45 research outputs found

    Shaping a superconducting dome: Enhanced Cooper-pairing versus suppressed phase coherence in coupled aluminum nanograins

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    Deterministic enhancement of the superconducting (SC) critical temperature TcT_c is a long-standing goal in material science. One strategy is engineering a material at the nanometer scale such that quantum confinement strengthens the electron pairing, thus increasing the superconducting energy gap Δ\Delta, as was observed for individual nanoparticles. A true phase-coherent SC condensate, however, can exist only on larger scales and requires a finite phase stiffness JJ. In the case of coupled aluminium (Al) nanograins, TcT_c can exceed that of bulk Al by a factor of three, but despite several proposals the relevant mechanism at play is not yet understood. Here we use optical spectroscopy on granular Al to disentangle the evolution of the fundamental SC energy scales, Δ\Delta and JJ, as a function of grain coupling. Starting from well-coupled arrays, Δ\Delta grows with progressive grain decoupling, causing the increasing of TcT_c. As the grain-coupling is further suppressed, Δ\Delta saturates while TcT_c decreases, concomitantly with a sharp decline of JJ. This crossover to a phase-driven SC transition is accompanied by an optical gap persisting above TcT_c. These findings identify granular Al as an ideal playground to test the basic mechanisms that enhance superconductivity by nano-inhomogeneity.Comment: 6 + 6 pages (manuscript + supplementary material

    Optical signatures of the superconducting Goldstone mode in granular aluminum: experiments and theory

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    Recent advances in the experimental growth and control of disordered thin films, heterostructures, and interfaces provide a fertile ground for the observation and characterisation of the collective superconducting excitations emerging below TcT_c after breaking the U(1)U(1) gauge symmetry. Here we combine THz experiments in a nano-structured granular Al thin film and theoretical calculations to demonstrate the existence of optically-active phase modes, which represent the Goldstone excitations of the broken gauge symmetry. By measuring the complex transmission trough the sample we identify a sizeable and temperature-dependent optical sub-gap absorption, which cannot be ascribed to quasiparticle excitations. A quantitative modelling of this material as a disordered Josephson array of nano-grains allows us to determine, with no free parameters, the structure of the spatial inhomogeneities induced by shell effects. Besides being responsible for the enhancement of the critical temperature with respect to bulk Al, already observed in the past, this spatial inhomogeneity provides a mechanism for the optical visibility of the Goldstone mode. By computing explicitly the optical spectrum of the superconducting phase fluctuations we obtain a good quantitative description of the experimental data. Our results demonstrate that nanograins arrays are a promising setting to study and control the collective superconducting excitations via optical means

    The Chemokine CXCL16 and Its Receptor, CXCR6, as Markers and Promoters of Inflammation-Associated Cancers

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    Clinical observations and mouse models have suggested that inflammation can be pro-tumorigenic. Since chemokines are critical in leukocyte trafficking, we hypothesized that chemokines play essential roles in inflammation-associated cancers. Screening for 37 chemokines in prostate cancer cell lines and xenografts revealed CXCL16, the ligand for the receptor CXCR6, as the most consistently expressed chemokine. Immunohistochemistry and/or immunofluorescence and confocal imaging of 121 human prostate specimens showed that CXCL16 and CXCR6 were co-expressed, both on prostate cancer cells and adjacent T cells. Expression levels of CXCL16 and CXCR6 on cancer cells correlated with poor prognostic features including high-stage and high-grade, and expression also correlated with post-inflammatory changes in the cancer stroma as revealed by loss of alpha-smooth muscle actin. Moreover, CXCL16 enhanced the growth of CXCR6-expressing cancer and primary CD4 T cells. We studied expression of CXCL16 in an additional 461 specimens covering 12 tumor types, and found that CXCL16 was expressed in multiple human cancers associated with inflammation. Our study is the first to describe the expression of CXCL16/CXCR6 on both cancer cells and adjacent T cells in humans, and to demonstrate correlations between CXCL16 and CXCR6 vs. poor both prognostic features and reactive changes in cancer stoma. Taken together, our data suggest that CXCL16 and CXCR6 may mark cancers arising in an inflammatory milieu and mediate pro-tumorigenic effects of inflammation through direct effects on cancer cell growth and by inducing the migration and proliferation of tumor-associated leukocytes

    Ecological Energetics of an Abundant Aerial Insectivore, the Purple Martin

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    We thank T. Fagin for help with estimating the seasonal range area occupied by Purple Martins. We thank an anonymous reviewer, Mark Brigham, and J Boyles for their comments on this manuscript.Conceived and designed the experiments: JFK ESB WFF PBC. Performed the experiments: JFK PBC. Analyzed the data: JFK PBC. Wrote the manuscript: JFK ESB WFF PBC. Developed the model in Matlab: JFK PBC.The atmospheric boundary layer and lower free atmosphere, or aerosphere, is increasingly important for human transportation, communication, environmental monitoring, and energy production. The impacts of anthropogenic encroachment into aerial habitats are not well understood. Insectivorous birds and bats are inherently valuable components of biodiversity and play an integral role in aerial trophic dynamics. Many of these insectivores are experiencing range-wide population declines. As a first step toward gaging the potential impacts of these declines on the aerosphere’s trophic system, estimates of the biomass and energy consumed by aerial insectivores are needed. We developed a suite of energetics models for one of the largest and most common avian aerial insectivores in North America, the Purple Martin (Progne subis). The base model estimated that Purple Martins consumed 412 (± 104) billion insects*y-1 with a biomass of 115,860 (± 29,192) metric tonnes*y-1. During the breeding season Purple Martins consume 10.3 (+ 3.0) kg of prey biomass per km3 of aerial habitat, equal to about 36,000 individual insects*km-3. Based on these calculations, the cumulative seasonal consumption of insects*km-3 is greater in North America during the breeding season than during other phases of the annual cycle, however the maximum daily insect consumption*km-3 occurs during fall migration. This analysis provides the first range-wide quantitative estimate of the magnitude of the trophic impact of this large and common aerial insectivore. Future studies could use a similar modeling approach to estimate impacts of the entire guild of aerial insectivores at a variety of temporal and spatial scales. These analyses would inform our understanding of the impact of population declines among aerial insectivores on the aerosphere’s trophic dynamics.Yeshttp://www.plosone.org/static/editorial#pee

    Extrinsic Rewards and Intrinsic Motives: Standard and Behavioral Approaches to Agency and Labor Markets

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    From orbital to Pauli-limited critical fields in granular aluminum films

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    The temperature dependence of the perpendicular upper critical field of superconducting granular aluminum films has been measured for samples approaching the metal-to-insulator transition. Analysis of the results shows a shift from an orbital to a Pauli-limited critical field, which we propose is made possible by electron mass renormalization. In that regime, the critical field transition becomes of the first order, as predicted by Fulde, Ferrel, Larkin, and Ovchinikov. The phase-coherence length ξ_{phase} and the superconducting gap Δ obtained from the analysis are consistent with a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer–Bose-Einstein condensate crossover region, which we propose is triggered by the Mott transition of the granular films