15 research outputs found

    Kyste géant para-urétral feminine

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    Le kyste gĂ©ant para-urĂ©tral fĂ©minin infectĂ© est rarement rapportĂ© dans la littĂ©rature. Ce kyste est diffĂ©rent du diverticule sous urĂ©tral sur le plan clinique, diagnostique et thĂ©rapeutique. Sa pathogĂ©nie se confond avec celle  des diverticules sous urĂ©traux. Son traitement n’est pas bien codifiĂ©, vu sa raretĂ©. Nous rapportons un cas atypique de kyste gĂ©ant para urĂ©tral infectĂ© chez une jeune femme de 26 ans. Le kyste Ă©tait  symptomatique et la patiente a eu un traitement chirurgical. Nous discutons les aspects cliniques,  diagnostiques et thĂ©rapeutiques de cette entitĂ© rare Ă  travers une revue de la littĂ©rature.Key words: Kyste gĂ©ant, para urĂ©tral, fĂ©minin, chirurgi

    Urachal Sinus Presenting with Abscess Formation

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    Urachal affections are rare. Their variable ways of presentation may represent a diagnostic challenge. Urachal sinuses are a rare type of these abnormalities. They are usually incidental findings and remain asymptomatic unless a complication (most commonly the infection) occurs. Infection of the urachal sinus would clinically present as purulent umbilical discharge, abdominal pain, and periumbilical mass. We report herein a case of infected urachal sinus in male adult. The diagnosis was suspected clinically and confirmed with ultrasonography and computed tomography scan. A preoperative cysto-fibroscopy showed normal aspect of the bladder and excluded sinus communication. An initial broad spectrum antibiotic therapy followed by complete excision of the sinus and fibrous tract without cuff of bladder has been therefore performed. The postoperative course was uneventful. No recurrence was observed after 18 months of followup. Histological examination did not reveal any sign of malignancy

    Embryonic paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: An embryonic paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma is a very rare mesenchymal tumor. It is an intrascrotal tumor that is localized in paratesticular structures such as the epididymis or spermatic cord. Rhabdomyosarcoma is most often observed in children and adolescents, presenting as a painless scrotal mass. CASE PRESENTATION: Our patient was an 18-year-old Moroccan man who presented with a painless left scrotal mass that had evolved over four months. An inguinal orchiectomy was performed. A histological examination of the excised tissue revealed an embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma. Our patient had three sessions of chemotherapy with vincristine, actinomycin C and cyclophosphamide. Each chemotherapy session was conducted over five days, with a cycle of 21 days. Our patient was assessed two months after the last chemotherapy session and demonstrated good clinical improvement. CONCLUSION: Paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare aggressive tumor manifesting in children and very young adults. Localized forms have a good prognosis whereas metastatic tumors show very poor results. A well-defined treatment based on surgery and chemotherapy yields good results

    Verrucous carcinoma arising in an extended giant condyloma acuminatum (Buschke–Löwenstein tumor): a case report and review of the literature

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    INTRODUCTION: Verrucous carcinoma of the external genitalia and perianal region is a rare variant of well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. It has been reported to have limited metastatic potential. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a 54 year-old Moroccan man who presented with locally advanced giant condyloma acuminatum (Buschke–Löwenstein tumor) after prolonged intervals of neglect (approximately 10 years). The disease covered his suprapubic, external genitalia and perianal region. It was locally aggressive with extensive tissue destruction. After a biopsy of the lesion, the diagnosis of verrucous carcinoma was confirmed. He initially received chemoradiotherapy, followed by extensive local excision, but he developed septic shock and died a few days later. CONCLUSIONS: The purpose of this case report is to present a case of verrucous carcinoma arising in an extensive giant condyloma acuminatum (Buschke–Löwenstein tumor) and discuss the literature on its diagnosis and management

    Bilateral testicular self-castration due to cannabis abuse: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The self-mutilating patient is an unusual psychiatric presentation in the emergency room. Nonetheless, serious underlying psychiatric pathology and drug abuse are important background risk factors. A careful stepwise approach in the emergency room is essential, although the prognosis, follow-up, and eventual rehabilitation can be problematic.</p> <p>We present a unique and original case of bilateral self-castration caused by cannabis abuse.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>We report a case of a 40-year-old Berber man, who was presented to our emergency room with externalization of both testes using his long fingernails, associated with hemodynamic shock. After stabilization of his state, our patient was admitted to the operating room where hemostasis was achieved.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The clinical characteristics of self-mutilation are manifold and there is a lack of agreement about its etiology. The complex behavior associated with drug abuse may be one cause of self-mutilation. Dysfunction of the inhibitory brain circuitry caused by substance abuse could explain why this cannabis-addicted patient lost control and self-mutilated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report which presents an association between self-castration and cannabis abuse.</p

    Trends Towards Sub-Specialization in Urology: What About Morocco?

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    Case Report Renal Metastases of a Femur Osteosarcoma: A Case Report and a Review of the Literature

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    This paper discusses a rare case of renal metastatic osteosarcoma. A 25-year-old man with a history of metastatic osteosarcoma involving his right kidney was referred to our institution for treatment. He was managed with chemotherapy. An exhaustive review of the English literature pertaining to this disease was performed. To our knowledge, this case represents only the sixteenth. The literature suggests that the incidence of renal involvement in osteosarcoma is significant and that the treatment should be multidisciplinary in such patients