137 research outputs found

    Confining D-Instanton Background in an External Electric Field

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    Using holography, we discuss the effects of an external static electric field on the D3/D-instanton theory at zero-temperature, which is a quasi-confining theory, with confined quarks and deconfined gluons. We introduce the quarks to the theory by embedding a probe D7-brane in the gravity side, and turn on an appropriate U(1)U(1) gauge field on the flavor brane to describe the electric field. Studying the embedding of the D7-brane for different values of the electric field, instanton density and quark masses, we thoroughly explore the possible phases of the system. We find two critical points in our considerations. We show that beside the usual critical electric field present in deconfined theories, there exists another critical field, with smaller value, below which no quark pairs even the ones with zero mass are produced and thus the electric current is zero in this (insulator) phase. At the same point, the chiral symmetry, spontaneously broken due to the gluon condensate, is restored which shows a first order phase transition. Finally, we obtain the full decay rate calculating the imaginary part of the DBI action of the probe brane and find that it becomes nonzero only when the critical value of the electric field is reached

    Influence of Free Quenching on Mechanical Physical and Thermal Properties of High Density Polyethylene

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    In this study, the effects of free quenching on mechanical physical and thermal behaviours of high density Polyethylene (PEHD) have been investigated. Three different thermal treatments were used: A first free quenching from the melt state to air, a second free quenching from 130Ā°CĀ  to different temperatures and finally an annealing .The results have shown that an improvement of the impact strength and elongation at break can be obtained after a first quenching to air. However, a second quenching at 0Ā°C gives better results and a correlation between the mechanical and thermal properties is observed. The improvement of these properties is obtained to the detriment of other properties like elasticity modulus, density, vicat softening temperature (VST) and heat distortion temperature (HDT). The improvement of impact strength and elongation at break after the second quenching is probably linked to the existence of a relaxation mode located around this temperature. Keywords: free quenching; polyethylene, mechanical, physical, thermal. DOI: 10.7176/CPER/59-0

    The study of relationship between Maternal Reactions to Childrenā€™s Negative Emotions and Childrenā€™s Social Skills The role of mediational Emotion Regulation

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    Introduction: Differences in emotional control and social skills appear to partially reflect differences in longstanding intrapersonal qualities, such as temperament, but parenting characteristics also have emerged as indicators of how children develop emotional and social competence.Methods: The study design was correlational. Sample was 60 children in age preschool (30 boys and 30 girls) and their mothers (60 females) selected using convenience sampling among children were registered for preschool in a private school. Instruments were used in this study include: Coping with Childrenā€™s Negative Emotions Scale (CCNES), Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning (BRIEF), Social Skills Rating System (SSRS). Data analyzed using simple regression and structural equation modeling (SEM).Ā Results: Data analysis showed that childrenā€™s emotion regulation skills predicted their social skill levels (F=69.98, p=0.0001) and Total maternal emotion socialization predicted childrenā€™s emotion regulation (F=98.15, p=0.0001) and childrenā€™s social skills (F=39.45, p=0.0001). Other result was childrenā€™s emotion regulation skills completely mediated relation between reactions to childrenā€™s negative emotions and childrenā€™s social skills.Conclusions: This research highlighted the important impact of emotion-related parenting behaviours and beliefs on childrenā€™s development of social and emotional competence

    Modified gravity one-loop partition function

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    The one-loop partition function of the f(R,RĪ¼Ī½RĪ¼Ī½)f(R,R_{\mu\nu}R^{\mu\nu}) gravity theory is obtained around AdS4_4 background. After suitable choice of the gauge condition and computation of the ghost determinant, we obtain the one-loop partition function of the theory. The traced heat kernel over the thermal quotient of AdS4_4 space is also computed and the thermal partition function is obtained for this theory. We have then consider quantum corrections to the thermodynamical quantities in some special cases.Comment: 16 page

    Charged Black Holes in Einsteinian Quartic Gravity

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    In this paper, we studied Einsteinian quartic gravity minimally coupled to electrodynamics in four dimensions. First, by variation action, we obtain the field equations, and by integration, we obtain a nonlinear third-order differential equation for the metric function and as well as the electromagnetic potential. Then, in the context of the Maxwell field, we discussed the conditions under which the charged black hole exists. Then, we have demonstrated the thermodynamics and stability of the solution for the case of positive coupling of quartic theory. Finally, we showed that the charged black hole solutions of EQG (unlike GR and like ECG) have no inner horizon and do not conform to the extremal bound of GR. Also, the uniqueness of BH solutions in this theory does not work anymore.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Evaluation of Indoleamine 2, 3-Dioxygenase Gene Expression and Activation in Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria

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    Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is a common skin disorder characterized by the emergence of hives for at least six weeks without any known etiologic agent. Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) which catalyzes tryptophan (Trp) to kynorenin (KYN) is an immunomedulatory enzyme and complicated in immunological diseases. In this study, Trp, KYN and IDO gene expression in CSU patients were analyzed. We studied 20 CSU patients (mean age: 28 +/- 6 years, mean duration: 27 +/- 4 months) and 20 healthy individuals (mean age: 28 +/- 9 years). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from both patients and healthy control and stimulated by phytohemmaglutinin (PHA). Real-time PCR was applied to quantify IDO gene expression and its activity was estimated by KYN/Trp ratio in supernatant of PBMCs by HPLC. Our study results showed that the gene expression of IDO was higher in CSU patients (0.33 +/- 0.27) compare to healthy individuals (0.31 +/- 0.6, p=0.02). Amazing, the activity of IDO (KYN/Trp) was decreased in CSU patients (322.5 +/- 432.3) contrast of healthy ones (685.9 +/- 531.7, p=0.02). Previous studies documented the impaired of IDO gene expression in CSU patients, however in the present study we observed a decrease activity of IDO in CSU patients which might suggest the function of this factor is impaired in CSU patients

    Validating Islamic Questionnaire of Identifying Godā€™s Traits in Human

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: In Islamic approach profound belief in Godā€™s traits has an important effect on development of personality. Based on Islamic teachings, the function of appearing Godā€™s traits in life is twofold. First, it makes individuals resilient to the pressure of life and crisis. Second, a model of identification paves the way for human to achieve his ultimate goal and self-actualization. This study aims to introduce a new tool for assessment of individualsā€™ identification with Godā€™s traits.Method: This fundamental research was conducted as a survey. To collect the data, all Godā€™s traits were first gathered from Islamic text books. As the next step, collected traits were reviewed and modified based on various criteria. Finally, 53 traits were extracted and designed as a questionnaire with Likert scale. As for the sample, Random Stratified Sampling was used. 400 individuals who were from different socio-economic levels completed the questionnaire (71.5% urban area, 25.8% rural area, Male=50%, Female=50%). To determine reliability and validity, the data were analyzed using: Cronbach's alpha, Bartlett's Test, Factor Analysis, Conduct validity, and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin. All ethical issues were observed in this research and the researchers declared no conflict of interests.Results: According to Spearman Correlation, validity was .88% (P<.001) and Cronbachā€™s alpha coefficient was 95%. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test was calculated for sampling adequacy which was reported to be .93% (.000).Conclusion: Findings revealed that this questionnaire has acceptable validity and reliability. Therefore, it can be utilized to assess individualsā€™ identification with Godā€™s traits.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Ansari Z, Salek L, MousaviE, Asgharnejad Farid AA. Validating Islamic Questionnaire of Identifying Godā€™s Traits in Human. J Res Relig Health. 2018; 4(3): 56- 69

    Relieving Pain in Oral Lesions of Pemphigus Vulgaris Using the Non-ablative, Non-thermal, CO2 Laser Therapy (NTCLT): Preliminary Results of a Novel Approach

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    Introduction: Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a chronic, serious autoimmune mucocutaneous bullous disease. Oral lesions in PV may be extremely painful. This pain may adversely affect the patientsā€™ oral intake and quality of life. This before-after clinical trial was designed to assess the pain relieving effects of single session of non-ablative, non-thermal CO2 laser therapy (NTCLT) in oral lesions of PV.Methods: Fifty painful oral lesions of fourteen patients with PV were illuminated by CO2 laser (power: 1 W, scanning the lesions with rapid circular motion of the handpiece) passing through a thick layer of transparent gel with high water content. The pain severity of the oral lesions was reported by the patients up to the fourth postoperative day. They were also asked to continue their existing systemic treatment during the course of this study as a precondition for the participation.Results: The severity of contact and non-stimulate (non-contact) pain declined immediately and significantly after NTCLT (P < 0.001). The pain relieving effect was sustained during the four successive days of follow-up. The procedure was pain free and no kind of analgesics was required. Following NTCLT, there were no visible thermal complications such as destruction, ablation or irritation of the oral lesions.Conclusion: The results of the trial proposed that single session of NTCLT could immediately and significantly relieve pain in oral lesions of PV, without any visible thermal complications
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