327 research outputs found
The role of limestone and dolomite tailings’ particle size in retention of heavy metals from liquid waste
Purpose. The study aims at investigating the role of particle size of mineral tailings derived from limestone, limestone marble, dolomite and dolomitic marble in heavy metal adsorption, in both batch and fixed bed conditions, so as to estimate whether grinding and/or sieving is necessary for their utilization.
Methods. Fractions of different particle size have been studied. Adsorption has been examined in batch conditions from solutions of 5 mg/l Cd, 5 mg/l Pb, 100 mg/l Cu, 100 mg/l Zn, and their mixed solution simulating electroplating wastewater, and also in fixed bed conditions.
Findings. Total Cd and Cu adsorption is achieved on all the mineral fractions, whereas Pb and Zn show a difference up to 20% depending on particle size. Referring to the mixed solution, Cd and Zn adsorption is lower, whereas no significant differences in Cu and Pb adsorption are observed. Adsorption capacity rises up to 0.03 mg/g Cd, 0.60 mg/g Cu, 0.03 mg/g Pb, 0.60 mg/g Zn. In fixed bed conditions, metal adsorption greater than 93% is achieved. Furthermore, leaching not exceeding 4% indicates a good metal retention. Finally, Taguchi method has proven that the particle size effect is not so strong compared to other parameters, including solution concentration and time.
Originality. The particle size of mineral tailings has not yet been investigated as a parameter affecting heavy metal adsorption. Furthermore, heavy metal adsorption has been examined from separate metal solutions and not from a mixed one. The present study aims at contributing to these two research fields.
Practical implications. Τhe differences in adsorption between mineral tailings’ fractions with different particle size are not as high as to make grinding of minerals necessary.Мета. Дослідження впливу розмірів частинок у хвостах збагачення вапняку, вапняного мармуру, доломіту та доломітового мармуру на процес адсорбції важких металів у нерухомому шарі для оцінки доцільності технології подрібнення й/або просіювання в подальшому використанні металів.
Методика. Для виконання досліджень зразки вапняку та доломіту доставлені компанією, що займається виробництвом і продажем готових бетонів, а також кар’єрами у Греції. Хімічний і мінералогічний склад зразків був визначений рентгенівської флуоресценцією (XRF, ARL ADVANT XP), рентгенівської дифракцією (XRD, Siemens D-500) та атомно-абсорбційною спектрометрією (AAS, VARIAN AA240FS). Для дослідження механізму адсорбції були виміряні наступні параметри: рН відповідно до ISO 6588, пористість і питома площа поверхні за допомогою N2-адсорбції (NOVA-2200, версія 6.11) та катіонообмінна ємність (CEC) відповідно до EPA 9081 на основі змішування зразка з надлишком розчину ацетату натрію, в результаті якого потім визначались додані катіони натрію для матричних катіонів. Для сорбційних експериментів були використані окремі розчини, які містять 5 мг/л Cd, 5 мг/л Pb, 100 мг/л Cu, 100 мг/л Zn, отримані з аналітичних стандартних розчинів Fluka. Після сорбційних досліджень зібрані сорбенти були піддані дослідженням вилуговування.
Результати. У процесі досліджень була досягнута повна адсорбція Cd і Cu з усіх мінеральних фракцій, проте до 20% адсорбції Pb і Zn визначалася розмірами частинок. Встановлено, що величина адсорбції Cd і Zn нижче у змішаному розчині, але при цьому даний показник для Cu і Pb залишається без змін. Поглинаюча здатність зростає до 0.03 мг/г Cd, 0.60 мг/г Cu, 0.03 мг/г Pb, 0.60 мг/г Zn. В умовах нерухомого шару досягається до 93% адсорбції металів. Більше того, витік, що не перевищує 4%, свідчить про ефективність вилучення металів. Доведено за методом Тагучі, що вплив розмірів частинок не є настільки значним, щоб не враховувати роль інших параметрів, таких як концентрація розчину і час. Вилуговування іонів металів (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn), що зберігаються на всіх мінералах після адсорбції в періодичних умовах, не перевищує 4% та вказує на те, що вони досить зберігаються на поверхні мінералів. Це є важливим результатом для подальшого використання мінералів у якості субстратів на полігонах.
Наукова новизна. Вперше розміри частинок у хвостах збагачення мінералів розглянуті як параметр, який впливає на процес адсорбції важких металів, при цьому даний процес вивчений також щодо окремих розчинів металів, а не тільки їх суміші.
Практична значимість. Виявленні відмінності у показниках адсорбції для фракцій частинок різного розміру не такі значущі, щоб обумовлювати необхідність їх подрібнення в технологічному процесі.Цель. Исследование влияния размеров частиц в хвостах обогащения известняка, известкового мрамора, доломита и доломитового мрамора на процесс адсорбции тяжелых металлов в неподвижном слое для оценки целесообразности технологии измельчения и/или просеивания в дальнейшем использования металлов.
Методика. Для выполнения исследований образцы известняка и доломита доставлены компанией, занимающейся производством и продажей готовых бетонов, а также карьерами в Греции. Химический и минералогический состав образцов был определен рентгеновской флуоресценцией (XRF, ARL ADVANT XP), рентгеновской дифракцией (XRD, Siemens D-500) и атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрией (AAS, VARIAN AA240FS). Для исследования механизма адсорбции были измерены следующие параметры: рН в соответствии с ISO 6588, пористость и удельная площадь поверхности с помощью N2-адсорбции (NOVA-2200, версия 6.11) и катионообменная емкость (CEC) в соответствии с EPA 9081 на основе смешивания образца с избытком раствора ацетата натрия, в результате которого затем определялись добавленные катионы натрия для матричных катионов. Для сорбционных экспериментов были использованы отдельные растворы, содержащие 5 мг/л Cd, 5 мг/л Pb, 100 мг/л Cu, 100 мг/л Zn, полученные из аналитических стандартных растворов Fluka. После сорбционных исследований собранные сорбенты были подвергнуты исследованиям выщелачивания.
Результаты. В процессе исследований была достигнута полная адсорбция Cd и Cu из всех минеральных фракций, однако до 20% адсорбции Pb и Zn определялась размерами частиц. Установлено, что величина адсорбции Cd и Zn ниже в смешанном растворе, но при этом данный показатель для Cu и Pb остается без изменений. Поглощающая способность возрастает до 0.03 мг/г Cd, 0.60 мг/г Cu, 0.03 мг/г Pb, 0.60 мг/г Zn. В усло-виях неподвижного слоя достигается до 93% адсорбции металлов. Более того, утечка, не превышающая 4%, свидетельствует об эффективности извлечения металлов. Доказано по методу Тагучи, что влияние размеров частиц не является настолько значительным, чтобы не учитывать роль других параметров, таких как концентрация раствора и время. Выщелачивание ионов металлов (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn), сохраняющихся на всех минералах после адсорбции в периодических условиях, не превышает 4% и указывает на то, что они достаточно сохраняются на поверхности минералов. Это является важным результатом для дальнейшего использования минералов в качестве субстратов на полигонах.
Научная новизна. Впервые размеры частиц в хвостах обогащения минералов рассмотрены как параметр, оказывающий влияние на процесс адсорбции тяжелых металлов, при этом данный процесс изучен также в отношении отдельных растворов металлов, а не только их смеси.
Практическая значимость. Выявленные различия в показателях адсорбции для фракций частиц различного размера не столь значимы, чтобы обусловливать необходимость их измельчения в технологическом процессе.The present study did not originate under any of project and no funding was raised for research. However, we would like to thank especially Professor Angeliki Moutsatsou and the personal of the Laboratory of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry of the Chemical Engineering School in the National Technical University of Athens for their various support during the experimental work required for the successful realization of the present study
IL-10 and TGF-β1 gene polymorphisms in Greek patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is one of the most frequent inflammatory disorders of the oral mucosa. Cytokines, which play an important role in RAS pathogenesis, participate directly or indirectly in normal, immunological and inflammatory processes and are secreted from cells belonging to innate and adaptive immunity as a consequence of microbial and antigenic stimuli. Gene polymorphisms in specific cytokines may predispose to RAS development. The aim of this study was the investigation and association of IL-10 and TGF-β1 gene polymorphisms with RAS
Risk of 16 cancers across the full glycemic spectrum: a population-based cohort study using the UK Biobank
INTRODUCTION: Diabetes is observed to increase cancer risk, leading to hypothesized direct effects of either hyperglycemia or medication. We investigated associations between glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) across the whole glycemic spectrum and incidence of 16 cancers in a population sample with comprehensive adjustment for risk factors and medication. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Linked data from the UK Biobank and UK cancer registry for all individuals with baseline HbA1c and no history of cancer at enrollment were used. Incident cancer was based on International Classification of Diseases - 10th Edition diagnostic codes. Age-standardized incidence rates were estimated by HbA1c category. Associations between HbA1c, modeled as a restricted cubic spline, and cancer risk were estimated using Cox proportional hazards models. RESULTS: Among 378 253 individuals with average follow-up of 7.1 years, 21 172 incident cancers occurred. While incidence for many of the 16 cancers was associated with hyperglycemia in crude analyses, these associations disappeared after multivariable adjustment, except for pancreatic cancer (HR 1.55, 95% CI 1.22 to 1.98 for 55 vs 35 mmol/mol), and a novel finding of an inverse association between HbA1c and premenopausal breast cancer (HR 1.27, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.60 for 25 vs 35 mmol/mol; HR 0.71, 95% CI 0.54 to 0.94 for 45 vs 35 mmol/mol), not observed for postmenopausal breast cancer. Adjustment for diabetes medications had no appreciable impact on HRs for cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Apart from pancreatic cancer, we did not demonstrate any independent positive association between HbA1c and cancer risk. These findings suggest that the potential for a cancer-inducing, direct effect of hyperglycemia may be misplaced
Type 2 diabetes risks and determinants in 2nd generation migrants and mixed ethnicity people of South Asian and African Caribbean descent in the UK
Objectives: Excess risks of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in UK South Asians (SA) and African Caribbeans (AC) compared to Europeans remain unexplained. We studied risks and determinants of T2DM in first- and second-generation (born in the UK) migrants, and in those of mixed ethnicity. /
Design: Cross sectional analysis comparing T2DM in 2nd versus 1st generation migrants, and mixed ethnicity with non-mixed groups. Risks and explanations were analysed using logistic regression and mediation analysis, respectively. /
Setting: UK Biobank, a population-based cohort of ~500k participants aged 40-69 at recruitment. /
Participants: Ethnicity was both self-reported and genetically-assigned using admixture level scores. Europeans, mixed European/South Asians (MixESA), mixed European/African Caribbeans (MixEAC), SA and AC groups were analysed, matched for age and sex to enable comparison. /
Main outcome measures: T2DM using self-report and glycated haemoglobin. /
Results: T2DM prevalence was three to five times higher in SA and AC compared with Europeans [OR (95%CI): 4.80(3.60,6.40) and 3.30(2.70,4.10), respectively]. T2DM was 20-30% lower in second-versus first-generation SA and AC [0.78(0.60,1.01) and 0.71(0.57,0.87), respectively]. Favourable adiposity contributed to lower risk in 2nd generation migrants. T2DM in mixed populations was lower than comparator ethnic groups [MixESA versus SA 0.29(0.21,0.39), MixEAC versus AC 0.48(0.37,0.62)] and higher than Europeans, in MixESA 1.55(1.11, 2.17), and in MixEAC 2.06 (1.53, 2.78). Greater socioeconomic deprivation accounted for 17% and 42% of the excess T2DM risk in MixESA and MixEAC compared to Europeans, respectively. Replacing self-reported with genetically-assigned ethnicity corroborated the mixed population analysis. /
Conclusions: T2DM risks in 2nd generation SA and AC migrants are a fifth lower than 1st generation migrants. Mixed ethnicity risks were markedly lower than SA and AC groups, though remaining higher than in Europeans. Distribution of environmental risk factors, largely obesity and socioeconomic status, play a key role in accounting for ethnic differences in T2DM risk
The Relationship Between Glycaemia, Cognitive Function, Structural Brain Outcomes and Dementia: A Mendelian Randomisation Study in the UK Biobank
We investigated the relationship between glycaemia and cognitive function, brain structure and incident dementia using bidirectional Mendelian randomisation (MR). Data were from UK Biobank (n∼500,000). Our exposures were genetic instruments for type-2 diabetes (157 variants) and HbA1c (51 variants) and our outcomes were reaction time (RT), visual memory, hippocampal and white matter hyperintensity volumes, Alzheimer’s dementia (AD). We also investigated associations between genetic variants for RT (43 variants) and, diabetes and HbA1c. We used conventional inverse-variance weighted (IVW) MR, alongside MR sensitivity analyses. Using IVW, genetic liability to type-2 diabetes was not associated with reaction time (exponentiated ß=1.00, 95%CI=1.00; 1.00), visual memory (expß=1.00, 95%CI=0.99; 1.00), white matter hyperintensity volume (WMHV) (expß=0.99, 95%CI=0.97; 1.01), hippocampal volume (HV) (ß coefficient mm3=4.56, 95%CI=-3.98; 13.09) or AD (OR 0.89, 95%CI=0.78; 1.01). HbA1c was not associated with RT (expß=1.01, 95%CI=1.00; 1.01), WMHV (expß=0.94, 95%CI=0.81; 1.08), HV (ß=7.21, 95%CI=-54.06; 68.48), or risk of AD (OR 0.94, 95%CI=0.47; 1.86), but HbA1c was associated with visual memory (expß=1.06, 95%CI=1.05; 1.07) using a weighted median. IVW showed that reaction time was not associated with diabetes risk (OR 0.96, 95%CI=0.63; 1.46) or with HbA1c (ß coefficient mmol/mol=-0.08, 95%CI=-0.57; 0.42). Overall, we observed little evidence of causal association between genetic instruments for T2D or peripheral glycaemia and some measures of cognition and brain structure in midlife
Type 2 diabetes risks and determinants in second-generation migrants and mixed ethnicity people of South Asian and African Caribbean descent in the UK
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Excess risks of type 2 diabetes in UK South Asians (SA) and African Caribbeans (AC) compared with Europeans remain unexplained. We studied risks and determinants of type 2 diabetes in first- and second-generation (born in the UK) migrants, and in those of mixed ethnicity. METHODS: Data from the UK Biobank, a population-based cohort of ~500,000 participants aged 40-69 at recruitment, were used. Type 2 diabetes was assigned using self-report and HbA1c. Ethnicity was both self-reported and genetically assigned using admixture level scores. European, mixed European/South Asian (MixESA), mixed European/African Caribbean (MixEAC), SA and AC groups were analysed, matched for age and sex to enable comparison. In the frames of this cross-sectional study, we compared type 2 diabetes in second- vs first-generation migrants, and mixed ethnicity vs non-mixed groups. Risks and explanations were analysed using logistic regression and mediation analysis, respectively. RESULTS: Type 2 diabetes prevalence was markedly elevated in SA (599/3317 = 18%) and AC (534/4180 = 13%) compared with Europeans (140/3324 = 4%). Prevalence was lower in second- vs first-generation SA (124/1115 = 11% vs 155/1115 = 14%) and AC (163/2200 = 7% vs 227/2200 = 10%). Favourable adiposity (i.e. lower waist/hip ratio or BMI) contributed to lower risk in second-generation migrants. Type 2 diabetes in mixed populations (MixESA: 52/831 = 6%, MixEAC: 70/1045 = 7%) was lower than in comparator ethnic groups (SA: 18%, AC: 13%) and higher than in Europeans (4%). Greater socioeconomic deprivation accounted for 17% and 42% of the excess type 2 diabetes risk in MixESA and MixEAC compared with Europeans, respectively. Replacing self-reported with genetically assigned ethnicity corroborated the mixed ethnicity analysis. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Type 2 diabetes risks in second-generation SA and AC migrants are a fifth lower than in first-generation migrants. Mixed ethnicity risks were markedly lower than SA and AC groups, though remaining higher than in Europeans. Distribution of environmental risk factors, largely obesity and socioeconomic status, appears to play a key role in accounting for ethnic differences in type 2 diabetes risk
The mountainous Cretan dietary patterns and their relationship with cardiovascular risk factors: the Hellenic Isolated Cohorts MANOLIS study
We carried out de novo recruitment of a population-based cohort (MANOLIS study) and describe the specific population, which displays interesting characteristics in terms of diet and health in old age, through deep phenotyping.
Cross-sectional study where anthropometric, biochemical and clinical measurements were taken in addition to interview-based completion of an extensive questionnaire on health and lifestyle parameters. Dietary patterns were derived through principal component analysis based on a validated FFQ.
Geographically isolated Mylopotamos villages on Mount Idi, Crete, Greece.
Adults (n 1553).
Mean age of the participants was 61·6 years and 55·8 % were women. Of the population, 82·7 % were overweight or obese with a significantly different prevalence between overweight men and women (43·4 v. 34·7 %, P=0·002). The majority (70·6 %) of participants were married, while a larger proportion of women were widowed than men (27·8 v. 3·5 %, P<0·001). Smoking was more prevalent in men (38·7 v. 8·2 %, P<0·001), as 88·8% of women had never smoked. Four dietary patterns emerged as characteristic of the population; these were termed ‘local’, ‘high fat and sugar, ‘Greek café/tavern’ and ‘olive oil, fruits and vegetables’. Individuals more adherent to the local dietary pattern presented higher blood glucose (β=4·026, P<0·001). Similarly, individuals with higher compliance with the Greek café/tavern pattern had higher waist-to-hip ratio (β=0·012, P<0·001), blood pressure (β=1·015, P=0·005) and cholesterol (β=5·398, P<0·001).
Profiling of the MANOLIS elderly population identifies unique unhealthy dietary patterns that are associated with cardiometabolic indices
Whole genome sequencing and imputation in isolated populations identify genetic associations with medically-relevant complex traits
Next-generation association studies can be empowered by sequence-based imputation and by studying founder populations. Here we report ∼9.5 million variants from whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of a Cretan-isolated population, and show enrichment of rare and low-frequency variants with predicted functional consequences. We use a WGS-based imputation approach utilizing 10,422 reference haplotypes to perform genome-wide association analyses and observe 17 genome-wide significant, independent signals, including replicating evidence for association at eight novel low-frequency variant signals. Two novel cardiometabolic associations are at lead variants unique to the founder population sequences: chr16:70790626 (high-density lipoprotein levels beta −1.71 (SE 0.25), P=1.57 × 10−11, effect allele frequency (EAF) 0.006); and rs145556679 (triglycerides levels beta −1.13 (SE 0.17), P=2.53 × 10−11, EAF 0.013). Our findings add empirical support to the contribution of low-frequency variants in complex traits, demonstrate the advantage of including population-specific sequences in imputation panels and exemplify the power gains afforded by population isolates
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