86 research outputs found

    Digital signature-based secure communication in cognitive radio networks

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    Due to the rapid growth of wireless applications, Cognitive Radio (CR) has been considered as a demanding concept for improving the utilization of limited radio spectrum resources for future wireless communications and mobile computing. The unique characteristics of Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) make security more challenging. Since a member of Cognitive Radio Networks may join or leave the network at any time, the issue of supporting secure communication in CRNs becomes more critical than for other conventional wireless networks. This work thus proposes digital signature-based secure communication for identifying efficient primary users in CRNs. The security analysis is analyzed to guarantee that the proposed approach achieves security proof

    Towards multi-criteria cloud service selection

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    Cloud computing despite being in an early stage of adoption is becoming a popular choice for businesses to replace in-house IT infrastructure due to its technological advantages such as elastic computing and cost benefits resulting from pay-as-you-go pricing and economy of scale. These factors have led to a rapid increase in both the number of cloud vendors and services on offer. Given that cloud services could be characterized using multiple criteria (cost, pricing policy, performance etc.) it is important to have a methodology for selecting cloud services based on multiple criteria. Additionally, the end user requirements might map to different criteria of the cloud services. This diversity in services and the number of available options have complicated the process of service and vendor selection for prospective cloud users and there is a need for a comprehensive methodology for cloud service selection. The existing research literature in cloud service selection is mostly concerned with comparison between similar services based on cost or performance benchmarks. In this paper we discuss and formalize the issue of cloud service selection in general and propose a multi-criteria cloud service selection methodology

    A robust methodology for prediction of trust and reputation values

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    In this paper, we present the FC direct trust value-based decision making methodology, for making direct trust value based decisions regarding interactions in (a) a given context and during the current time slot, and (b) a given context and at a future time slot. The direct trust value-based decision making methodology models the context specific nature of trust and the dynamic nature of trust to make direct trust value-based decisions regarding interactions. Additionally in this paper, we present the FC reputation-based trust decision making methodology, for making reputation-based trust decisions regard ing interactions, if direct trust value-based decisions cannot be made. The FC reputationbased trust decision making methodology can make reputationbased trust decisions regarding interactions in (a) a given context and during the current time slot, and (b) a given context and at a future time slot

    Development of a Logic Layer in the Semantic Web: Research Issues

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    The ontology layer of the semantic web is now mature enough (i.e. standards like RDF, RDFs, OWL, OWL 2) and the next step is to work on a logic layer for the development of advanced reasoning capabilities for knowledge extraction and efficient decision making. Adding logic to the web means using rules to make inferences. Rules are a means of expressing business processes, policies, contracts etc but most of the studies have focused on the use of monotonic logics in layered development of the semantic web which provides no mechanism for representing or handling incomplete or contradictory information respectively. This paper discusses argumentation, semantic web and defeasible logic programming with their distinct features and identifies the different research issues that need to be addressed in order to realize defeasible argumentative reasoning in the semantic web applications

    Transport service ontology and its application in the field of semantic search

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    Transport is a crucial component in logistics, which joints each activity in the logistics chain. The performance of logistics heavily relies on the efficiency of transport services. However, until now there has not been a clear definition about transport services. Moreover, along with the rapid rise of fuel prices, the input-output ratio of transport has been trapped in an unreasonable situation, which causes the poor performance of logistics. Therefore, the research on transport service and transport service efficiency is urgently required. In this paper, we propose to use semantic web technologies to construct a conceptual model of transport services and thus present a clear structure of the transport service hierarchy. Furthermore, we propose a semantic search engine based on this transport service ontology, in order to provide an efficient tool for users to query transport service providers. This design can also be seen as a potentially alternative approach for solving the issue of transport service inefficiency

    A service concept recommendation system for enhancing the dependability of semantic service matchmakers in the service ecosystem environment

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    A Service Ecosystem is a biological view of the business and software environment, which is comprised of a Service Use Ecosystem and a Service Supply Ecosystem. Service matchmakers play an important role in ensuring the connectivity between the two ecosystems. Current matchmakers attempt to employ ontologies to disambiguate service consumers’ service queries by semantically classifying service entities and providing a series of human computer interactions to service consumers. However, the lack of relevant service domain knowledge and the wrong service queries could prevent the semantic service matchmakers from seeking the service concepts that can be used to correctly represent service requests. To resolve this issue, in this paper, we propose the framework of a service concept recommendation system, which is built upon a semantic similarity model.This system can be employed to seek the concepts used to correctly represent service consumers’ requests, when a semantic service matchmaker finds that the service concepts that are eventually retrieved cannot match the service requests. Whilst many similar semantic similarity models have been developed to date, most of them focus on distance-based measures for the semantic network environment and ignore content-based measures for the ontology environment. For the ontology environment in which concepts are defined with sufficient datatype properties, object properties, and restrictions etc., the content of concepts should be regarded as an important factor in concept similarity measures. Hence, we present a novel semantic similarity model for the service ontology environment. The technical details and evaluation details of the framework are discussed in this paper

    Q-contract net: A negotiation protocol to enable quality-based negotiation in Digital Business Ecosystems

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    The Digital Business Ecosystem (DBE) is the result of the co-evolution of the Business Ecosystem and the DigitalEcosystem. There are numerous approaches and enabling technologies which are used in modeling open businessmarketplaces and, due to the similarities between the Digital Business environments, they can also help to enable the Digital Business Ecosystem but with some limitations. The complete lifecycle of the DBE can be decomposed into the following phases: formation, evolution and dissipation. In this work, our main focus is on the importance of negotiation in the DBE formation phase and especially on the structure of Contract Net Protocol. We will present an extension to the primitive Contract Net Protocol and name it Contract Net with Quality Protocol (CNQP or Q-Contract Net) to facilitate the negotiation process by adding the quality evaluation steps during the negotiation phase of the DBE formation

    Ontology based approach in knowledge sharing measurement

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    For many years, physical asset indicators were the main evidence of an organization’s successful performance. However, the situation has changed following the revolution of information technology in the knowledge-based economy and in the new ideas in economy; knowledge assets are a critical strategic resource in economy. Knowledge management [KM] tools have become very important and in order to gain a competitive advantage, it is necessary to create, store, share and apply knowledge. Knowledge sharing is one of the key issues in knowledge management. One of the main challenges facing pioneer firms is to provide an effective strategy to exchange knowledge formally or informally. In this paper, we will discuss the effectiveness of knowledge sharing and our proposal for an effective knowledge sharing strategy. Based on a review of knowledge sharing literature, we will focus more on the trust and knowledge contexts as key issues in knowledge sharing.Trust is the most important issue when creating a relationship, knowledge sharing and partnership. Moreover, there are a number of forms that trust can take in these relationships and the most regularly cited forms are competence and benevolence trust. In this paper, we will explore these two forms of trust and will examine their role in knowledge sharing and how they can be defined and measured. On the other hand, we will apply ontologies to explore the knowledge context. Ontologies are used in widespread application areas particularly to provide a semantically shared domain knowledge in a declarative formalism for intelligent reasoning. Even ontology enables knowledge sharing; however, the complexity of knowledge being conceptualized in the ontology is critical to the success of knowledge sharing efforts. Other factors like trust in the source of knowledge can also affect knowledge transfer. In this paper, we propose metrics to measure the complexity of ontology for knowledge sharing. Finally, the effectiveness of our proposed knowledge sharing methodology is presented both using a fuzzy-inference engine and a crisp system

    ORPMS: An ontology-based real-time project monitoring system in the cloud

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    Project monitoring plays a crucial role in project management, which is a part of every stage of a project’s life-cycle. Nevertheless, along with the increasing ratio of outsourcing in many companies’ strategic plans, project monitoring has been challenged by geographically dispersed project teams and culturally diverse team members. Furthermore, because of the lack of a uniform standard, data exchange between various project monitoring software becomes an impossible mission. These factors together lead to the issue of ambiguity in project monitoring processes. Ontology is a form of knowledge representation with the purpose of disambiguation. Consequently, in this paper, we propose the framework of an ontology-based real-time project monitoring system (ORPSM), in order to, by means of ontologies, solve the ambiguity issue in project monitoring processes caused by multiple factors. The framework incorporates a series of ontologies for knowledge capture, storage, sharing and term disambiguation in project monitoring processes, and a series of metrics for assisting management of project organizations to better monitor projects. We propose to configure the ORPMS framework in a cloud environment, aiming at providing the project monitoring service to geographically distributed and dynamic project members with great flexibility, scalability and security. A case study is conducted on a prototype of the ORPMS in order to evaluate the framework

    Defining trustworthiness in service oriented environment

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    In the existing literature we note that there has been no effort in proposing a definition of trustworthiness. In this paper, we propose a definition of trustworthiness with focus on service oriented environments. In addition, we propose and discuss in detail the various factors which can affect the trustworthiness assigned by the trusting agent to the trusted agent
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