507 research outputs found

    Illustrated album 1851-1858, belonging to Lou Farabee

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    Marriage, Equal Protection, and New Judicial Federalism: A View from the States

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    The marital relation constitutes the basic foundation of American society. Marriage blends intimacy and publicity. It shapes the manner in which individuals perceive themselves and the way in which they are viewed by others. Because marriage is strictly regulated by the state, it carries an inherent tension between the relational autonomy of the individual and the state interest in sanctioning relationships. This tension is illustrated in the current national debate on the legitimacy of same-sex marriages

    Emma Farabee to mother, 21 February 1861

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    Emma Farabee to mother, 2 February 1861

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    The Evolution of Drug Legislation in Kentucky

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    Person-Organization Fit as a Barrier to Employee Creativity

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    The relationship between person-organization fit (PO fit) and creativity was investigated in this study. Based on the attraction-selection-attrition framework (Schneider, 1987), over time organizational members become more homogeneous (e.g., on cultural values) which may be less conducive for individual employee creativity. Person-organization fit, defined as congruence on the non-creativity values from the competing values model (Quinn, 1988), was hypothesized to negatively relate to creativity. This had partial support for internal processes value fit when considering individuals in a low creative culture, otherwise it was unsupported. It was also hypothesized and moderately supported that fit on creativity/innovation value would be positively related to creativity. Individual conformity preference and willingness to take risks were included as moderators. Risk-taking was the only significant moderator and was only significant for the relationship between creativity/innovation value fit and creativity. Based on an exploratory analysis, anticipated reward for creativity was the largest positive predictor of creativity compared to fit and other predictors of creativity. A sample of currently working or previously employed undergraduate and graduate students served as participants and the outcome variable (i.e., creativity) was collected from supervisors and coworkers. Differences in the results between self and other ratings are discussed

    B. F. Farabee to mother, 2 February 1861

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    A study program on the development of a mathematical model/s/ for microbial burden prediction. Volume 8 - Revisions to volume 6, user's manual Final report, addendum

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    Development of mathematical models for microbial burden prediction - input translator progra

    A study program on the development of a mathematical model/s/ for microbial burden prediction. Volume 10 - Phase 9 with revisions to volume 6 user's manual, addendum

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    Histogram method for combining random variables in predicting microbial burdens on spacecraf
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