74 research outputs found

    Las grasas en la alimentación

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    Las grasas constituyen un nutriente esencial en la alimentación humana, debido a su papel como fuente de energía, elemento estructural y regulador. Su digestión es un proceso complejo, en el cual participan diferentes lipasas y sustancias emulsionantes contenidas en la bilis. La absorción se produce a través de difusión pasiva micelar que puede ser facilitada por proteínas de la membrana apical del enterocito. El transporte de sustancias grasas se realiza a través de diferentes lipoproteínas plasmáticas (principalmente: quilomicrones, VLDL, LDL, HDL). Las principales fuentes de grasas en alimentación humana son: los aceites y grasas vegetales, y las grasas animales. Existen, sin embargo, algunos alimentos cuyo contenido alto en grasa no es evidente para el consumidor. Las recomendaciones de ingesta en población infantil se centran en controlar la ingesta de grasas, limitar la ingesta de saturados y ácidos grasos trans, asegurando un mínimo de ingesta de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados</p

    Sport Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes, Sources of Information, and Dietary Habits of Sport-Team Athletes

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    Nutrition knowledge (NK) is one of several factors needed to establish proper eating habits and is especially important for athletes. The aims of this study were the following: to assess the NK of athletes from the Fútbol Club Barcelona; and to study its possible association with self-perceived level of NK, attitude towards nutrition, sources of information, and some dietary habits. We performed a cross-sectional study in two parts. First, we assessed the NK of elite athletes (n = 264) and compared it to the NK of technical teams of different sports (n = 59) and non-athletes (n = 183) of different ages and levels of education. Second, we investigated the associations between NK and other variables. To assess NK, we used a previously validated questionnaire Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Young and Adult Athletes (NUKYA). Athletes showed a low median score (25.1 points), similar to the scores obtained by high school students (19.5) and university Philosophy students (29.0), and significantly lower than the scores of the sports technical team (58.5, p < 0.05) and final year students of Human Nutrition and Dietetics (74.6, p < 0.05). Moreover, we found statistically significant associations between NK and self-perceived level of NK (n = 240, r = 0.2546, p = 0.0001) intake of fruits and vegetables (n = 111, r = 0.2701, p = 0.0041), and intake of discretionary food (n = 111, r = -0.2008, p = 0.0001). Athletes with lower scores tended to overestimate their competence in nutrition (Dunning-Kruger effect). We concluded that NK of athletes needs to be improved through education plans that should consider aspects such as the proper selection of information resources and the importance of not consuming supplements without the adequate prescription. Incorporation of technical team and families to the education plan should be considered

    Experiència APS en el grau de Nutrició Humana i Dietètica (NHiD): colònies i campaments per a nens i joves amb diabetis mellitus tipus I

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Introducció: Les estades dels estudiants de NHiD en colònies i campaments de nens i joves amb diabetis compleixen la funció pedagògica d’aprofundir en un camp específic de l’ensenyament com és l’aprenentatge del maneig d’aquesta patologia en situacions reals. Contribueix als coneixements teòrics adquirits a l’ensenyament i, alhora, ofereix servei a la comunitat transmetent als nens eines útils que afavoreixen l’autonomia i l’autocontrol de la diabetis. Objectius: · Reforçar la capacitat per resoldre situacions conflictives produïdes per la diabetis (Hipo- hiperglucèmies, cetonúries, etc.) · Incorporar conceptes i informacions relacionades amb l’aprenentatge del maneig de la malaltia a les activitats lúdiques · Evidenciar la importància de l’augment de coneixements i habilitats per a la millora del control · Destacar els efectes positius de l’exercici físic i aprendre a equilibrar les dosis d’insulina i la ingesta Descripció: Activitat estructurada en forma de Treball Dirigit, assignatura optativa de 6 crèdits de caràcter eminentment pràctic que integra l'aprenentatge de continguts, amb competències, habilitats, valors i servei a la societat. Es porten a terme activitats diverses relacionades amb l’alimentació dels nens i joves amb diabetis que requereixen la implicació dels estudiants en el treball conjunt de l’equip multidisciplinari (metges, infermeres, dietistes, educadors en diabetis, monitors de lleure). Conclusions: l’equip docent de l’assignatura considera molt satisfactoris els resultats obtinguts amb aquesta experiència docent. Els estudiants descriuen la pràctica viscuda com una oportunitat d’aprenentatge altament gratificant que els proporciona coneixement i alhora autonomia

    Introducing the Facility List Coder: A New Dataset/Method to Evaluate Community Food Environments

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    Community food environments have been shown to be important determinants to explain dietary patterns. This data descriptor describes a typical dataset obtained after applying the Facility List Coder (FLC), a new tool to asses community food environments that was validated and presented. The FLC was developed in Python 3.7 combining GIS analysis with standard data techniques. It offers a low-cost, scalable, efficient, and user-friendly way to indirectly identify community nutritional environments in any context. The FLC uses the most open access information to identify the facilities (e.g., convenience food store, bar, bakery, etc.) present around a location of interest (e.g., school, hospital, or university). As a result, researchers will have a comprehensive list of facilities around any location of interest allowing the assessment of key research questions on the influence of the community food environment on different health outcomes (e.g., obesity, physical inactivity, or diet quality). The FLC can be used either as a main source of information or to complement traditional methods such as store census and official commercial lists, among others

    Validity and reliability of the facility list coder, a new tool to evaluate community food environments

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    A community food environment plays an essential role in explaining the healthy lifestyle patterns of its community members. However, there is a lack of compelling quantitative approaches to evaluate these environments. This study introduces and validates a new tool named the facility list coder (FLC), whose purpose is to assess food environments based on data sources and classification algorithms. Using the case of Mataró (Spain), we randomly selected 301 grids areas (100 m2), in which we conducted street audits in order to physically identify all the facilities by name, address, and type. Then, audit-identified facilities were matched with those automatically-identified and were classified using the FLC to determine its quality. Our results suggest that automatically-identified and audit-identified food environments have a high level of agreement. The intra-class correlation coe cient (ICC) estimates and their respective 95% confidence intervals for the overall sample yield the result 'excellent' (ICC 0.9) for the level of reliability of the FLC

    Determinants of Adherence to Healthy Eating Patterns in a Population of Children and Adolescents: Evidence on the Mediterranean Diet in the City of Mataró (Catalonia, Spain)

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    Abstract: Despite its benefits, the Mediterranean diet (MD) is being abandoned or not adopted by young generations in most Mediterranean countries. In Spain, up to 69% of the child and adolescent population has been found to have suboptimal adherence to the MD. The aim of this study was to analyze which factors are associated with an optimal adherence to the MD in school-age children and adolescents from Mataró, Spain. A cross-sectional study was performed on 1177 children and adolescents aged between 6 and 18 years from Mataró. The Mediterranean Diet Quality Index for Children and Adolescents (KIDMED index) was used to evaluate adherence to a MD. We found that over 59% of subjects showed suboptimal adherence to a MD, with this prevalence being higher for secondary school than for primary school children. The factors positively associated with following an optimal MD were the mother's education level, children at the primary school level, the absence of distractions at breakfast, and regular physical activity. The availability of spending money was negatively associated with the likelihood of optimal adherence to a MD. Future research should study more in-depth the possible causality between the factors studied and adherence to a MD. Keywords: healthy eating patterns; Mediterranean diet; children; adolescents; KIDME

    Development and Validation of a Short Sport Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Athletes

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    Weak evidence exists on the relationship between nutritional knowledge and diet quality. Many researchers claim that this could be in part because of inadequate validation of the questionnaires used. The aim of this study was to develop a compact reliable questionnaire on nutrition knowledge for young and adult athletes (NUKYA). Researchers and the sport clubs medical staff developed the questionnaire by taking into consideration the latest athlete dietary guidelines. The questionnaire content was validated by a panel of 12 nutrition experts, and finally tested by 445 participants including athletes (n = 264), nutrition students (n = 49) and non-athletes with no formal nutrition knowledge (n = 132). After consulting the experts, 59 of the 64 initial items remained in the questionnaire. To collect the evaluation of experts, we used the content validity index, obtaining high indices for relevance and ambiguity (0.99) as well as for clarity and simplicity (0.98). The final questionnaire included 24 questions with 59 items. We ensured construct validity and reliability through psychometric validation based on the Classical Test Theory and the Item-Response Theory (Rasch model). We found significant statistical differences comparing the groups of nutrition knowledgeable participants with the rest of the groups (ANOVA p < 0.001). We verified the questionnaire for test-retest reliability (R = 0.895, p < 0.001) and internal consistency (Cronbach's α = 0.849). We successfully fit the questionnaire data to a rating scale model (global separation reliability of 0.861) and examined discrimination and difficulty indices for items. Finally, we validated the NUKYA questionnaire as an effective tool to appraise nutrition knowledge in athletes. This questionnaire can be used for guiding in educational interventions, studying the influence of nutrition knowledge on nutrient intake and assessing/monitoring sport nutritional knowledge in large groups. Keywords: sports nutrition; nutrition knowledge; validity; reliability; classical test theory; item response theory; Rasch model; athlete

    The role of diet and physical activity in children and adolescents with ADHD

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/67430ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder) is the most common neurobehavioral disorder of childhood, presenting with pervasive and impairing symptoms of inattention, hyperact ivity, impulsivity, or a combination. There is scientific evidence that some dietary and physical activity strategies may be useful to improve the symptoms of ADHD and benefit the social, cognitive and academic performance of children and adolescents with ADHD. The purpose of our study was to review the scientific literature on the role of diet and physical activity in ADHD symptomatology up to date

    The Efficacy of Probiotics, Prebiotic Inulin-Type Fructans, and Synbiotics in Human Ulcerative Colitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Studies of probiotics, fructan-type prebiotics, and synbiotics in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) show significant heterogeneity in methodology and results. Here, we study the efficacy of such interventions and the reasons for the heterogeneity of their results. Eligible random controlled trials were collected from the PUBMED and SCOPUS databases. A total of 18 placebo-controlled and active treatment-controlled (i.e., mesalazine) studies were selected with a Jadad score ≥ 3, including 1491 patients with UC. Data for prebiotics and synbiotics were sparse and consequently these studies were excluded from the meta-analysis. The UC remission efficacy of probiotics was measured in terms of relative risk (RR) and odds ratio (OR). Significant effects were observed in patients with active UC whenever probiotics containing bifidobacteria were used, or when adopting the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-recommended scales (UC Disease Activity Index and Disease Activity Index). By the FDA recommended scales, the RR was 1.55 (CI95%: 1.13⁻2.15, p-value = 0.007, I² = 29%); for bifidobacteria-containing probiotics, the RR was 1.73 (CI95%: 1.23⁻2.43, p-value = 0.002, I² = 35%). No significant effects were observed on the maintenance of remission for placebo-controlled or mesalazine-controlled studies. We conclude that a validated scale is necessary to determine the state of patients with UC. However, probiotics containing bifidobacteria are promising for the treatment of active UC. Keywords: ulcerative colitis; remission; probiotic; prebiotic; synbioti

    Effects of free leucine supplementation and resistance training on muscle strength and functional status in older adults : a randomized controlled trial

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    To assess the effect of free leucine supplementation combined with resistance training versus resistance training only on muscle strength and functional status in older adults. This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel study with two intervention groups. Thirty older adults were randomly assigned to receive either 10 g leucine/day (leucine group [LG], n=15) or a placebo (control group [CG], n=15), plus resistance training over a 12-week period. Maximal overcoming isometric leg strength, functional status, nutritional status, body composition, health-related quality of life, depression, and dietary intake were assessed at 4 and 12 weeks. Missing data at 12 weeks were handled using mixed models for repeated measurements for data imputation. Twenty-four subjects completed the 4-week assessment and eleven completed the 12-week intervention. Clinically significant gains were found in isometric leg strength at both assessment time points. Analysis of the effect size also showed how participants in LG outperformed those in CG for chair stands and the timed up and go test. No significant changes were observed for the rest of the outcomes. Our combined analysis showed moderate changes in isometric leg muscle strength and certain components of functional status. The magnitude of changes found on these outcomes should be qualified as a positive effect of the concomitant intervention