5 research outputs found

    Shifts in Diatom Dominance Associated with Seasonal Changes in an Estuarine-Mangrove Phytoplankton Community

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    A study on seasonal phytoplankton abundance and composition in a mangrove estuary, Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR), Malaysia, was carried out to determine the phytoplankton structure in this ecosystem, and to identify potential indicators of environmental changes. Phytoplankton samples were collected bimonthly from June 2010 to April 2011, to cover both dry (June to October) and wet (November to April) seasons, at four selected sampling sites along the river. Diatoms showed the highest number of species (50 species) from a total of 85 phytoplankton species from 76 genera. Diatoms contributed more than 90% of the total phytoplankton abundance during the dry season (southwest monsoon) and less than 70% during the wet season (northeast monsoon) as dinoflagellates became more abundant during the rainy season. Two diatoms were recorded as dominant species throughout the sampling period; Cyclotella sp. and Skeletonema costatum. Cyclotella sp. formed the most abundant species (62% of total phytoplankton) during the dry period characterized by low nutrients and relatively low turbidity. Skeletonema costatum contributed 93% of the total phytoplankton in October, which marked the end of the dry season and the beginning of the wet season, characterized by strong winds and high waves leading to the upwelling of the water column. Massive blooms of Skeletonema costatum occurred during the upwelling when total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were highest (p < 0.05) throughout the year. The abundance of diatom species during the wet season was more evenly distributed, with most diatom species contributing less than 12% of the total phytoplankton. Autotrophic producers such as diatoms were limited by high turbidity during the northeast monsoon when the rainfall was high. During the wet season, Cyclotella and Skeletonema costatum only contributed 9% and 5% of the total phytoplankton, respectively, as dinoflagellates had more competitive advantage in turbid waters. This study illustrates that some diatom species such as Cyclotella sp. and Skeletonema costatum could be used as indicators of the environmental changes in marine waters

    Fine structure of the diatoms Thalassiosira and Coscinodiscus (Bacillariophyceae) : Light and electron microscopy observation

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    A study was carried out to examine the morphology of diatom species in Sarawak, Malaysia. Plankton sampling was conducted using 20 μm mesh-size plankton net at two estuaries in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia; Santubong and Samariang Batu. Plankton samples were brought back to the laboratory and treated with acid wash before detailed observation under the light and electron microscopes. All samples were identified to species level based on the transmission and scanning electron microscope (TEM and SEM)

    Shifts in diatom dominance associated with seasonal changes in an estuarine-mangrove phytoplankton community

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    A study on seasonal phytoplankton abundance and composition in a mangrove estuary, Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR), Malaysia, was carried out to determine the phytoplankton structure in this ecosystem, and to identify potential indicators of environmental changes. Phytoplankton samples were collected bimonthly from June 2010 to April 2011, to cover both dry (June to October) and wet (November to April) seasons, at four selected sampling sites along the river. Diatoms showed the highest number of species (50 species) from a total of 85 phytoplankton species from 76 genera. Diatoms contributed more than 90% of the total phytoplankton abundance during the dry season (southwest monsoon) and less than 70% during the wet season (northeast monsoon) as dinoflagellates became more abundant during the rainy season. Two diatoms were recorded as dominant species throughout the sampling period; Cyclotella sp. and Skeletonema costatum. Cyclotella sp. formed the most abundant species (62% of total phytoplankton) during the dry period characterized by low nutrients and relatively low turbidity. Skeletonema costatum contributed 93% of the total phytoplankton in October, which marked the end of the dry season and the beginning of the wet season, characterized by strong winds and high waves leading to the upwelling of the water column. Massive blooms of Skeletonema costatum occurred during the upwelling when total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were highest (p < 0.05) throughout the year. The abundance of diatom species during the wet season was more evenly distributed, with most diatom species contributing less than 12% of the total phytoplankton. Autotrophic producers such as diatoms were limited by high turbidity during the northeast monsoon when the rainfall was high. During the wet season, Cyclotella and Skeletonema costatum only contributed 9% and 5% of the total phytoplankton, respectively, as dinoflagellates had more competitive advantage in turbid waters. This study illustrates that some diatom species such as Cyclotella sp. and Skeletonema costatum could be used as indicators of the environmental changes in marine waters

    Disturbance of mangrove forests causes alterations in estuarine phytoplankton community structure in Malaysian Matang mangrove forests

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    To assess the effects of environmental changes on phytoplankton community structure in a mangrove ecosystem, phytoplankton distribution in Matang mangrove, Malaysia was examined. Phytoplankton and water samples, and in situ environmental parameters from three estuaries with differing levels of disturbance were examined monthly for one year. Two species, Cyclotella choctawhatcheeana and Skeletonema costatum, were dominant in the least disturbed and moderately disturbed areas, respectively. Skeletonema costatum was also the most dominant in the most disturbed area. Significant differences in phytoplankton density and biodiversity between the least and most disturbed areas were also observed. Principle component 1 (salinity, conductivity, total solids/water transparency and nitrogenous compounds) and PC2 (dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature) explained 60.4% of the total variance. This study illustrated that changes in phytoplankton community structure in Matang mangrove estuaries were significantly correlated with environmental parameters which were in turn influenced by ecosystem disturbance levels as well as seasonal changes