transgressive surface, while the outer units extend onto the middle to outer shelf and upper slope and show unconformities at their bases. The inner units are interpreted to be stacked transgressive and highstand systems tracts bounded by a maximum flooding surface. The outer units correspond to shelf deltas and shelf margin deltas that prograded southward and seaward over an unconformity in relatively stable water depths when sea-level fall was compensated for by subsidence. The progradation of these units ends with an episode of generalized erosion of the shelf and canyon cutting across the new shelf edge. The growth pattern of the northern Ebro shelf is characterized by important hiatuses, condensed stratigraphic sections, and units which are older than those on the southern shelf. The depositional processes were mainly controlled by eustatic sea-level oscillations, subsidence and changes in sediment supply. The subsidence during the Late Pleistocene was sufficient to compensate for the sea-level falls and allow the development of shelf deltas and shelf-margin deltas on the middle and outer shelf during low sea-level stands. © 199

    Past and present active sedimentation and tectonics in the South Alboran Sea

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    D'Acremont, E. ... et. al.-- European Geosciences Union General Assembly 22-27 April 2012, Vienna, Austria.-- 1 pageSince the Tortonian, the thinned continental crust and the overlying sedimentary cover of the Alboran Sea are submitted to tectonic inversion due to the convergence between Eurasia and Africa. The past and present deformation is significant along the Moroccan margin where the MARLBORO-1 cruise in 2011, acquired 1100 km of mid-resolution seismic reflection along 20 profiles perpendicular and parallel to the margin, off Al Hoceima, to latitude 36ºN. The study area located on the Xauen/Tofino banks and the South Alboran ridge off Morocco, shows signs of both past and present strong tectonic deformation, mass-movement deposits (mostly slides and mass flow deposits), and contourites. The lateral and longitudinal evolution of contourites and mass movement deposits and the geometric relationships between those deposits and active tectonic structures have been studied. In the distal margin, contourites and gravitational instabilities are the depositional systems that best record the tectonic signal of the area since at least the Messinian. On the two flanks of the Xauen/Tofino and South Alboran ridge, the sedimentary register affected by growth-faults is mainly composed of contourites. Internal strata pattern, spatial and temporal distribution of thickness and depocenters, and discontinuities help to infer sedimentary processes and their interaction with tectonics. In the southern Alboran Sea where the bathymetry shows abrupt slopes, the recurrent seismic activity seems to be the main factor triggering mass wasting as witnessed by the Mass transport complexes (MTCs). Recent MTCs originate from escarpments on the edge of the contourites. However, in most cases the seismic reflection data show the depositional bodies of numerous slides linked to the activity of growth-faults and thrusts observed on the Xauen and Tofino Bank’s north flanks. Tectonic inversion is recorded since the late Miocene with an acceleration of the uplift and compressional activity evidenced during Messinian. The Xauen/Tofino and Alboran highs have a strong internal complexity with tight folds, thrusts, unconformities, intruded magmatic and mud bodies showing different stages and styles of deformation. Offshore Al Hoceima, between the South Alboran Ridge and the adjacent Tofino Bank, a network of active normal faults and strike-slip faults have been imaged that change in direction close to the Morocco coastPeer Reviewe

    Sistemas deltaicos holocenos de los ríos Llobregat, Besós y Foix: modelos evolutivos transgresivos

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    [ES] El estudio de perfiles sismicos de alta y media resolución permite diferenciar varios sistemas deltaicos holocenos situados en la plataforma continental catalana y edificados por los rios Llobregat, Besós y Foix. El sistema deltaico actual esta representado por facies prodeltaicas, estando solapadas las de los rios Llobregat y Besós. Su principal caracteristica es la de presentar en el prodelta proximal facies sismicas opacas, con apantallamientos acústicos debidos a la presencia de gas y materia orgánica en el sedimento. El prodelta del Rio Foix está separado de los dos anteriores y no presenta facies sismicas opacas[EN] Two different deltaic iblocene systems have been identified in the Catalan Continental Shelf (Northwestem Mediterranean Sea), by high and medium resolution seismic rof files. These systems are built by Llobregat, Besos and Foix rivers. Recent deltaic system is represented by overlapping prodeltaic facies from the Llobregat and Besos rivers. Proximal prodelta is characterized by opaque seismic facies with acoustic maskings due to the presence of gas and organic matter within the sediment. Foix prodelta is isolated and does not show opaque seismic faciesEste trabajo ha sido llevado a cabo en el marco del convenio entre el Instituto Geol6gico y Minero y el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas para la realización de la cartografia de las plataforma continentales españolasPeer reviewe

    Las colecciones de geología marina en el ICM-CSIC: gestión y utilidad

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    V Trobada de Tècnics de Col·leccions de Ciències Naturals de Catalunya celebrada el 25 de octubre de 2017 en el Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) de BarcelonaLas colecciones de geología marina en el Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM) albergan el mayor número de perfiles de sísmica y de muestras de sedimento del fondo y del subfondo marino, del CSIC. Miles de kilómetros en perfiles de sísmica y cientos de muestras de estos sedimentos han sido recuperados y coleccionados en el ICM para la exploración del fondo marino. Ambas colecciones presentan una fuente de datos en bruto de enorme valor científico y beneficio aplicadoPeer Reviewe

    Muestreo de sedimento durante la campaña FRUELA'96

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    Campaña oceanográfica FRUELA 95-96 a bordo del BIO HESPÉRIDES durante los meses de enero y febrero de 1996 en la Antártida.-- 4 pages, 1 tableEl objetivo del muestreo de sedimento durante la campaña oceanográfica FRUELA-96 es la cuantificación del flujo de carbono que queda retenido en el registro sedimentario en áreas sujetas a diferentes condiciones hidrográficas y biológicas. [...]Peer reviewe