88 research outputs found

    Antibody reactivity against potato apyrase, a protein that shares epitopes with Schistosoma mansoni ATP diphosphohydrolase isoforms, in acute and chronically infected mice, after chemotherapy and reinfection

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    Schistosoma mansoni ATP diphosphohydrolase isoforms and potato apyrase share conserved epitopes. By enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, elevated levels of IgM, IgG2a and IgG1 antibody reactivity against potato apyrase were observed in S. mansoni-infected BALB/c mice during the acute phase of infection, while only IgM and IgG1 antibody reactivity levels maintained elevated during the chronic phase of infection. Antibody reactivity against potato apyrase was monitored over an 11-month period in chronically-infected mice treated with oxamniquine. Eleven months later, the level of seropositive IgM decreased significantly (~30%) compared to the level found in untreated, infected mice. The level of seropositive IgG1 decreased significantly four months after treatment (MAT) (61%) and remained at this level even after 11 months. The IgG2a reactivity against potato apyrase, although unchanged during chronic phase to 11 MAT, appeared elevated again in re-infected mice suggesting a response similar to that found during the acute phase. BALB/c mouse polyclonal anti-potato apyrase IgG reacted with soluble egg antigens probably due to the recognition of parasite ATP diphosphohydrolase. This study, for the first time, showed that the IgG2a antibody from S. mansoni-infected BALB mice cross-reacts with potato apyrase and the level of IgG2a in infected mice differentiates disease phases. The results also suggest that different conserved-epitopes contribute to the immune response in schistosomiasis

    Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene Polymorphisms and Coronary Risk in a Portuguese Population

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    Introdução: A história familiar de doença das artérias coronárias (DAC) constitui um poderoso marcador de risco de DAC, independente dos factores de risco tradicionais. Poderá ser descodificado reconhecendo os polimorfismos associados ao aumento de risco. Têm surgido resultados contraditórios em relação à ligação entre os polimorfismos do gene da enzima de conver são da angiotensina (ECA) e o risco de DAC. Objectivo: Com o presente trabalho pretendemos avaliar se os polimorfismos do gene da ECA constituem factor de risco de doença das artérias coronárias. Métodos: Estudo caso-controlo, incluindo 517 controlos escolhidos aleatoriamente dos cadernos eleitorais, sem história sugestiva de DAC e 301 doentes com história de enfarte agudo do miocárdio ou doença coronária confirmada por coronariografia, com pelo menos 75 % de obstrução de um dos vasos coronários. Tentou-se que os casos e controlos não fossem significativamente diferentes em termos de sexo e idade. Os polimorfismos dialélicos do gene da ECA foram tipados por amplificação por PCR. Os produtos de amplificação eram identificados em gel de poliacrilamida, por electroforese. Os dados foram avaliados recorrendo ao SPSS for Windows,Background: A family history of coronary heart disease (CHD) is a strong risk marker for the disease, independently of classical risk factors. It could be decoded by recognizing the polymorphisms associated with increased risk. Renin-angiotensin system genes are candidate genes in CHD and the deletion allele of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) has been reported as deleterious. However, there is disagreement as to the role of the insertion/deletion polymorphism of the ACE gene in coronary risk. Aim: To evaluate whether ACE gene polymorphisms constitute a CHD risk factor. Methods: We conducted a population-based case-control study of 301 subjects with a history of myocardial infarction or angiographic evidence of coronary heart disease and 510 age- and gender-matched controls, without CHD, living in a region with high CHD mortality rates. Blood samples were taken, DNA extracted and genotypes determined by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Amplification products were identified by agarose gel electrophoresis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Polymorphism of the ACE Gene is Associated with Extent and Severity of Coronary Disease

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    Introdução: Os doentes com doença das artérias coronárias (DAC) apresentam extensão da doença e evolução muito variáveis, que muito vezes nos escapam e que ultrapassam os factores de risco tradicionais. As diferenças poderão, pelo menos em parte, ser explicáveis por polimorfismos genéticos menos favoráveis que lhe estejam associados. Os polimorfismos do gene da ECA têm sido profusamente avaliados, embora se desconheça a ligação entre estes polimorfismos e a extensão da DAC. Objectivo: Os autores pretendem avaliar se os polimorfismos do gene da enzima de conver são da Angiotensina I (ECA) constituem um marcador da extensão e gravidade da DAC. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, em 296 doentes com história de enfarte do miocárdio ou doença coronária confirmada por coronariografia, com pelo menos 75 % de obstrução de um dos vasos coronários. A quantificação da gravidade e extensão, foi feita segundo o score de Leaman, de acordo com o número de artérias com redução do diâmetro superior a 75 %, e com o número de segmentos coronários afectados. Os genotipos do ECA, foram tipados por amplificação por PCR e os produtos de amplificação separados por electroforese em gel de poliacrilamida. Calculou-se a média e desvio padrão dos scores coronários dos três polimorfismos e os valores foram comparados estatisticamente recorrendo ao teste T de Student para amostras independentes. Resultados e Conclusão: O genotipo DD aparece neste estudo claramente ligado à extensão da DAC, com um alto grau de significância. A confirmar-se este conceito, poderá justificar-se fazer uma prevenção secundária particularmente cuidadosa nos doentes vasculares portadores deste genotipo.Background: The progression and extent of coronary heart disease (CHD) are extremely variable and in many instances independent of conventional risk factors. The differences may be partly explained by less favorable genetic polymorphisms that are associated with them. The polymorphisms of the angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) gene have been thoroughly evaluated, but the connection between them and the extent of CHD is unknown. Aims: Our study is aimed at determining whether any or all of the polymorphisms of the ACE gene are markers of the extent and severity of CHD. Methods: This was a descriptive study of 296 patients with a history of myocardial infarction or with coronary disease confirmed by coronary angiography. The severity of CHD was quantified according to Leaman’s score (based on the number of arteries with more than 75 % reduction in diameter and the number of affected coronary segments). The ACE genotypes were determined by specific polymerase chain reaction amplification and the segments were subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The mean coronary score and standard deviation of the three polymorphisms were calculated and the values statistically compared using the Student’s t test for independent samples. Results: 296 patients with a mean age of 5510.3 years, 234 male, were evaluated. Conclusion: The study clearly shows that the DD genotype is linked to the extent of CHD, with a high level of significance. If this is confirmed, careful secondary prevention is indicated in patients with this genotype.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    IRAK4 gene polymorphism and odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

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    Objectives This study aimed to evaluate whether a specific interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase-4 (IRAK4) gene polymorphism had any influence on the development of changes in maxillary sinus, particularly in the presence of etiological factors of dental origin.Materials and methods The study population included 153 Portuguese Caucasians that were selected from a database of 504 retrospectively analysed computed tomography (CT) scans. A genetic test was performed, and a model was created through logistic analysis and regression coefficients. The statistical methodologies included were the independent Chi test, Fisher's exact test, binary logistic regression and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.Results The estimated prevalence of IRAK4 gene polymorphism found in a Portuguese Caucasian population was 26.8 % (CI 95 %) [20.1, 34.7 %]. A model to predict the inflammatory response in the maxillary sinus in the presence etiological factors of dental origin was constructed. This model had the following as variables: previously diagnosed sinusitis, sinus pressure symptoms, cortical bone loss observed on CT, positive genetic test result and radiographic examination that revealed the roots of the teeth communication with the maxillary sinus, which are interpreted as risk factors.Conclusions The constructed model should be considered an initial clinical tool. The area under the ROC curve found, AUC=0.91, revealed that the model correctly predicts the outcome in 91.1 % of cases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Outcome in patients perceived as receiving excessive care across different ethical climates: a prospective study in 68 intensive care units in Europe and the USA

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    Purpose: Whether the quality of the ethical climate in the intensive care unit (ICU) improves the identification of patients receiving excessive care and affects patient outcomes is unknown. Methods: In this prospective observational study, perceptions of excessive care (PECs) by clinicians working in 68 ICUs in Europe and the USA were collected daily during a 28-day period. The quality of the ethical climate in the ICUs was assessed via a validated questionnaire. We compared the combined endpoint (death, not at home or poor quality of life at 1 year) of patients with PECs and the time from PECs until written treatment-limitation decisions (TLDs) and death across the four climates defined via cluster analysis. Results: Of the 4747 eligible clinicians, 2992 (63%) evaluated the ethical climate in their ICU. Of the 321 and 623 patients not admitted for monitoring only in ICUs with a good (n = 12, 18%) and poor (n = 24, 35%) climate, 36 (11%) and 74 (12%), respectively were identified with PECs by at least two clinicians. Of the 35 and 71 identified patients with an available combined endpoint, 100% (95% CI 90.0–1.00) and 85.9% (75.4–92.0) (P = 0.02) attained that endpoint. The risk of death (HR 1.88, 95% CI 1.20–2.92) or receiving a written TLD (HR 2.32, CI 1.11–4.85) in patients with PECs by at least two clinicians was higher in ICUs with a good climate than in those with a poor one. The differences between ICUs with an average climate, with (n = 12, 18%) or without (n = 20, 29%) nursing involvement at the end of life, and ICUs with a poor climate were less obvious but still in favour of the former. Conclusion: Enhancing the quality of the ethical climate in the ICU may improve both the identification of patients receiving excessive care and the decision-making process at the end of life
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