352 research outputs found

    Formulation of Liquorice Root Extract (Glycyrrhiza Glabra L.) as Skin Whitening Cream

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    Liquorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) contains glabridin, an isoflavane as inhibitors of tyrosinase. This enzyme is responsible in melanin synthesis. The aim of this research was to determine the tyrosinase inhibition activity of liquorice root extract and to formulate into a cream with a variety of emulsifier agent glyceryl monostearate. Liquorice root was macerated using ethanol 96%, invitro tyrosinase inhibition assay was conducted using kojic acid as positive control in 96-well plate. The physical quality parameters of the cream were also evaluated. The results showed that liquorice root extract inhibits tyrosinase with the IC50 126.75 µg/mL. Creams containing 1.01% liquorice root extract were yellowish white, aromatics odour, soft texture, homogen and no segregation in O/W emulsion type. It also showed plastic thixotropic rheological property, viscosity of (2800±0.00) – (4000±0.00) Ps, spreadability of (3029.72±0.81) – (3531.79±6.15)mm2, droplet size of (60.00±0.00) – (65.12±0.01)μm, pH of (4.55±0.03)–(4.63±0.04) and inhibited tyrosinase 10.14 - 19.30%. It can be concluded that the formula with 0.1% of glyceryl monostearate was the best formula that conforms physical quality test and potentially to be developed as a skin whitening cream

    Lip Image Feature Extraction Utilizing Snake’s Control Points for Lip Reading Applications

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    Snake is an active contour model that catches and locks image edges, then localizes them accurately. The simplest Snake consists of a set of control points that are connected by straight lines to form a closed loop. This paper discusses the application of Snake to find the visual feature of lip shapes. In most previous papers, visual feature of lip shapes is represented by Snake’s contour. In this paper, the feature of lip shapes is represented by six control points on lip Snake’s contours. By simply utilizing six control points representing one lip Snake’s contour, it is expected to reduce the burden on pattern recognition stage. To demonstrate the performance of this method, some analysis has been conducted on the effect of lip conditions and illumination. The results shows that the overall lip feature extraction using the proposed method is better for lips that have more contrast to the surrounding skin, optimum room illumination that gives the best result is in the range of 330-340 lux

    Budidaya Ikan Lele dengan Metode Bioflok pada Peternak Ikan Lele Konvesional

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    Pelatihan budidaya ikan lele dilakukan kepada peternak ikan lele didesa Meunasah Lhok Kecamatan Muara Batu Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Tujuan dari pelatihan adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi ikan lele dengan menggunakan metode bioflok.  Budidaya ikan lele sistem bioflok adalah suatu sistem pemeliharaan ikan dengan cara menumbuhkan mikroorganisme yang berfungsi mengolah limbah budi daya itu sendiri menjadi gumpalan-gumpalan kecil yang bermanfaat sebagai makanan alami ikan. Sistem bioflok ini dinilai efektif dan mampu mendongkrak produktivitas ikan lele.  Produksi ikan lele yang dihasilkan sekitar 3000 ekor dengan berat 96 – 110 kg dari bibit 4000 ekor. Metode ini juga menghasilkan bobot ikan lebih berat 20% dengan masa panen lebih cepat sekitar 20% (2,5 bulan) dari metode konvesional.&nbsp

    Spiral CT angiography in an infant with a hypoplastic aortic arch

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    The advent of multislice computed tomography (CT) has revolutionised the performance of body CT and allowed the development of CT angiography (CTA). CTA is a robust and minimally invasive method of visualizing the arterial vascular system. The newer generation of multidetector scans has allowed for shorter scanning times with no respiratory misregistration at peak vascular opacification following peripheral contrast injection. The volume of data obtained from these scans can be further manipulated to generate two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) images with no increase in radiation to the patient. Hence, CTA has gained popularity and importance as the alternative diagnostic tool especially for ill patients in which conventional angiography is inadvisable

    Vegetative description of three Aquilaria (Thymelaeaceae) saplings in Malaysia

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    Plants` reproductive parts are most important for species identification. However, trees such as Aquilaria species take many years to mature and produce flowers and fruits. Inconsistent and infrequent flowering periods may cause additional hindrance to classical identification. In this study, descriptions were made based on vegetative parts such as leaf, branch and bark for saplings of three Aquilaria species found in Malaysia. It was found that A. hirta sapling can be recognized through the densely hairy twigs, young shoots and axillary buds, undersurface of leaf, margin, petiole and midrib besides the strongly raised midrib, and usually unbranched habit; A. malaccensis through the many branches and white spots along main axis, entire leaf margin, slightly hairy leaf undersurface and midrib, and glabrous petiole; Aquilaria sp.1 from the lower branches that are nearly perpendicular to the stem and wavy leaf margin. These vegetative characters can serve as a basis for the correct identification of Aquilaria saplings when growers need to confirm their planting materials

    Studi Perbandingan Pengaruh Penambahan Aktivator Agri Simba Dengan Mol Bonggol Pisang Terhadap Kandungan Unsur Hara Makro (Cnpk) Kompos Dari Blotong (Sugarcane Filter Cake) Dengan Variasi Penambahan Kulit Kopi (Studi Kasus : PT. Industri Gula Nusantara,

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    Filter cake and coffee pod are sugarmill industrial and plantation wastes that could potentially be used as organic fertilizer because it contains organic matter and nutrients. However both these wastes can not be directly used as fertilizer because of the element of nutrient not fulfill the standard so it should be composted organic fertilizer first. In this research, filter cake and coffee pod were composted with coffee pod treatment additional variation (0 kg, 2 kg, 2.5kg, and 3 kg) and type of activator variations were Agri Simba and MOL from banana weevil. Then their effects macro nutrient content of fertilizers (CNPK) will be seen after 30 days of composting. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, University of Diponegoro. The best composting results contained in the composition variation of A2 with 3 kg of filter cake, 2.5 kg of coffee pod and Agri Simba activator that contain macro nutrients C-organic = 21.59%, N-total = 0.91%, P-total = 0.181%, K-total = 0.67% and C/N ratio = 23.82. These results are in accordance with the requirements of SNI 19-7030-2004 except for C/N ratio

    The antibacterial activities and chemical composition of extracts from Carica papaya cv. Sekaki/Hong Kong seed

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    Ten solvents were used to extract phytochemicals from the peel of Carica papaya cv. Sekaki/Hong Kong to evaluate antibacterial activities and determine chemical composition of Carica papaya cv. Sekaki/Hong Kong seeds. The antibacterial activities of ten solvent extracts were tested against 14 microorganisms vis Shigella sonnei, Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis, Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheria, Clostridium perfringens, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Bacillus subtilis using disk diffusion test (DDT). The Carica papaya seed of ACN and MeOH extracts inhibited 11 microorganisms, indicating their broad spectrum activity. The disk diffusion test exhibited moderate and clear inhibition on C. diphtheria, S. pneumonia, B. subtilis and C. perfringens. MeOH extract inhibited S. enteritidis, V. vulnificus, P. mirabilis and B. cereus with the lowest MIC at 11.25 mg/mL each, thus was chosen as the best extract. The hierarchy of extract potency can be ranked as MeOH > acetone > ACN > CHCL3 > hexane > DE = PE > EtOH > DCM based on clear and moderate inhibition and the lowest MIC. TPC and TFC of the extracts ranged between 4.83 to 22.59 mg GAE/g DW and 1.32 (water) and 17.15 mg QE/g DW respectively. The GC/MS analysis of MeOH extract identified potential antibacterial compounds such as isothiocyanatomethyl benzene, 9-octadecenoic acid, hexadecanoic acid and β-sitosterol. The Carica papaya seed cv. Sekaki/ Hong Kong possessed significant antibacterial activities when extracted by different solvents in particular MeOH solvent

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menyimak Menggunakan Teknik Permainan Berbisik Berantai di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 19 Sungai Pinyuh

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    . Improved listening skills using games techniques in class V berbisisk chain SDN 19 Pinyuh River. This study aims to determine the increase in listening skills using techniques permaian whisper chain in class V river Pinyuh.Research SDN 19 is using the descriptive method research design class action. Research subjects namely V-grader River Elementary School 19 Pinyuh who were 30 and teacher (researcher) who also teaches fifth grade at Public Elementary School 19 Pinyuh River. Data collection techniques are techniques of direct observation and measurement techniques, while the data collection tool used is the observation sheet and the sheet the students\u27 ability in listening. The collected data is analyzed and reflected. On observations listening skills using game techniques whisper chain was successful. It is evident from the increase listening skills which has increased from the first cycle to the meeting-1 and 2 averaged 37.5 and 60. Cycle II meeting to-1 and 2 averaged 89.16 and 96.66