8,335 research outputs found

    The motion of a viscous filament in a porous medium or Hele-Shaw cell: a physical realisation of the Cauchy-Riemann Equations

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    We consider the motion of a thin filament of viscous fluid in a Hele-Shaw cell. The appropriate thin film analysis and use of Lagrangian variables leads to the Cauchy-Riemann system in a surprisingly direct way. We illustrate the inherent ill-posedness of these equations in various contexts

    Adaptation of multidimensional group particle tracking and particle wall-boundary condition model to the FDNS code

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    A particulate two-phase flow CFD model was developed based on the FDNS code which is a pressure based predictor plus multi-corrector Navier-Stokes flow solver. Turbulence models with compressibility correction and the wall function models were employed as submodels. A finite-rate chemistry model was used for reacting flow simulation. For particulate two-phase flow simulations, a Eulerian-Lagrangian solution method using an efficient implicit particle trajectory integration scheme was developed in this study. Effects of particle-gas reaction and particle size change to agglomeration or fragmentation were not considered in this investigation. At the onset of the present study, a two-dimensional version of FDNS which had been modified to treat Lagrangian tracking of particles (FDNS-2DEL) had already been written and was operational. The FDNS-2DEL code was too slow for practical use, mainly because it had not been written in a form amenable to vectorization on the Cray, nor was the full three-dimensional form of FDNS utilized. The specific objective of this study was to reorder to calculations into long single arrays for automatic vectorization on the Cray and to implement the full three-dimensional version of FDNS to produce the FDNS-3DEL code. Since the FDNS-2DEL code was slow, a very limited number of test cases had been run with it. This study was also intended to increase the number of cases simulated to verify and improve, as necessary, the particle tracking methodology coded in FDNS

    Computational analysis of the SSME fuel preburner flow

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    A computational fluid dynamics model which simulates the steady state operation of the SSME fuel preburner is developed. Specifically, the model will be used to quantify the flow factors which cause local hot spots in the fuel preburner in order to recommend experiments whereby the control of undesirable flow features can be demonstrated. The results of a two year effort to model the preburner are presented. In this effort, investigating the fuel preburner flowfield, the appropriate transport equations were numerically solved for both an axisymmetric and a three-dimensional configuration. Continuum's VAST (Variational Solution of the Transport equations) code, in conjunction with the CM-1000 Engineering Analysis Workstation and the NASA/Ames CYBER 205, was used to perform the required calculations. It is concluded that the preburner operational anomalies are not due to steady state phenomena and must, therefore, be related to transient operational procedures

    Strength training perceptions amongst vocational circus and dance students

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    The aim of this study was to analyse perceptions of strength training in vocational circus and dance students. It was hypothesised that due to the higher relative strength demands and associated risks of working at height in some aerial and acrobatic disciplines that circus students would be more open to strength training than dancers. Eighty students completed the Training Information Survey (TIS) (Mean age = 20.74±2.71); 39 circus students and 41 dance students. Ninety-seven percent of circus students and 69% of dance participants reported that strength training was a required part of their training with students participating in strength training 4.24±0.98 days per week and 3.05±1.42 days per week respectively. Perceptions of strength training amongst vocational circus and dance students appear to be favourable, with both sets of students strongly agreeing with the statements “Strength training is essential to my overall development as a dancer/circus artist” (5.00 (IQR 1.00) and 5.00 (IQR 1.00) respectively). Following Bonferonni correction only one statement returned statistically significant results with dance students agreeing more strongly with the statement “Strength training increases muscle size”, U=473.00, p=0.001. Students also agreed that strength training helped them to feel better mentally and physically, that strength training is beneficial for both men and women and that it should not be designated as specific to either sex. Results support earlier studies that suggest a cultural shift in perceptions of strength training and ideal aesthetic in dance, particularly amongst students and that they are keen to incorporate strength training into their practice. Educational establishments should note students’ interest in participating in strength training, reviewing how to embed effective strength training education, more coaching and time allowance for these activities within their timetable. Further research with a greater sample size is recommended to further substantiate these indications of a shift in perceptions

    New observations of stratospheric N2O5

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    The unequivocal detection of N2O5 in the stratosphere was reported by Toon et al. based on measurements of the absorption by the N2O5 bands at 1246 and 1720/cm in solar occulation spectra recorded at sunrise near 47 S latitude by the Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy (ATMOS) experiment during the Spacelab 3 (SL3) shuttle mission. Additional measurements and analysis of stratospheric N2O5 derived from the ATMOS/SL3 spectra are reported. The primary results are the detection and measurement of N2O5 absorption at sunset in the lower stratosphere, the inversion of a precise (approximately 10 percent) N2O5 sunrise vertical distribution between 25.5 and 37.5 km altitude, and the identification and measurement of absorption by the N2O5 743/cm band at sunrise. Assuming 4.32 x 10(sup -17) and 4.36 x 10(sup -17)/cm/molecule/sq cm respectively for the integrated intensities of the 1246 and 743/cm bands at stratospheric temperatures, retrieved volume mixing ratios in parts per billion by volume (ppbv) at sunrise (47 S latitude) are 1.32 + or - 0.34 at 37.5 km, 1.53 + or - 0.35 at 35.5 km, 1.63 + or - 0.36 at 33.5 km, 1.60 + or - 0.34 at 31.5 km, 1.43 + or - 0.30 at 29.5 km, 1.15 + or - 0.24 at 27.5 km, and 0.73 + or - 0.15 at 25.5 km. Retrieved VMRs in ppbv at sunset (30 N latitude) are 0.13 + or - 0.05 at 29.5 km, 0.14 + or - 0.05 at 27.5 km, and 0.10 + or - 0.04 at 25.5 km. Quoted error limits (1 sigma) include the error in the assumed band intensities (approximately 20 percent). Within the error limits of the measurements, the inferred mixing ratios at sunrise agree with diurnal photochemical model predictions obtained by two groups using current photochemical data. The measured mixing ratios at sunset are lower than the model predictions with differences of about a factor of 2 at 25 km altitude

    Premise Selection and External Provers for HOL4

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    Learning-assisted automated reasoning has recently gained popularity among the users of Isabelle/HOL, HOL Light, and Mizar. In this paper, we present an add-on to the HOL4 proof assistant and an adaptation of the HOLyHammer system that provides machine learning-based premise selection and automated reasoning also for HOL4. We efficiently record the HOL4 dependencies and extract features from the theorem statements, which form a basis for premise selection. HOLyHammer transforms the HOL4 statements in the various TPTP-ATP proof formats, which are then processed by the ATPs. We discuss the different evaluation settings: ATPs, accessible lemmas, and premise numbers. We measure the performance of HOLyHammer on the HOL4 standard library. The results are combined accordingly and compared with the HOL Light experiments, showing a comparably high quality of predictions. The system directly benefits HOL4 users by automatically finding proofs dependencies that can be reconstructed by Metis

    Effects of Neutron Irradiation on Carbon Doped MgB2 Wire Segments

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    We have studied the evolution of superconducting and normal state properties of neutron irradiated Mg(B.962_{.962}C.038_{.038})2_2 wire segments as a function of post exposure annealing time and temperature. The initial fluence fully suppressed superconductivity and resulted in an anisotropic expansion of the unit cell. Superconductivity was restored by post-exposure annealing. The upper critical field, Hc2_{c2}(T=0), approximately scales with Tc_c starting with an undamaged Tc_c near 37 K and Hc2_{c2}(T=0) near 32 T. Up to an annealing temperature of 400 o^ oC the recovery of Tc_c tends to coincide with a decrease in the normal state resistivity and a systematic recovery of the lattice parameters. Above 400 o^ oC a decrease in order along the c- direction coincides with an increase in resistivity, but no apparent change in the evolution of Tc_c and Hc2_{c2}. To first order, it appears that carbon doping and neutron damaging effect the superconducting properties of MgB2_2 independently

    Research facilities for the measurement of the MA-3 Atlas vernier engine plume properties

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    Research facilities for MA-3 Atlas vernier engine plume property measuremen