94 research outputs found

    Iran’s Nuclear Quest, Obama’s Deal and Trump’s Cancellation: A Critical Analysis

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    Realist state‟s political necessity is the practiced morality and every actor‟s strategic interest on the upper crest of human geography is survival. Existence with power is the raison d' etat a Darwinian principle and Herbert Spenser phrase the “survival of the fittest” and Jeremy Bentham‟s endorsement of vital necessity in the state of war for longer living species is the power dynamics. The military arms build-up is the realist actor‟s traditional mercantilism for power accumulation. Iran‟s clandestine nuclear-constructive practice was competitivelycompatible to Israel‟s identical aggressive sequential moves against Palestinians, and deliberately burgeoning military campaigns to suzerain the neighboring Arabs‟ territories. In unipolar power‟s strategic dictionary the adversary‟s possible possession of nuclear potential is negative alarming threat to the international peace and the ally‟s nuclear absolutism is a positive security paradigm US lenses asymmetric amidst Israel (-,-) Iran the two regional belligerents

    An efficient synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of Schiff bases containing 9,10-anthracenedione moiety

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    A new method has been developed for the synthesis of novel Schiff bases containg anthraquinone moiety using dodeca-Tungstosilicic acid/P2O5 under solvent free conditions at room temperature. The reaction was completed in 1-3 minutes with excellent yields. This method was found to be more efficient, easy and hazardous free for the synthesis of azomethines. The development of these type of methadologies in synthetic chemistry may contribute to green chemistry. The structures of synthesized novel Schiff bases was elucidated using 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, LCMS, FTIR and CHN analysis

    Job Satisfaction of LIS Professionals: Comparative Analysis of Public/Private Sector’s University of Karachi Sindh, Pakistan

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    Abstract Purpose of the study: the prime purpose of this research study is to investigate the fundamentals requirements for workplace satisfaction among library experts in both public and private sector university libraries of Karachi, Sindh. Design / methodology/approach: the study explores the factors influencing the job satisfaction of Library professionals. Quantitative research design were used to accomplish the study further we have selected 150 professionals for this project. 95 where responded with complete data. The response ratio was 63% and Structured Questionnaire was used to gather data. The collected data were analyzed using statistical package SPSS- 5. Findings: the findings of the study shows that majority of the respondents were female with 60 and 35 of them were male. As far as designations are concern that majority of them were librarians. Practical application: A differentiated approach is necessary for fundamental requirements for workplace satisfaction among library experts. The research raises questions about the future of librarianship in Pakistan and makes a case for better job prospects for librarians among decision-makers, managers, and educators of libraries. Originality: this study helps fill the void and contribute to the growth of knowledge and this study contributes library and information sciences about job satisfaction level

    Viral hepatitis - The road traveled and the journey remaining

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    Hepatitis is defined as inflammation of the liver and is commonly due to infection with The hepatotropic viruses - hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. Hepatitis carries one of the highest disease burdens globally and has caused significant morbidity and mortality among different patient populations. Clinical presentation varies from asymptomatic or acute flu-like illness to acute liver failure or chronic liver disease, characterized by jaundice, hepatomegaly and ascites among many other signs. Eventually, this can lead to fibrosis (cirrhosis) of the liver parenchyma and carries a risk of development into hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatitis B and C are most notorious for causing liver cirrhosis; in 2019, an estimated 296 million people worldwide had chronic hepatitis B infection and 58 million are currently estimated to have chronic hepatitis C, with 1.5 million new infections of both hepatitis B and C, occurring annually. With the help of latest serological biomarkers and viral nucleic acid amplification tests, it has become rather simple to efficiently screen, diagnose and monitor patients with hepatitis, and to commence with appropriate antiviral treatment. More importantly, the development of vaccinations against some of these viruses has greatly helped to curb the infection rates. Whilst there has been exceptional progress over the years in the management of viral hepatitis, many hurdles still remain which must be addressed in order to proceed towards a hepatitis-free world. This review will shed light on the origin and discovery of the hepatitis viruses, the global epidemiology and clinical symptoms, diagnostic modalities, currently available treatment options, the importance of prevention, and the journey needed to move forward towards the eradication of its global disease burden

    Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and pharmacological evaluation of oxazolone derivatives

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    A series of 4-aryl methylidene-2-phenyl/methyl-5-(4H)-oxazolone derivatives (2-7) have been synthesized using the reported method by condensation of aldehydes with N-benzoyl / N-acetyl glycine in the presence of zinc oxide as a catalyst and acetic anhydride at room temperature in ethanol. The compounds (2-6) are new derivatives. The structures of compounds were evaluated on the basis of 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, EIMS, FT-IR and elemental analysis. All the compounds were screened for their antibacterial and urease inhibition activity. Antibacterial activity was tested by agar well diffusion method using Mueller Hinton Agar medium. Compound (2) showed excellent activity against S. aureus which has 16 mm (80%) inhibition and above 24 mm (70%) against S. typhi. The most active compound against E. coli was compound (6) having 20 mm (80%) inhibition followed by compound (5) having above 18 mm (70%) inhibition. Urease inhibition activity of all the compounds was determined by indophenol method. Compounds (3, 6) and (7) showed significant inhibition against Jacks bean urease

    Template operative note: A better documentation

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    Operative notes are a valuable part of patient\u27s medical record, and carry the medico-legal significance. One way of improving it is to introduce the template form operative notes. Only few studies have been done worldwide to compare both the forms of operative notes. This cross-sectional study was conducted in the department of General Surgery, AKUH. This included the patients who underwent Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Complying with inclusion criteria) from August 2013 till March 2014. Out of 24 patients, 19 were females. The completeness of data in template group was significantly better than traditional group (79.2% vs. 8.3%). There was no significant difference among the residents of different level (writing the notes) and the completeness of data in both the groups. Similarly the timing of day did not affect significantly on the completeness

    Infrastructure Development in Punjab, Pakistan:From Assessment to Spatiotemporal Analysis at District Level

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    Access to inclusive and sustainable infrastructure to the masses of each spatial unit of any country and region is of the paramount importance. This paper aims at examining the level of infrastructure development, analysis of spatial disparities in infrastructure and temporal comparison of infrastructure development across the districts in Punjab, Pakistan. For this purpose, the current study uses a wide range of indicators to depict the real picture of infrastructure development in Punjab and to analyze the spatiotemporal dynamics. The overall infrastructure development has been divided into three sub-dimensions; public-utilities infrastructure, communication infrastructure and social infrastructure. All the data has been taken from Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) Punjab, Census of Healthcare Establishments in Punjab, and Punjab Development Statistics (PDS). For the temporal assessment, the two different time periods of 2011 and 2014 have also been compared. The Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) technique has been used to assign the weights to indicators in sub-dimensions and to each sub-dimension in composite index. Geographic Information System (GIS) tools have also been applied for spatial mapping and representation of analysis results. The study finds that the Southern and South-Western districts of Punjab are the most deprived districts in all dimensions of infrastructure studied in this study. Whereas, the districts of North and North-Eastern Punjab are the best districts in almost all dimensions of infrastructure development. The temporal analysis reveals that the level of infrastructure development depreciated in most of the districts as it could not be developed as per the increase in population. These findings emphasize the need for prioritizing the public investment on infrastructure in the deprived districts on Southern and South-Western border of Punjab to remove the disparities

    Silent Secretory Otitis Media in Cases with Adenoid Hypertrophy

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    Objective: to determine the cases brought to the Otolaryngology Department with adenoidal hyperplasia. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: ENT Department, Combined Military Hospital, Multan Pakistan from Jan to May 2022. Methodology: The study was conducted on children of age more than 2.5 years having adenoid hypertrophy that was confirmed by an X-Ray lateral view of the nasopharynx for adenoids. Their tympanogram was obtained. Results: The study showed that 2(2%) cases had a Type-B curve in a single ear, and 14(14.3%) had a Type-B curve in both ears.PTA was normal in 32(32.7%) cases. Up to 25 decibels (dB) of hearing loss was seen in 6(6.1%) cases. In 8(8.2%) cases, hearing loss, was more than 25Db. Conclusion: The tympanometry test is an objective test which is very easy to carry out and can very easily detect patients having glued ears which can be managed, and possible complications of the disease can be avoided

    Precision Agriculture using Internet of thing with Artificial intelligence: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Machine learning with its high precision algorithms, Precision agriculture (PA) is a new emerging concept nowadays. Many researchers have worked on the quality and quantity of PA by using sensors, networking, machine learning (ML) techniques, and big data. However, there has been no attempt to work on trends of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, dataset and crop type on precision agriculture using internet of things (IoT). This research aims to systematically analyze the domains of AI techniques and datasets that have been used in IoT based prediction in the area of PA. A systematic literature review is performed on AI based techniques and datasets for crop management, weather, irrigation, plant, soil and pest prediction. We took the papers on precision agriculture published in the last six years (2013-2019). We considered 42 primary studies related to the research objectives. After critical analysis of the studies, we found that crop management; soil and temperature areas of PA have been commonly used with the help of IoT devices and AI techniques. Moreover, different artificial intelligence techniques like ANN, CNN, SVM, Decision Tree, RF, etc. have been utilized in different fields of Precision agriculture. Image processing with supervised and unsupervised learning practice for prediction and monitoring the PA are also used. In addition, most of the studies are forfaiting sensory dataset to measure different properties of soil, weather, irrigation and crop. To this end, at the end, we provide future directions for researchers and guidelines for practitioners based on the findings of this revie

    Whether CEO Succession Via Hierarchical Jumps is Detrimental or Blessing in Disguise? Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms

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    This study investigates the impact of hierarchical jumps in the CEO’s succession on firms’ financial performance. To contemplate deeply, hierarchical jumps have been categorized into high and low level evaluating the positive impact of high-level hierarchical jump on firms’ performance. Moreover, this study has also formulated hierarchical intensity signifying the idea that despite neglecting senior board members during hierarchical jumps, still marginal increment in the firms’ growth has been observed. Using panel regression technique along with 2sls instrumental regression, this research reveals that hierarchical jumps in CEOs successions are more conducive only if the incumbent CEOs are selected irrespective of age, degree or high hierarchical position within the hierarchical ladder. Lastly, this study enunciates that firms having high total assets boost their performance via hierarchical jumps emphatically