10 research outputs found

    Demonstrating 24-hour continuous vertical monitoring of atmospheric optical turbulence

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    We report what is believed to be the first example of fully continuous, 24-hour vertical monitoring of atmospheric optical turbulence. This is achieved using a novel instrument, the 24-hour Shack-Hartmann Image Motion Monitor (24hSHIMM). Optical turbulence is a fundamental limitation for applications such as free-space optical communications, where it limits the achievable bandwidth, and ground-based optical astronomy, restricting the observational precision. Knowledge of the turbulence enables us to select the best sites, design optical instrumentation and optimise the operation of ground-based optical systems. The 24hSHIMM estimates the vertical optical turbulence coherence length, time, angle and Rytov variance from the measurement of a four-layer vertical turbulence profile and a wind speed profile retrieved from meteorological forecasts. To illustrate our advance we show the values of these parameters recorded during a 36-hour, continuous demonstration of the instrument. Due to its portability and ability to work in stronger turbulence, the 24hSHIMM can also operate in urban locations, providing the field with a truly continuous, versatile turbulence monitor for all but the most demanding of applications

    Pre-distortion adaptive optics for optical feeder links: simulations and performance analyses

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    Optical feeder links offer immense utility in meeting future communication demands—however, atmospheric turbulence limits their performance. This work targets this challenge through analyses of a bidirectional free-space optical communication (FSOC) link that incorporates pre-distortion adaptive optics (AO) between the next-generation optical ground station at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Oberpfaffenhofen and the laser communications terminal on Alphasat—a satellite in geostationary orbit (GEO). The analyses are performed via end-to-end Monte Carlo simulations that provide realistic performance estimates of the bidirectional FSOC link for a GEO feeder link scenario. We find that applying pre-distortion AO reduces the total uplink losses of the bidirectional FSOC link by up to 10 dB and lessens the scintillation at the GEO satellite by an order of magnitude. Moreover, applying pre-distortion AO eases the link budget requirements needed for maintaining 99.9% link uptime by as much as 20-40 dB, while its use with a laser guide star shows an additional performance improvement of up to 8 dB. These findings demonstrate the desirability and feasibility of utilizing pre-distortion AO for the realization of optical feeder links

    Pre-distortion adaptive optics for optical feeder links: simulations and performance analyses

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    Optical feeder links offer immense utility in meeting future communication demands—however, atmospheric turbulence limits their performance. This work targets this challenge through analyses of a bidirectional free-space optical communication (FSOC) link that incorporates pre-distortion adaptive optics (AO) between the next-generation optical ground station at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Oberpfaffenhofen and the laser communications terminal on Alphasat—a satellite in geostationary orbit (GEO). The analyses are performed via end-to-end Monte Carlo simulations that provide realistic performance estimates of the bidirectional FSOC link for a GEO feeder link scenario. We find that applying pre-distortion AO reduces the total uplink losses of the bidirectional FSOC link by up to 10 dB and lessens the scintillation at the GEO satellite by an order of magnitude. Moreover, applying pre-distortion AO eases the link budget requirements needed for maintaining 99.9% link uptime by as much as 20-40 dB, while its use with a laser guide star shows an additional performance improvement of up to 8 dB. These findings demonstrate the desirability and feasibility of utilizing pre-distortion AO for the realization of optical feeder links

    Astrosat: forecasting satellite transits for optical astronomical observations

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    The impact of large-scale constellations of satellites, is a concern for ground-based astronomers. In recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of satellites in low-Earth orbit and this trend is set to continue. The large number of satellites increases the probability that one will enter the field of view of a ground-based telescope at the right solar angle to appear bright enough that it can corrupt delicate measurements. We present a new tool ‘Astrosat’ that will project satellite orbits onto the RA/Dec. coordinate system for a given observer location and time and field of view. This enables observers to mitigate the effects of satellite trails through their images by either avoiding the intersection, post-processing using the information as a prior or shuttering the observation for the duration of the transit. We also provide some analysis on the apparent brightness of the largest of the constellations, Starlink, as seen by a typical observatory and as seen with the naked eye. We show that a naked eye observer can typically expect to see a maximum of 5 Starlink satellites at astronomical twilight, when the sky is dark. With the intended 40 000 satellites in the constellation that number would increase to 30

    Correction of finite spatial and temporal sampling effects in stereo-SCIDAR

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    Stereo scintillation detection and ranging (S-SCIDAR) is a development of the well-established SCIDAR turbulence profiling technique. An S-SCIDAR instrument has been installed at the focus of one of the 1.8m Auxiliary Telescopes at Paranal observatory since April 2016. We discuss the limitations imposed by the Paranal S-SCIDAR instrument’s finite pixel size and exposure time. We present Monte Carlo simulation results quantifying the errors due to finite spatial and temporal sampling. We have reprocessed the existing S-SCIDAR dataset to compensate for these error sources; we discuss the impact of these corrections on the measured turbulence statistics

    Modelling synthetic atmospheric turbulence profiles with temporal variation using Gaussian mixture model

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    The atmospheric turbulence profile plays a very important role for performance evaluation of wide-field adaptive optic systems. Since the atmospheric turbulence is evolving, the turbulence profile will change with time. To better model the temporal variation of turbulence profile, in this paper, we propose to use the extensive stereo-SCIDAR turbulence profile dataset from one observation site to train a Gaussian mixture model. The trained Gaussian mixture model can describe the structure of the turbulence profile in that particular site with several multidimensional Gaussian distributions. We cluster the turbulence profile data with the Gaussian mixture model and analyse the temporal variation properties of the clusters. We define the characteristic time as the time that the measured turbulence profile remains in a given profile. We find that normally the characteristic time is around 2 to 20 min and will change at different sites and in different seasons. With the statistical results of the characteristic time and the trained Gaussian mixture model, we can generate synthetic artificial turbulence profiles with realistic temporal variation to better test the performance of adaptive optics systems

    SHIMM: a versatile seeing monitor for astronomy

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    Characterization of atmospheric optical turbulence is crucial for the design and operation of modern ground-based optical telescopes. In particular, the effective application of adaptive optics correction on large and extremely large telescopes relies on a detailed knowledge of the prevailing atmospheric conditions, including the vertical profile of the optical turbulence strength and the atmospheric coherence time-scale. The Differential Image Motion Monitor (DIMM) has been employed as a facility seeing monitor at many astronomical observing sites across the world for several decades, providing a reliable estimate of the seeing angle. Here, we present the Shack–Hartmann Image Motion Monitor (SHIMM), which is a development of the DIMM instrument, in that it exploits differential image motion measurements of bright target stars. However, the SHIMM employs a Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensor in place of the two-hole aperture mask utilized by the DIMM. This allows the SHIMM to provide an estimate of the seeing, unbiased by shot noise or scintillation effects. The SHIMM also produces a low-resolution (three-layer) measure of the vertical turbulence profile, as well as an estimate of the coherence time-scale. The SHIMM is designed as a low-cost, portable instrument. It is comprised of off-the-shelf components so that it is easy to duplicate and well suited for comparisons of atmospheric conditions within and between different observing sites. Here, the SHIMM design and methodology for estimating key atmospheric parameters will be presented, as well as initial field test results with comparisons to the Stereo-SCIntillation Detection And Ranging instrument

    AOtools/aotools: Version 1.0.7

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    What's Changed Update imports, fixing #67 by @matthewtownson in https://github.com/AOtools/aotools/pull/78 Change how random seeds work in phase screens, fix for #61 by @ojdf in https://github.com/AOtools/aotools/pull/81 added wind to equivalent layers, to conserve tau0 by @ojdf in https://github.com/AOtools/aotools/pull/82 added exception in the case of KL modes without central obsc by @ojdf in https://github.com/AOtools/aotools/pull/84 atmospheric params changes by @ojdf in https://github.com/AOtools/aotools/pull/83 Update readme by @andrewpaulreeves in https://github.com/AOtools/aotools/pull/89 Added ability to rotate generated Zernike modes by @spangly in https://github.com/AOtools/aotools/pull/90 New Contributors @spangly made their first contribution in https://github.com/AOtools/aotools/pull/90 Full Changelog: https://github.com/AOtools/aotools/compare/v1.0.6...v1.0.

    Atmospheric optical turbulence analysis in London’s financial district

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    Atmospheric optical turbulence causes signal loses in laser propagation. Here we present vertical measurements of optical turbulence taken in London’s financial district. Additionally, we demonstrate a method of modelling atmospheric states in simulation from the measured data. From this we derive the predicted system performance of an optical downlink from a satellite in low Earth orbit (LEO) to ground in the atmospheric conditions observed on the night. We also present the improvements in performance with the addition of adaptive optics at the receiver end