21 research outputs found

    Orchids of cloud forest in Genting Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia

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    An inventory of orchid species diversity was carried out in cloud forest of Genting Highlands, which is one of the most developed highland areas in Peninsular Malaysia. Since 1967, construction of roads and hotel complexes has had a serious impact on its physical environment and vegetation. Habitat destructions together with climate change might have caused some orchid species to be extirpated locally or extinct. The cloud forest of Genting Highlands consists of four major peaks, Gunung Ulu Kali, Gunung Chin Chin, Gunung Lari Tembakau and Gunung Mengkuang. However, not much study on orchid diversity was conducted in these areas, therefore, this study is timely and essential to evaluate the current orchid diversity after a gap of three decades. Combined findings from the current study, previous published works and specimens deposited in local herbaria, including those at the Universiti Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Forest Researh Institute of Malaysia and Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia and Singapore Botanic Gardens, an updated list of orchid species found in the cloud forests of Genting Highlands is presented. A total of 134 orchid taxa were recorded, comprised of 51 genera, 132 species, 1 subspecies and 2 varieties, of which 46 are new records to Genting Highlands. Hymenorchis javanica, a species previously reported as endemic to West Jawa was recently discovered in Gunung Ulu Kali. Thirty-three species discovered during this study are currently classified as endemic to Peninsular Malaysia, of which 20 are endemic to Pahang, Perak and Selangor and a very narrowly endemic species; Corybas villosus to Gunung Ulu Kali. Through our observations, most of the orchid species in Gunung Ulu Kali are very susceptible to disappearance due to loss of habitat and local climate change. An assessment of conservation status according to IUCN criterion revealed that 47 orchid taxa from Gunung Ulu Kali were threatened with extinction. Conservation actions were suggested to conserve the orchid diversity in the cloud forest areas of Genting Highlands

    Ibsen, in other words

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    Ibsen, in other words

    Work-in-Progress: Extract from "Close Sesame"

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    Bastardi dell'impero. Scrittura e politica dell'esilio

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    In questo articolo Nuruddin Farah, celebre scrittore somalo, affronta il tema dell'esilio, sia dal punto di vista emotivo che dal punto di vista politico.Nuuruddiin Faarax, qoraaga soomaaliyeed ee caanka ah, wuxuu qoraalkan ku lafagurayaa mawduuca laajinnimada, isagoo ka eegaya xagga caadifadda iyo xagga siyaasadda.In this article Nuruddin Farah, a famous Somali writer, tackles the theme of exile, both from the emotional and the political point of view

    Identities, women and cultural clichés

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    The author analyses the role and identity of women in Somali society, especially in the political scenario, arising from a women's protest against the regime in Kismayo in 1988.Qoraagu wuxuu lafaggurayaa dowrka ay haweenku ku leeyihiin bulshada soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan xagga siyaasadda, wuxuuna tusaale ahaan u soo qaadanayaa dibadbaxii ay Kismaayo ka sameeyeen sannadka 1988.L'autore analizza il ruolo e l'identità delle donne nella società somala, in particolar modo nella politica, prendendo spunto da una protesta delle donne contro il regime avvenuta a Chisimaio nel 1988

    People of a Half-Way House

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    In this article, the famous Somali author Nuruddin Farah writes about his family and other Somalis who fled their country.Qoraaga soomaaliyeed ee caanka ah, Nuuruddiin Faarax, wuxuu maqaalkan kaga hadlayaa sida reerkiisa iyo soomaali kale ay uga qaxeen dalkooda.In questo articolo, il celebre autore somalo Nuruddin Farah scrive della sua famiglia e degli altri somali fuggiti dal proprio paese.File not available: the publishing house has not allowed the publication in Open Access. Original document currently not available at the Centre for Somali Studies, as belonging to Prof. Annarita Puglielli's private collection.Faylku diyar ma ah waayo daabacaha ma oggola in lagu nashariyo "Open Access". Qoraallo aan haatan laga helayn Xarunta Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed, maadaama ay yihiin qoraallo u gaar ah Prof. Annarita Puglielli.File correlato non disponibile per mancata autorizzazione da parte della casa editrice alla pubblicazione in Open Access. Documento originale attualmente non disponibile presso il Centro Studi Somali in quanto appartenente alla collezione privata della Prof. Annarita Puglielli

    When is our Millennium? Interview with Nuruddin Farah

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