13 research outputs found

    Invensi Di Balik Layar: Politik Penonton Streaming Setelah Televisi

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    The presence of Internet as a seamless service has changed the forms of family culture in various classes. Through watching streaming television for example, it has created new social groups, for example young people to watch television through their software. The relationship of young people and parents in family culture changes into a more milenials and unbound relationships. In addition, new social groups like middle-class in the town have also changed the prime time of watching television as an agenda in self-existence. Therefore, television shows are no longer being watched at the same time. This paper will discuss about the changing attitude of viewers from television conventions to television streaming. This research is conducted by taking interviews of young people in urban Yogyakarta and Jakarta as a form of representation of the current millennial life. Key words :Television, Middle Class, Streamin

    Syarah UUD 1945 perspektif islam

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    Buku ini mampu memberikan rujukan dalil-dalil untuk hampir semua ketentuan yang dimuat di dalam UUD 1945. Dari buku ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kandungan konstitusi Negara kita itu islami. Ini berarti bahwa Indonesia dengan dasar Pancasila dan UUD 1945 adalah negara yang islami, tetapi bukan Negara Islam. Negara islami adalah Negara yang secara resmi tidak menggunakan nama dan simbol-simbol Islam, tetapi substansinya mengandung nilai-nilai substantif ajaran Islam, seperti kepemimpInan yang adil, amanah, demokratis, menghormati hak asasi manusia dan sebagainya

    Pajak itu zakat : uang Allah untuk kemaslahatan rakyat

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    xxxviii,236 hlm.;21 c

    Syarah konstitusi UUD 1945 dalam perspektif islam

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    Membiarkan Berbeda?: Sudut pandang baru tentang relasi gender

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    The collapse and recovery of the roman empire

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    This book is presents a concise study of third-century Rome, which is a lavishly illustrated and lucid read.xvii, 121 hlm.: ilus.; 23 c

    The collapse and recovery of the roman empire

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    This book is presents a concise study of third-century Rome, which is a lavishly illustrated and lucid read.xvii, 121 hlm.: ilus.; 23 c