6 research outputs found

    Surgical approach to hydrocarbon injection in upper extremities: Case series

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    AbstractBackgroundHydrocarbon injection, which mostly occurs in the upper extremity, is commonly seen in domestic and industrial accidents, or attempted suicide. Surgical approach to chemical cellulites and other complications in these patients is controversial.MethodThis survey has been carried out on 21 patients admitted to general surgery unit of Loqman Hakim hospital, Tehran, Iran with the complaint of hydrocarbon injection in 2001–2005.ResultsThe most common injected material was petroleum (in 8 patients). Anterior forearm was the most common injection site (in 16 patients). All of the patients had inflammation, swelling, and localized tenderness. Leukocytosis was present in 18 of 21 patients. Compartment syndrome happened in 13 patients; 5 with necrotizing fasciitis. All of the patients with compartment syndrome underwent fasciotomy and debridement. Split thickness skin graft was done for 10 patients after 2 weeks of admission. There was no mortality or limb loss during the study period.ConclusionsPrevention of the systemic complications, hospitalization, close monitoring and treatment of chemical cellulites are the main parts of the management of patients with hydrocarbon injection. Surgical intervention is recommended when compartment syndrome or other local complications occur

    Maize biofortification and yield improvement through organic biochemical nutrient management

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    Micronutrient malnutrition is a threatening health issue mainly among the developing countries. Thus cereal biofortification must be under attention of researchers in addition to yield improvement in order to feed the increasing world population. In order to investígate the effects of various sources of nutrients on maize biofortification, growth and yield, a field experiment was conducted at the research station of the Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran in 2012. The experiment was carried out as a randomized complete block design with a factorial arrangement in 3 replicates. Studied factors (4 factors) were Vermicompost (V 0 and V1), inoculation with and without Thiobacillus thiooxidans (B 0 and B 1), Fe chelate foliar spraying (F 0 and F 1) and Zn chelate foliar application (Z 0 and Z 1). The results showed that maize grain yield was improved by application of vermicompost (20.9%) and inoculation with Thiobacillus (13.1%). Biofortification demonstrated that vermicompost and Thiobacillus were highly effective on the micronutrient content of grain, improving Fe (12.7% and 12.1%, respectively) and Zn (29.2% and 17.5%, respectively) content. Although Fe and Zn application improved grain yield slightly (5.8% and 8.0%, respectively), they were effective for maize biofortification. Although Fe and Zn foliar application had slight effects on plant yield, yet Fe application increased Fe content by 12.9%. However, Zn application increased the content of N by 6.7%, Zn by 12.6% and protein by 7.2%. Farmers must be encouraged to apply micronutrient fer-tilizers to their fields in order to increase the quality of their products.La desnutrición es un problema de salud que amenaza principalmente a los países en vía de desarrollo. La investigación orientada al mejoramiento de los cereales por el bioenriquecimiento permite mejorar la alimentación de la población mundial en situación de vulnerabilidad alimenticia. El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar distintas fuentes de nutrientes en maíz bioenriquecido en el desarrollo y rendimiento del cereal. El experimento de campo se realizó en el campo de investigación de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Islámica Azad, Tabriz, Irán, durante 2012. El diseño experimental fue un diseño de bloques completos al azar con un arreglo factorial y tres repeticiones. Los factores estudiados fueron compost de lombriz (V0 y V1); inoculación con Thiobacillus thiooxidans (B0 y B1), Fe quelatado en pulverización foliar (F0 y F1) y Zn quelatado en aplicación foliar (Z0 y Z1). Los resultados mostraron que el rendimiento de grano de maíz mejora mediante la aplicación de vermicompost (20,9%) y con inoculación de Thiobacillus (13,1%). Los resultados indican que la los cultivos en vermicompost con aplicación de Thiobacillus fueron muy eficaces en el aumento de contenido de micro-nutrientes de grano, con mejora de Fe (12,7% y 12,1%, respectivamente) y Zn (29,2% y 17,5%, respectivamente). Aunque la aplicación Fe y Zn mejoró el rendimiento de grano ligeramente (5,8% y 8,0%, respectivamente), fueron eficaces para bioenriquecimiento maíz. Pese a que la aplicación foliar de Fe y Zn tuvo efectos leves sobre el rendimiento de la planta, la aplicación de Fe aumentó el contenido hierro en el maíz en un 12,9%. La aplicación de Zn aumentó el contenido de Nen un 6,7%; Zn en un 12,6% y, proteína en un 7,2%. Los resultados sugieren que se debe estimular a los agricultores la aplicación de micronutrientes para mejorar la calidad de sus productos

    Vitrectomy for Diffuse Refractory Diabetic Macular Edema Associated with a Taut Premacular Posterior Hyaloid

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    COVID-19 immunotherapy: Treatment based on the immune cell-mediated approaches

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    © 2022 Elsevier B.V.Multiple efforts are currently underway to control and treat severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) worldwide. Despite all efforts, the virus that emerged in Wuhan city has rapidly spread globally and led to a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) due to the lack of approved antiviral therapy. Nevertheless, SARS-CoV-2 has had a significant influence on the evolution of cellular therapeutic approaches. Adoptive immune cell therapy is innovative and offers either promising prophylactic or therapy for patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19. This approach is aimed at developing safety and providing secure and effective therapy in combination with standard therapy for all COVID-19 infected individuals. Based on the effective results of previous studies on both inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, various immune cell therapies against COVID-19 have been reviewed and discussed. It must be considered that the application of cell therapy for treatment and to eliminate infected respiratory cells could result in excessive inflammation, so this treatment must be used in combination with other treatments, despite its many beneficial efforts