117 research outputs found

    Specific antibodies to Anopheles gSG6-P1 salivary peptide to assess early childhood exposure to malaria vector bites

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    Background: The estimates of risk of malaria in early childhood are imprecise given the current entomologic and parasitological tools. Thus, the utility of anti-Anopheles salivary gSG6-P1 peptide antibody responses in measuring exposure to Anopheles bites during early infancy has been assessed. Methods: Anti-gSG6-P1 IgG and IgM levels were evaluated in 133 infants (in Benin) at three (M3), six (M6), nine (M9) and 12 (M12) months of age. Specific IgG levels were also assessed in their respective umbilical cord blood (IUCB) and maternal blood (MPB). Results: At M3, 93.98 and 41.35% of infants had anti-gSG6-P1 IgG and IgM Ab, respectively. Specific median IgG and IgM levels gradually increased between M3 and M6 (p < 0.0001 and p < 0.001), M6-M9 (p < 0.0001 and p = 0.085) and M9-M12 (p = 0.002 and p = 0.03). These levels were positively associated with the Plasmodium falciparum infection intensity (p = 0.006 and 0.003), and inversely with the use of insecticide-treated bed nets (p = 0.003 and 0.3). Levels of specific IgG in the MPB were positively correlated to those in the IUCB (R = 0.73; p < 0.0001) and those at M3 (R = 0.34; p < 0.0001). Conclusion: The exposure level to Anopheles bites, and then the risk of malaria infection, can be evaluated in young infants by assessing anti-gSG6-P1 IgM and IgG responses before and after 6-months of age, respectively. This tool can be useful in epidemiological evaluation and surveillance of malaria risk during the first year of life

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of ferrocene-based cannabinoid receptor 2 ligands

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    Ferrocene analogues of known fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitors and CB2 ligands have been synthesized and characterized spectroscopically and crystallographically. The resulting bioorganometallic isoxazoles were assayed for their effects on CB1 and CB2 receptors as well as on FAAH. None had any FAAH activity but compound 3, 5-(2-(pentyloxy)phenyl)-N-ferrocenylisoxazole- 3-carboxamide, was found to be a potent CB2 ligand (Ki = 32.5 nM)

    Intestinal antiinflammatory effect of 5-aminosalicylic acid is dependent on peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor-γ

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    5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) is an antiinflammatory drug widely used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. It is known to inhibit the production of cytokines and inflammatory mediators, but the mechanism underlying the intestinal effects of 5-ASA remains unknown. Based on the common activities of peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) ligands and 5-ASA, we hypothesized that this nuclear receptor mediates 5-ASA therapeutic action. To test this possibility, colitis was induced in heterozygous PPAR-γ+/− mice and their wild-type littermates, which were then treated with 5-ASA. 5-ASA treatment had a beneficial effect on colitis only in wild-type and not in heterozygous mice. In epithelial cells, 5-ASA increased PPAR-γ expression, promoted its translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, and induced a modification of its conformation permitting the recruitment of coactivators and the activation of a peroxisome-proliferator response element–driven gene. Validation of these results was obtained with organ cultures of human colonic biopsies. These data identify PPAR-γ as a target of 5-ASA underlying antiinflammatory effects in the colon

    Fungal colonization in Cystic Fibrosis (CF): Epidemiology and antifungal resistance in a French cohort of CF patients – Focused on Aspergillus fumigatus colonization

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    Introduction: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the major genetic inherited disease in the European Caucasian population, with an average of 1 in 3000 living births in France. Prognostic depend essentially on the lung impairments. While considerable attention therefore has been paid over recent decades to prevent and treat bacterial respiratory infections, we observed emergence of fungi colonization in CF respiratory tract. In particular, Aspergillus fumigatus represents the most common causative agent colonizing the airways of CF patients; it can be responsible for Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA). Since oral corticosteroids and itraconazole represent the mainstay of ABPA treatment, long-term therapy may increase the risk of acquired resistance to azoles that is mainly associated with amino acid substitutions in the CYP51A gene of A. fumigatus. Objective: First, we managed to have exhaustive epidemiological data on species of filamentous fungi able to colonize the airway tract of 300 CF patients followed-up in our national prospective study ("MucoFong" study – PHRC1902). Second, CF patients being chronically exposed to azole (especially to itraconazole), our study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of azole resistance in isolates prospectively collected from CF patients followed-up in seven French hospitals involved in our national prospective study. Third, we focused on the most prevalent species: Aspergillus fumigatus, studying the azole resistance at molecular level. To our knowledge, it is the first multicenter study focused on azole resistance of A. fumigatus in CF. Methods: A total of 243 sputa were analyzed using the same protocol in each centre. The MICs of antifungal drugs were evaluated for each isolate using the E-test Âź strips. Focusing on A. fumigatus, a total of 87 isolates was collected in 85 patients. These isolates were characterized at the molecular level by targeting ITS, ß-tubulin and MAT-A/α genes. The CYP51A gene as well as its promoter was sequenced; a 3D Cyp51A protein homology model was built. Results and discussion: 300 patients were enrolled in this study. At inclusion time, most of them were adults colonized with A. fumigatus (about 35% of the patients). Scedosporium was isolated in 5%, and Exophiala in about 2%. Regarding antifungal susceptibility, isolates of Scedosporium and Exophiala exhibited antifungal resistance comparable with published data. Regarding A. fumigatus, a majority of isolates (88.1%) were found sensitive to itraconazole (MIC≀ 2ÎŒg/ml), and 2 new mutations were identified and localized within 3-dimensional Cyp51A protein model. To obtain insight into azole resistance of A. fumigatus, the results are analyzed taking into account clinical data, itraconazole exposition, and the potential correlation between the identified CYP5IA mutations and azole resistance is discussed based on the Cyp51A protein homology model


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    ST ETIENNE-BU MĂ©decine (422182102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Utilisation de l'outil informatique dans la conception rationnelle de médicaments

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    LILLE2-BU Santé-Recherche (593502101) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    50 ans de recherches en productions animales - Avant-Propos

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    National audienceThis special issue, published in honour of INRA’s 50th anniversary, outlines the development of the animal sector’s research programmes. It presents some of the most noteworthy results from the major research themes as examples, basing the selection on either the contribution made to the development of a given discipline or on the technological progress that is demonstrated. This issue is addressed to anyone interested in science, whether it be in its historical progression or in its results.Je pense, Ă©crivait Auguste Comte, qu’on ne connaĂźt pas complĂštement une science tant qu’on n’en connaĂźt pas l’histoire. N’y a-t-il pas lĂ , sur l’intĂ©rĂȘt de la connaissance historique, une remarque de portĂ©e trĂšs gĂ©nĂ©rale ? En vĂ©ritĂ© peut-on rĂ©ellement comprendre et aimer un institut de recherches comme le nĂŽtre sans s’ĂȘtre tant soit peu penchĂ© sur son passĂ© ? Cette attention Ă  l’histoire ne prĂ©sente pas qu’un simple intĂ©rĂȘt culturel. Tirer les enseignements des succĂšs et des Ă©checs, comprendre le sens des Ă©volutions, doit permettre de poser en termes plus pertinents et plus prĂ©cis les problĂšmes d’actualitĂ© et les questions pour demain. Le rĂŽle de l’INRA dans la prise en compte par les producteurs des critĂšres de qualitĂ© des produits en fournit un parfait exemple. On reproche en effet parfois Ă  l’INRA d’avoir surtout ƓuvrĂ©, dans le passĂ©, pour accroĂźtre les quantitĂ©s produites au dĂ©triment de "la" qualitĂ©. Cette affirmation mĂ©rite d’ĂȘtre confrontĂ©e aux faits. DĂšs les dĂ©buts des recherches zootechniques, dans les annĂ©es cinquante, le gĂ©nĂ©ticien Paul Auriol et le technologue Germain Mocquot lançaient, dans le Jura, un programme de testage des taureaux montbĂ©liards sur les qualitĂ©s fromagĂšres des laits de leurs filles. DĂšs 1951, un des tout premiers chercheurs du Centre de recherches zootechniques de Jouy-en-Josas, Bernard-Louis Dumont, publiait, dans le premier numĂ©ro des Annales de Zootechnie, une synthĂšse dĂ©taillĂ©e sur la tendretĂ© de la viande et ses facteurs de variation. En 1961, Fernand Ricard publiait, dans le mĂȘme Journal, les rĂ©sultats d’un travail sur les qualitĂ©s organoleptiques de la viande de poulet... L’observateur attentif comprendra vite que s’il y a eu prise en compte insuffisante par les filiĂšres des critĂšres de qualitĂ©, les raisons pourraient en ĂȘtre recherchĂ©es ailleurs que dans les orientations de l’INRA. Il se trouvera renvoyĂ© Ă  des problĂšmes tels que celui du niveau de rĂ©munĂ©ration des efforts d’amĂ©lioration de la composition du lait consentis par les Ă©leveurs, ou celui du manque de prĂ©dicteurs simples, in vivo, de la qualitĂ© des viandes. Or ce type de questions est toujours d’actualitĂ©. On voit donc Ă  quel point il est important d’analyser l’évolution historique des problĂšmes dans leur contexte ainsi que la nature et la pertinence des rĂ©ponses qui ont pu ĂȘtre apportĂ©es Ă  chaque Ă©poque. Ainsi, c’est non seulement pour commĂ©morer, tĂ©moigner ou laisser des traces, mais aussi pour Ă©clairer les rĂ©flexions actuelles qu’il a paru intĂ©ressant et utile de rassembler en un document anniversaire, des analyses historiques de l’évolution de nos travaux dans un certain nombre de domaines. Ce document n’a pas la prĂ©tention d’ĂȘtre exhaustif. Il prĂ©sente, pour chacun des cinq dĂ©partements de recherches constituant le secteur des productions animales, quelques exemples reprĂ©sentatifs de ses axes de recherche. Par-delĂ  la diversitĂ© des thĂšmes et de leur mode de traitement, on sentira sans doute une grande communautĂ© de pensĂ©e, liĂ©e au souci de toutes les Ă©quipes, permanent depuis les origines, de rĂ©pondre aussi efficacement que possible aux objectifs de l’Institut. Ces textes mettent aussi trĂšs bien en Ă©vidence le rĂŽle jouĂ© par les progrĂšs - parfois dĂ©cisifs - des techniques, par le hasard ou la chance, et surtout par la qualitĂ© et la tĂ©nacitĂ© des Ă©quipes. Ils sont autant de sources de rĂ©flexion stimulantes. Je remercie trĂšs sincĂšrement tous ceux qui, malgrĂ© leurs charges, ont contribuĂ© Ă  la rĂ©alisation de cet ouvrage. Il aura, j’en suis certain, une place Ă  part dans nos bibliothĂšques
