100 research outputs found

    Minimum alveolar concentrations and hemodynamic effects of two different preparations of sevoflurane in pigs

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    BACKGROUND: Original sevoflurane (Sevo A) is made with water, while a generic sevoflurane (Sevocris) is produced with propylene glycol as a stabilizing additive. We investigated whether the original and generic sevoflurane preparations differed in terms of their minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) values and hemodynamic effects. METHODS: Sixteen pigs weighing 31.6±1.8 kg were randomly assigned to the Sevo A or Sevocris groups. After anesthesia induction via mask with the appropriate sevoflurane preparation (6% in 100% oxygen), the MAC was determined for each animal. Hemodynamic and oxygenation parameters were measured at 0.5 MAC, 1 MAC and 1.5 MAC. Histopathological analyses of lung parenchyma were performed. RESULTS: The MAC in the Sevo A group was 4.4±0.5%, and the MAC in the Sevocris group was 4.1±0.7%. Hemodynamic and metabolic parameters presented significant differences in a dose-dependent pattern as expected, but they did not differ between groups. Cardiac indices and arterial pressures decreased in both groups when the sevoflurane concentration increased from 0.5 to 1 and 1.5 MAC. The oxygen delivery index (DO2I) decreased significantly at 1.5 MAC. CONCLUSION: Propylene glycol as an additive for sevoflurane seems to be as safe as a water additive, at least in terms of hemodynamic and pulmonary effects

    "Outfow occlusion" para parada circulatória em cães

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possibility of producing circulatory arrest by occlusion of the pulmonary trunk as an alternative to the venous inflow occlusion through the left hemithorax. Eight healthy mongrel dogs were divided in two groups. Group I underwent 4 minutes of outflow occlusion and Group II was submitted to 8 minutes of circulatory arrest. Outflow occlusion was performed through left thoracotomy and pericardiotomy by passing a Rumel tourniquet around the pulmonary trunk. Physical examination, electrocardiography, echocardiography, blood gas analyses, hemodynamic, and oxygen transport variables were obtained before and after the procedure. The dogs from Group I did not have any clinical, electrocardiographic, echocardiographic, or hemo-dynamic abnormalities after anesthetic recover. In the Group II, only one dog survived, which had no clinical, electrocardiographic, or echocardiographic abnormalities. In this last dog, just after releasing the occlusion, it was detected increases in the following parameters: heart rate (HR), systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure (SAP; DAP; MAP), pulmonary artery pressure (PAP), pulmonary wedge pressure (PWP), central venous pressure (CVP), cardiac output (CO), systolic index (SI), cardiac index (CI), left and right ventricular stroke work (LVSW; RVSW), oxygen delivery index (DO2), oxygen consumption index (VO2), and oxygen extraction (O2 ext). Moreover, the oxygen content of arterial and mixed venous blood (CaO2; CvO2), and the arterial and mixed venous partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2; PvO2) were decreased 5 minutes after circulatory arrest. Outflow occlusion is a feasible surgical procedure for period of 4 minutes of circulatory arrest.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a possibilidade de se produzir uma parada circulatória pela oclusão do tronco pulmonar, como alternativa ao "inflow occlusion", pelo hemitórax esquerdo. Oito cães sem raça definida foram divididos em dois grupos. O Grupo I foi submetido a quatro minutos de parada circulatória e o Grupo II, a 8 minutos de parada. Realizou-se o "outflow occlusion" por meio de toracotomia intercostal esquerda e pericardiotomia, passando-se um torniquete de Rumel ao redor do tronco pulmonar. Foram realizados exame físico, eletrocardiografia, ecocardiografia, hemogasometria, avaliação hemodinâmica e cálculo de variáveis de transporte de oxigênio, antes e após o procedimento. Os cães do Grupo I não sofreram alterações clínicas, eletrocardiográficas, ecocardiográficas e hemodinâmicas após a recuperação anestésica. No Grupo II, apenas um animal sobreviveu, sem apresentar alterações clínicas, eletrocardiográficas e ecocardiográficas. Neste cão, após a liberação do torniquete, houve aumento nas seguintes variáveis: freqüência cardíaca, pressões arteriais sistólica, média e diastólica, pressão arterial pulmonar, pressão da artéria pulmonar ocluída, pressão venosa central, débito cardíaco, índice sistólico, índice cardíaco, trabalho ventricular esquerdo e direito, índice de transporte de oxigênio, índice de consumo de oxigênio e taxa de extração de oxigênio. O conteúdo de oxigênio arterial e venoso misto e a pressão parcial de oxigênio arterial e venosa mista diminuíram, cinco minutos após a parada circulatória. Concluiu-se que o "outflow occlusion" é um procedimento viável para a realização de parada circulatória por um período de quatro minutos.Fundação para o Amparo da Pesquisa no Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Full field electrorretinogram standartization in dogs

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    Eletrorretinograma (ERG) é o meio diagnóstico objetivo e não-invasivo para avaliar a função retiniana e detectar precocemente, em várias espécies, lesões nas suas camadas mais externas. As indicações mais comuns para ERG em cães são: avaliação pré-cirúrgica de pacientes com catarata, caracterização de distúrbios que causam cegueira, além de servir como importante modelo para o estudo da distrofia retiniana que acomete o homem. Vários são os fatores que podem alterar o ERG tais como: eletrorretinógrafo, fonte de estimulação luminosa, tipo do eletrodo, tempo de adaptação ao escuro, tamanho pupilar, opacidade de meios e protocolo de sedação ou anestesia; além da espécie, raça e idade. Objetivou-se com este estudo padronizar o ERG para cães submetidos à sedação, seguindo o protocolo da International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV), utilizando Ganzfeld e eletrodos Burian Allen. Foram realizados 233 eletrorretinogramas em cães, 147 fêmeas e 86 machos, com idades entre um e 14 anos. Dos 233 cães examinados, 100 apresentavam catarata em diferentes estágios de maturação, 72 eram diabéticos e apresentavam catarata madura ou hipermadura, 26 apresentaram eletrorretinograma compatível com degeneração retiniana progressiva, três apresentaram eletrorretinograma compatível com síndrome da degeneração retiniana adquirida subitamente e 32 não apresentaram lesão retiniana capaz de atenuar as respostas do ERG, sendo considerados normais quanto à função retiniana. A sedação foi capaz de produzir boa imobilização do paciente sem rotacionar o bulbo ocular, permitindo adequada estimulação retiniana bilateralmente, com auxílio do Ganzfeld. O sistema eletrodiagnóstico Veris registrou com sucesso e simultaneamente de ambos os olhos, as cinco respostas preconizadas pela ISCEV. Como o ERG de campo total tornou-se exame fundamental na rotina oftalmológica, sua padronização é indispensável quando se objetiva comparar resultados de laboratórios distintos. A confiabilidade e reprodutibilidade deste protocolo foi demonstrada com a obtenção de registros de ótima qualidade utilizando protocolo padrão da ISCEV, eletrorretinógrafo Veris, Ganzfeld e eletrodos Burian Allen nos cães submetidos à sedação.Electroretinogram (ERG) is an objective non invasive diagnostic method to evaluate retinal function which permits the early detection of lesions at retinal external layers, even before the appearance of clinical signs. In dogs, ERG is mostly utilized for preoperative evaluation in patients presenting cataracts; characterization of disturbances causing blindness, among the utilization of dogs as animal models in scientific research. Several factors interfere in ERG responses, such as the ERG machine, light stimulation, electrode, time spent on dark adaptation, pupil size, means opacity, sedation or anesthetization, species, breed and age. The purpose of this study was to standardize the full field ERG in sedated dogs, according to the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV) protocol, using Ganzfeld and bipolar electrodes. Two hundred thirty threes ERGs were performed in 147 female and 86 male with ages from 1 to 14 years old. Among those 233 dogs, 100 presented cataracts in different stages of maturation, 72 were diabetic and presented mature or hypermature cataracts, 26 presented ERG compatible to progressive retinal degeneration, 3 presented ERG compatible to sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome; for 32 dogs no abnormal ERG was registered and they were considered as having normal retinal function. Sedation was capable to induce a good immobilization with no bulb rotation, resulting uniform retinal stimulation, using Ganzfeld. Veris system successfully registered all 5 ISCEV responses, simultaneously from both eyes, at the same time. Full field ERG became a fundamental ophthalmic exam, then, its standardization is mandatory to allow comparison between ERGs from different laboratories. The reliability and reproducibility of this protocol has shown very good responses, using ISCEV protocol, Veris system, Ganzfeld and Burian Allen electrodes in sedated dogs.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Prevalence of Neoplastic Diseases in Pet Birds Referred for Surgical Procedures

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    Neoplastic disease is common in pet birds, particularly in psittacines, and treatment should be primarily aimed at tumor eradication. Nineteen cases of pet birds submitted to diagnostic and/or therapeutic surgical procedures due to neoplastic disease characterized by the presence of visible masses were retrospectively analyzed; affected species, types of neoplasms and respective locations, and outcomes of surgical procedures were determined. All birds undergoing surgery belonged to the order Psittaciformes; the Blue-fronted parrot (Amazona aestiva) was the prevalent species. Lipoma was the most frequent neoplasm in the sample studied. Most neoplasms affected the integumentary system, particularly the pericloacal area. Tumor resection was the most common surgical procedure performed, with high resolution and low recurrence rates

    Evaluation of the effects of methadone and tramadol on postoperative analgesia and serum interleukin-6 in dogs undergoing orthopaedic surgery

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    Background\ud Acute postsurgical pain is of great interest due to potential risk of becoming chronic if not treated properly, worsening patient’s recovery and quality of life. Twenty-eight dogs with ruptured cruciate ligaments were divided into three groups that received intramuscular injections of 4 mg/kg of tramadol (TRA), 0.5 mg/kg of methadone (MET0.5), or 0.7 mg/kg of methadone (MET0.7). Physiological parameters (heart and respiratory rates and blood pressure) were evaluated at specified times: baseline (TBL), 1 (T1), 2 (T2), 4 (T4), 6 (T6), and 24 (T24) hours after premedication. Pain scores were described by visual analogue scale (VAS), modified Glasgow Composite, and Colorado University Acute Pain scales. Blood samples for measurement of interleukin (IL)-6 were collected at TBL, T1, T6, and T24. This was a prospective, randomised investigation to evaluate the efficacy of tramadol and methadone as premedications in dogs undergoing osteotomies.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud There were no statistically significant differences between groups with respect to age, weight, gender, surgery time, and time to extubation. Heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure values were maintained within acceptable ranges, and a reduction was observed at T2 in MET0.5 and MET0.7 compared with TBL. Increases in VAS scores were observed in TRA at T4 compared with TBL, T1, and T24 and between T1 and T6 (p < 0.001). In MET0.5, there was significant increase in VAS score at T4 compared with T1 (p < 0.001). TRA and MET0.5 showed significantly higher mean ± SD VAS scores (3.4 ± 2.5 and 2.5 ± 2.6, respectively) than MET0.7 (1.1 ± 1.5) at T4 (p < 0.001). TRA showed greater demand of rescue analgesia (four animals in T4 and two in T6) (p < 0.037). There were no statistically significant differences in sedation scores, Colorado Scale scores, or interleukin levels between groups and time points.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud Methadone given as premedication in doses of 0.7 mg/kg was better at controlling pain compared with lower doses and tramadol. However, dosage increases, administered as rescue analgesia, promoted adequate pain control even in tramadol group. Influence of these analgesics on IL-6 release could not be demonstrated, but significant levels were not found.FAPESP [2007/55935-3]PROAPPRPG-USPCape

    Comparison of preoperative tramadol and pethidine on postoperative pain in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud A variety of analgesic agents are available, and which one can be used in dogs and cats is a highly controversial issue, existing however a fear in the use of opiates due to possible adverse effects that these drugs can cause. The aim of this study was to compare the analgesic effect provided by the administration of tramadol or pethidine on early postoperative pain of cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy in a double-blind prospective study. Fourty-two animals were randomly assigned into three groups. Pet received pethidine (6 mg/kg), Tra 2 received tramadol (2 mg/kg) and Tra 4 received tramadol (4 mg/kg); all intramuscularly and associated with acepromazine (0.1 mg/kg). The efficacy of each analgesic regimen was evaluated prior to surgery (baseline - TBL), during surgery and 1, 3 and 6 hours after extubation with subjective pain scale, physiologic parameters, serum concentrations of glucose, cortisol and IL-6.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Changes in cardiovascular system were not clinically relevant. There were no significant differences in pain scores (P > 0.05) during the study, although the number of rescue analgesia was significantly higher (P < 0.05) at Pet group (5/14) than Tra 4 group (0/14), whereas in Tra 2, two animals (2/14) required additional analgesia. The serum cortisol values of Pet group were significantly higher at T1h T3h (P < 0.05) and T6h (P < 0.01) when compared to baseline (induction), also it was noticed a significant difference among the groups at T6h (Pet values were higher than Tra 2 and Tra 4; P < 0.05).\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud Tramadol provided adequate analgesia and it was more effective than pethidine to at least six hours for the studied animals. At the higher dose (4 mg/kg) tramadol is probably more effective, since rescue analgesia was not necessary. No significant changes were observed physiological parameter that could contraindicate the use of these opioid in described doses, for the feline species.The present study was supported by a grant from Fundação de Amparo à\ud Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – FAPESP (2010/18900-0)