4 research outputs found

    The Interpretation of Public Service Announcement: A Semiotic Analysis of Public Facilities and Television in Indonesia and Malaysia

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    This study analyzes the language used in public service announcements via public facilities and televisions in Indonesia and Malaysia. The method used is the qualitative research approach. Public facilities and television were analyzed as the objects of this study. The researchers used documentation and observation for collecting data and used Barthes’ theory to examine the public service announcements used. The result showed that public service announcements communicated in Indonesia and Malaysia have some similarities and some differences. They can be seen in languages, contents, colors, media, and designs used for and the places where the announcements were made. This article presents an analysis framework and rarely do any studies defy such attempts in a critical manner. Keywords: semiotics, analysis, public notices, publishin

    English Prospective Teachers' Views on Using Poetry to Enhance Reading Skills

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    Exploring the role of poetry in language education, this study seeks to understand its impact on reading skills from the perspective of EFL students preparing to become English teachers. With the increasing globalization of English, the techniques for teaching and enhancing its comprehension are evolving. Poetry, with its rhythmic and metaphorical nuances, offers a unique avenue to tap into this development. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, the research engaged ninety-one English Language Education program participants. The findings reveal multifaceted benefits: a significant majority viewed poetry as an avenue for vocabulary enhancement, emphasizing its rich and varied lexicon. Others associated poetry with improvements in literal comprehension, attributing this to the layered meanings often found in poems. The attributes of critical thinking, interpretation of figurative language, grammar refinement, and reading fluency were also highlighted, reflecting poetry's comprehensive influence on reading dimensions. These insights underscore the pedagogical value of poetry in language development, suggesting that integrating authentic poetic materials not only enriches the language repertoire but also amplifies the depth and relevance of the learning experience for students


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    UNNES dalam upayanya untuk menjadi world-class university terus meningkatkan kualitasnya untuk dapat lebih bersaing dengan universitas yang lain yang diwujudkan dengan adanya kebijakan akselerasi internasionalisasi. Salah satu strategi yang perlu dilakukan adalah peningkatan sumber daya manusia civitas akademika UNNES. Sejalan dengan usaha tersebut Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan sebagai bagian dari UNNES berupaya mendukung program tersebut dengan mengadakan pelatihan bahasa Inggris untuk dosen program studi PJKR. Pelatihan ini mencakup pelatihan percakapan, presentasi, teaching instruction, dan menulis email dalam bahasa Inggris. Program ini secara keseluruhan menitikberatkan pada program teaching instruction. Sebanyak 15 dosen dari program studi PJKR terlibat dalam pelatihan ini. Kegiatan E-Sports-C ini sangat memberikan konstribusi yang positif bagi beberapa unsur terkait, yakni dosen PJKR serta bagi lembaga FIK Unnes. Sehingga Dosen FIK Unnes akan dapat mengembalikan semangat FIK sebagai Hub of Sports and Health Center yang diakui oleh akademisi intenasional

    Sports Industry Management Survey in Demak Regency

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    The purpose of the research to know the description of management includes planning, organizing, driving, and supervision of sports industry management in Demak District. Methods This research is a survey research using qualitative descriptive approach. The result of this research is 1) The planning process done by sports industry in Demak Regency has been run in accordance with the management function, 2) The management of sports industry in Demak Regency is still lacking, because the whole of sports industry does not have organizational structure so there are many double function to the owner and employees, 3) The management of sports industry in Demak Regency is quite good, because the communication between owner, manager and employee is good, employees also execute manager's orders well in accordance with their duties, 4) Sports industry supervision management in Demak Regency is good, because all owners always supervise their employees