22 research outputs found

    Perancangan Punch dan Die Fin pada Air Filter Mitsubishi L-300

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    PT.Pratama Pionir Sentosa adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi filter mobil. Filter yang diproduksi adalah filter yang sudah dikembangkan yaitu menggunakan fin yang fungsinya untuk mengarahkan udara yang masuk. Salah satu filter banyak diproduksi adalah filter udara untuk kendaraan Mitsubishi L-300. Hal ini menyebabkan perusahaan kesulitan untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut di atas salah satu cara yaitu dengan meminimalkan tahapan proses produksi. Dengan meminimalkan tahapan produksi dapat mempersingkat waktu produksi. Komponen fin adalah salah satu konmponen filter yang tahapan proses produksinya dapat diminimasi. Komponen fin mempunyai empat tahapan proses dapat diminimasi menjadi dua tahap. Pada proses awal tahap I adalah proses blanking, kemudian dilanjutkan tahap II proses piercing dan drawing. Tahap III proses shearing culling manual dan tahap IV proses welding. Dari tahapan ini yang diminimasi menjadi dua tahap saja adalah yaitu pada tahap I terdapat proses blanking, drawing, piercing dan shearing dengan sekali tahapan proses. Sedangkan tahap II adalah proses weding. Dengan melakukan minimasi tahapan proses maka perlu dilakukan perancangan dan pembuatan punch dan die yang baru. Pembuatan punch dan die yang baru membutuhkan biaya sebesar Rp 3.629.075,-

    Resolvin D2 is a potent regulator of leukocytes and controls microbial sepsis

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    National Institutes of Health grants GM-38765 and P50-DE016191 (C.N.S.), Welcome Trust Programme grant 086867/Z/08/Z (R.J.F. and M.P.) and Project grant 085903/Z/08 (R.J.F.) and Arthritis Research Campaign UK fellowships 18445 and 18103 (to L.V.N. and D.C., respectively). M.S. received a National Research Service Award from the NHLBI (HL087526)

    Electronic Arts in 1999

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    Electronic Arts Company is the dominant market leader of interactive entertainment software. As the leading independent publisher of video and computer games, Electronic Arts continues to take action to capitalize technology breakthrough and to grow revenue and profit. On the other hand, EA has another significant problem that can threat within its segment market. The problem is online gaming via internet. The important key within online gaming is the ability of players competes against others players. Another key advantage upon online gaming, players are not just playing, chat groups and others forum keep users online for longer periods that make online gam~ng sites more attractive to users and advertisers. As a result, the online gaming industry grows dramatically in the future entertainment software industry. EA knows that online gaming will increase rapidly over the next few years. EA took action with development of its initial online product Ultima Online in August 1997 and continue to merge with American Online in the second half 2000, but EA realizes that effort is not enough for becoming leader online game site, so EA should provide new strategies to compete with online gaming

    Antonio Martinez Ballesteros and the Underground Theater of Protest In Spain

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    Korelasi Ekspresi Cathepsin D dengan Resiko Terjadinya Metastasis pada Karsinoma Tiroid Tipe Papiler

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian korelasi ekspresi cathepsin D dengan resiko terjadinya metastasis pada karsinoma tiroid tipe papiler. Hipotesis yang akan duji pada penelitian ini adalah apakah peningkatan ekspresi cathepsin D akan menyebabkan peningkatan resiko terjadinya metastasis. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2007 hingga November 2007 di bagian Ilmu Bedah dan bagian Patologi anatomi Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. Soetomo. Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan case control. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 20, dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu 10 sampel kasus karsinoma tiroid tipe papiler yang mengalami metastasis jauh dan 10 sampel kasus karsinoma tiroid yang tidak mengalami metastasis jauh. Seluruh sampel dilakukan pengecatan imunohistokimia untuk melihat ekspresi cathepsin D. Data yang diperoleh dilakukan uji astatistik menggunakan uji chi-square untuk melihat adanya korelasi antara ekspresi cathepsin D dengan kejadian metastasis, dan data juga diolah dengan tabel 2 X 2 ( four fold table ) untuk mengetahui apakah peningkatan ekspresi cathepsin D merupakan faktor resiko untuk terjadinya metastasis jauh pada karsinoma tiroid tipe papiler ( odd ratio ). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan usia terbanyak adalah pada kelompok 41 — 50 tahun ( 50 % ). Jenis kelamin wanita lebih banyak daripada laki-laki dengan rasio 4:1. Pada kasus dengan metastasis, 50 % terjadi pada kelompok usia 41 — 50 tahun, sedangkan untuk kelompok umur 61 — 70 tahun, kejadian metastasis sebesar 40%. Jenis varian terbanyak dari karsinoma tiroid adalah varian klasik / murni ( 75% ). Selanjutnya adalah varian folikuler ( 25% ).Lokasi metast asis terbanyak adalah ke tulang (50 % ), selanjutnya ke pant ( 40 % ), dan ke hepar ( 10 % ). Varian karsinoma tiroid yang terbanyak pada penelitian ini 75% berupa papiler murni / klasik, sedangkan varian folikuler sebesar 25 %. Dari pemeriksaan imunohistokimia didapatkan seluruh preparat (100 %) menunjukkan hasil ekspresi cathepsin D yang positif. Nilai skor rata-rata untuk ekspresi cathepsin D pada kasus yang mengalami metastasis adalah 10,8, sedangkan nilai skor rata-rata untuk ekspresi cathepsin D pada kasus yang tidak mengalami metastasis adalah 7. Dari uji statistik menggunakan chi-square, didapatkan hasil p=0,03 yang menunjukkan adanya korelasi yang bermakna antara ekspresi cathepsin D dengan terjadinya metastasis pada karsinoma tiroid tipe papiler. Dengan menggunakan tabel 2X2 ( four fold table ) didapatkan bahwa bila sel yang tercat positif > 60 % dengan intensitas kuat ( +3 ) merupakan faktor resiko yang bermakna untuk terjadinya metastasis jauh pada karsinoma tiroid tipe papiler

    A survey of Sarcocystis sp. infection in slaughtered cattle in San Juan abbatoir

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    Sarcocystis sp. infection in slaughtered Brahman Breed cattle was determined by examining skeletal, cardiac and esophageal muscle tissue smear preparation for sarcocysts. Thirteen (10.40 percent) of the 125 slaughtered cattle were positive for mature, young and/or developing sarcocysts called metrocytes. Sarcocysts were noted in skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues of 11 and two Brahman cattle, respectively. Infections were observed in cattle ages three to five years old, predominantly in males which accounts for 11 cases (84.61 percent) compared to two (15.38 percent) positive cases in females. Based on the morphology of the mature sarcocysts, Sarcocystis cruzi is most likely the etiologic agent

    Cross-cultural Training: A Necessity for Expatriates Bound To Saudi Arabia

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    Globalization of the world economy has progressed significantly since the 1960s and has entered into a qualitatively new phase. Liberalization of trade and investment environment has led to opportunities in the developing countries that now await the multinational companies (MNCs). These changes resulted to formation of joint ventures and alliances of multinational companies with local companies around the world. From this context, the success of these ventures and alliances is important for the multinational companies. Hence, they are sending their best employees to train and transfer knowledge with their host’s local employees. As a result, these expatriates are subjected to a new environment where their own culture was far more different to what their host was. According to some literatures about international assignments, the performance and success of an individual lies to the degree of knowhow he/she has about the foreign land. From this perspective, we would like to explore the effect of crosscultural training on the performance of foreign personnel working in Saudi Aramco, the biggest oil company in Saudi Arabia. Our research was confined on the subject matter involving crosscultural training received by its foreign employees prior to arrival in Saudi Arabia and its impact towards their individual performances in their workplaces. The methodology that we used was the large sample theory where we determined a set of sample from Saudi Aramco’s headquaters in Saudi Arabia. We developed a survey questionnaire with close-ended questions, open-ended and demographic questions in it and then send it to our contact person within the company using the electronic mail. He then distributed a copy of the questionnaire for each participant who agreed to help us accumulate data to support our hypotheses regarding the impact of crosscultural training to performance. From the 40 survey forms that had been sent, we were able to received 22 observations (55% response rate), which was significant enough to be considered representative. A multiple regression analysis technique was then employed to calculate the relevance of each independent variable (values, norms, and language) to the single dependent variable (performance) that we had hypothesized. The research paper was then concluded with discussion and comparison of results with literatures of the same topic

    Benchmarking Employee Performance in Administrative Applications for Oregon Health and Sciences University

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    Abstract: Our project deals with benchmarking and evaluating employee performance in the Oracle Administrative Applications Team in Oregon Health & Secineces University and to scrutinize the data using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with CCR/CRS model in order to measure each performance employees and assessing the result precisely. The report also covers with the description of application team, purpose of analysis, the description of DEA model and specific model we used, and data collection. the objective of this project is to analyze the employee performance that will be able to help the organization to improve its performance and using the DEA model as the proper tool to measure it

    Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography

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    It is generally recognized by economist and policy makers that new technology will be the driving force in our economy. With the greatest need for high-speed computing, better memory storage application and the development of micro-electrical-mechanical structures, a lithography technology is needed to realize such objectives. It is the main reason why a consortium composed of big names in the semiconductor industry was established in order to transform the benefits of Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography technology into a commercial application