88 research outputs found

    Learning Fair Naive Bayes Classifiers by Discovering and Eliminating Discrimination Patterns

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    As machine learning is increasingly used to make real-world decisions, recent research efforts aim to define and ensure fairness in algorithmic decision making. Existing methods often assume a fixed set of observable features to define individuals, but lack a discussion of certain features not being observed at test time. In this paper, we study fairness of naive Bayes classifiers, which allow partial observations. In particular, we introduce the notion of a discrimination pattern, which refers to an individual receiving different classifications depending on whether some sensitive attributes were observed. Then a model is considered fair if it has no such pattern. We propose an algorithm to discover and mine for discrimination patterns in a naive Bayes classifier, and show how to learn maximum likelihood parameters subject to these fairness constraints. Our approach iteratively discovers and eliminates discrimination patterns until a fair model is learned. An empirical evaluation on three real-world datasets demonstrates that we can remove exponentially many discrimination patterns by only adding a small fraction of them as constraints

    Tidying Up the Conversational Recommender Systems' Biases

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    The growing popularity of language models has sparked interest in conversational recommender systems (CRS) within both industry and research circles. However, concerns regarding biases in these systems have emerged. While individual components of CRS have been subject to bias studies, a literature gap remains in understanding specific biases unique to CRS and how these biases may be amplified or reduced when integrated into complex CRS models. In this paper, we provide a concise review of biases in CRS by surveying recent literature. We examine the presence of biases throughout the system's pipeline and consider the challenges that arise from combining multiple models. Our study investigates biases in classic recommender systems and their relevance to CRS. Moreover, we address specific biases in CRS, considering variations with and without natural language understanding capabilities, along with biases related to dialogue systems and language models. Through our findings, we highlight the necessity of adopting a holistic perspective when dealing with biases in complex CRS models

    Causal Fair Metric: Bridging Causality, Individual Fairness, and Adversarial Robustness

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    Adversarial perturbation is used to expose vulnerabilities in machine learning models, while the concept of individual fairness aims to ensure equitable treatment regardless of sensitive attributes. Despite their initial differences, both concepts rely on metrics to generate similar input data instances. These metrics should be designed to align with the data's characteristics, especially when it is derived from causal structure and should reflect counterfactuals proximity. Previous attempts to define such metrics often lack general assumptions about data or structural causal models. In this research, we introduce a causal fair metric formulated based on causal structures that encompass sensitive attributes. For robustness analysis, the concept of protected causal perturbation is presented. Additionally, we delve into metric learning, proposing a method for metric estimation and deployment in real-world problems. The introduced metric has applications in the fields adversarial training, fair learning, algorithmic recourse, and causal reinforcement learning

    Az FVM Agrármarketing Centrum Kht. szerepe HÍR Programban

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    How are you doing? : emotions and personality in Facebook

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    User generated content on social media sites is a rich source of information about latent variables of their users. Proper mining of this content provides a shortcut to emotion and personality detection of users without filling out questionnaires. This in turn increases the application potential of personalized services that rely on the knowledge of such latent variables. In this paper we contribute to this emerging domain by studying the relation between emotions expressed in approximately 1 million Facebook (FB) status updates and the users' age, gender and personality. Additionally, we investigate the relations between emotion expression and the time when the status updates were posted. In particular, we find that female users are more emotional in their status posts than male users. In addition, we find a relation between age and sharing of emotions. Older FB users share their feelings more often than young users. In terms of seasons, people post about emotions less frequently in summer. On the other hand, December is a time when people are more likely to share their positive feelings with their friends. We also examine the relation between users' personality and their posts. We find that users who have an open personality express their emotions more frequently, while neurotic users are more reserved to share their feelings

    VirtualIdentity : privacy preserving user profiling

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    User profiling from user generated content (UGC) is a common practice that supports the business models of many social media companies. Existing systems require that the UGC is fully exposed to the module that constructs the user profiles. In this paper we show that it is possible to build user profiles without ever accessing the user's original data, and without exposing the trained machine learning models for user profiling - which are the intellectual property of the company - to the users of the social media site. We present VirtualIdentity, an application that uses secure multi-party cryptographic protocols to detect the age, gender and personality traits of users by classifying their user-generated text and personal pictures with trained support vector machine models in a privacy preserving manner
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