16 research outputs found

    Radio-frequency Reactively Sputtered Vox Thin Films Deposited At Different Oxygen Flows

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    The effect of different oxygen flow rate on the properties of vanadium oxide thin films formed by radio-frequency, reactive sputtering deposition are investigated. The stoichiometry of the as-deposited films was investigated by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. For high oxygen flows, films were mainly V2O5 while a lower oxide was obtained at the lowest flow. Forward recoil spectrometry indicated a significant hydrogen content in the thin films. X-ray diffraction showed that the films were amorphous. The electrochromism shown by such films upon lithium intercalation was also studied. Samples deposited at high oxygen flow were transparent/yellow, and showed a somewhat complicated electrochromic behavior. Upon lithium insertion up to 25 mC/cm2, the films acted as cathodically coloring materials at wavelengths higher than 500 nm and as anodically coloring material at lower wavelengths. For the higher insertion levels, the opposite behavior was observed. Samples deposited at very low O2 flows showed no electrochromic behavior.1452706711Granqvist, C.G., (1995) Handbook of Inorganic Electrochromic Materials, , Elsevier Science, AmsterdamGorenstein, A., Decker, F., Fantini, M., Estrada, W., (1990) Large-Area Chromogenic Materials and Devices for Transmittance Control, 1 S4, p. 272. , SPIE Optical Engineering PressCordoba De Torresi, S.I., Gorenstein, A., Torresi, R.M., Vazquez, M.V., (1991) J. Electroan. Chem., 318, p. 131Passerini, S., Tipton, A.L., Smyrl, W.H., (1995) Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 39, p. 167Talledo, A., Granqvist, C.G., (1995) J. Appl. Phys., 77, p. 4655Andersson, A.M., Talledo, A., Granqvist, C.G., Stevens, J.R., (1990) Electrochromic Materials, p. 201. , M. K. Carpenter and D. A. Corrigan, Editors, PV 90-2, The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series, Pennington, NJJulien, C., Nazri, G.A., (1994) Solid-State Batteries, , Kluver Academic Pub., Boston, MAAita, C.R., Kao, M.L., (1987) J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A5, p. 2714Aita, C.R., Liou, L.J., Kwok, C.K., Lee, R.C., Kolawa, E., (1990) Thin Solid Films, 193-194, p. 18Luksich, J., Aita, C.R., (1991) J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A9, p. 542Tauc, J., (1972) The Optical Properties of Solids, , F. Abeles, Editor, North Holland, AmsterdamBenmoussa, M., Ibnouelghazi, E., Bennouna, A., Ameziane, E.L., (1995) Thin Solid Films, 265, p. 22Cazzanelli, E., Mariotto, G., Passerini, S., Smyrl, W.H., Gorenstein, A., Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells, , SubmittedFaria, I.C., Kleinke, M., Gorenstein, A., Fantini, M.C.A., Tabacnicks, M., Salvadori, C., (1996) Electrochromic Materials III, p. 79. , K. C. Ho, C. B. Greenberg, and D. M. MacArthur, Editors, PV 96-24, The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series, Pennington, NJCartier, C., Tranchant, A., Verdaguer, M., Messina, R., Dexpert, H., (1990) Electrochim. Acta, 35, p. 889Kumagai, N., Taiino, K., Nakajima, T., Watanabe, N., (1983) Electrochim. Acta, 28, p. 17Mckinnon, W.R., Haering, R.R., (1983) Modern Aspects of Electrochemisty, 15, p. 235. , Plenum Press, New YorkScarminio, J., Talledo, A., Andersson, A., Passerini, S., Scrosati, B., (1993) Electrochim. Acta, p. 1637Cogan, S.F., (1990) Large-Area Chromogenics: Materials and Devices for Transmittance Control, IS4, p. 313. , SPIE Optical Engineering PressCantão, M.P., Cisneros, I.J., Torresi, R.M., (1995) Thin Solid Films, 259, p. 7

    Radio Frequency Sputtered Cobalt Oxide Coating: Structural, Optical, And Electrochemical Characterization

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    Cobalt oxide thin films (thickness 2000 Ã…) with different stoichiometries were deposited by reactive rf sputtering. The variation of the oxygen partial pressure lead to films with compositions varying from metallic cobalt to CO3O4, as determined by x-ray diffraction and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The electrochromic properties of the films were investigated in aqueous electrolytes (0.1 M KOH). The initial electrochemical behavior of the films is strongly dependent on the film deposition conditions, but after cycling the electrochemical/electrochromic characteristics of the different deposits were quite similar. Transmittance changes and electrochromic efficiency are discussed.7495835584


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    Selective surfaces for an efficient solar energy photothermal conversion were obtained by evaporation of Co in a gaseous atmosphere. A bell jar system was used with a Tungsten basket and a gas mixture consisting of oxygen and helium. Using a KBr substrate we performed spectral measurements of the transmittance from 0.38 µm to 20 µm obtaining λc ≈ 2.5 µm. The film observed in a transmission electron microscope revealed a small particles structure for which the filling factor was measured. The results justified the application of the Maxwell Garnett theory

    Electrodeposition Of Cdse Films On Sno2:f Coated Glass

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    Thin films of CdSe were electrodeposited on transparent and conducting SnO2:F substrates, and for comparison, on indiumtinoxide (ITO) substrates, using an aqueous electrolyte at room temperature. The optical properties of the samples were analysed by means of transmittance, reflectance and absorbance measurements. The homogeneity of the CdSe film was found to be strictly related to the sheet resistivity of the substrate. The effect of heat treatments on the optical and structural properties of the samples is discussed. Preliminary results of backwall photoelectrochemical cells using a transparent substrate /CdSe/S-S2/Pt configuration are also given. © 1988.174247255Pujadas, Gandia, Salvador, Decker, (1987) J. Electroanal. Chem., 218, p. 347Pessoa, Cesar, Patel, Vargas, Ghizoni, Miranda, (1986) J. Appl. Phys., 59, p. 1316Liu, Wang, (1980) Appl. Phys. Letters, 36, p. 852Russak, Reichman, Thin Film CdSe Electrodes for Backwall Photoelectrochemical Cells (1981) Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 128, p. 2029Loufty, Ng, Electrodeposited polycrystalline thin films of cadmium chalcogenides for backwall photoelectrochemical cells (1984) Solar Energy Materials, 11, p. 319Decker, Fracastoro-Decker, Moro, Motisuke, (1987) Solar Cells, 20, p. 19Miller, Haneman, (1981) Solar Energy Mater., 4, p. 223Mc Cann, Kazacos, The electrochemical deposition and formation of cadmium sulphide thin film electrodes in aqueous electrolytes (1981) Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 119, p. 409Hodes, Manassen, Neagu, Cahen, Mirovsky, (1982) Thin Solid Films, 90, p. 433Fulop, Doty, Meyers, Betz, Liu, (1982) Appl. Phys. Letters, 40, p. 327Reeves, Cocivera, (1984) J. Electrochem. Soc., 131, p. 2042Cocivera, Darkowsky, Love, (1984) J. Electrochem. Soc., 131, p. 2514Chambouleyron, Constantino, Fantini, Farias, (1983) Solar Energy Mater., 9, p. 127Thutupalli, Tomlin, (1976) J. Phys. D (Appl. Phys.), 9, p. 1639Madelung, (1982) Landolt-Börnstein New Series, Semiconductors, Group 3, 17, p. 443. , Springer, New York, Part bFonash, (1981) Solar Cell Device Physics, p. 75. , Academic Press, New YorkSzabo, Cocivera, (1987) J. Appl. Phys., 61, p. 482

    Synthesis, Characterization And Electrochromic Properties Of Nioxhy Thin Film Prepared By A Sol-gel Method

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    In this work, sol-gel and dip-coating methods were used to produce nickel oxide/hydroxide films. Strips of glass previously coated with transparent/conducting films of SnO2 were utilized as substrates. The nickel oxide films were obtained by wetting the substrates in a solution of NiCl2 · 6H2O in butanol and ethylene glycol. The dried gel films were found to be transparent and moisture sensitive. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) was performed to identify the produced compounds of heat-treated samples. A significant effect of temperature and time on the film's thickness was observed. Simultaneously, chemical analysis, e.g. carbonaceous matter and water, were examined by DSC and FTIR spectroscopy. Transmittance measurements were performed in the range of 350 nm to 850 nm in the films at different optical states. The coloration/bleaching process was found to be reversible. The cyclic voltammetry shows broad peaks related to Ni(II)/Ni(III) and Ni(III)/Ni(IV) oxidation/reduction processes. The measurements are discussed in detail in terms of the temperature effect. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.113-115457463Haas, T.B., Goldner, R.B., (1988) Large Area Chromogenics: Materials and Devices for Transmittance Control, p. 170. , SPIE Institute Series 4Torresi, S.I.C., Gorenstein, A., (1992) Electrochim. Acta, 37, p. 2015Livage, J., Henry, M., Sanchez, C., (1988) Prog. Solid State Chem., 18, p. 259Dickens, P.G., Reynolds, G.J., (1981) Solid State Ionics, 331, p. 5Randin, J.P., (1978) J. Electronic Mat., 47, p. 7Demiryont, H., (1990) SPIE Proceedings, 1329, p. 171Ferreira, F.F., Tabacniks, M.H., Fantini, M.C.A., Faria, I.C., Gorenstein, A., (1996) Solid State Ionics, 86-88, p. 971Scarminio, J., Urbano, A., Gardes, B.J., Gorenstein, A., (1992) J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 562, p. 11Fantini, M.C.A., Benerra, G.H., Carvalho, C.R.C., Gorenstein, A., (1996) SPIE Proceedings, 1536, p. 81Nakagawa, T., Yamuguchi, J., Okuyama, M., Hamakawa, Y., (1982) Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 21, pp. L656Estrada, W., Andersson, A.M., Granqvist, C.G., (1988) J. Appl. Phys., 3678, p. 64Wruck, D.A., Dixon, A.M., Rubin, M., Bogy, S.N., (1991) J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 19, p. 2170Passerini, S., Scrosati, B., Gorenstein, A., (1990) J. Electrochem. Soc., 137, p. 3297Sanchez, C., Livage, J., Henry, M., Babboneau, F., (1988) J. NonCryst. Solids, 100, p. 65Surca, A., Orel, B., Pihiar, B., Bukovel, P., (1996) J. Electroanal. Chem., 408, p. 83Brinker, C.J., Scherer, G.W., (1990) Sol-gel Science, , Academic Press, New YorkTakahashi, Y., Matsuoka, Y., (1988) J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 23, p. 2259Ohya, Y., Ueda, M., Takahashi, Y., (1996) Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 35, p. 4738Wang, L., Zhang, Z., Cao, Y., (1983) J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 101, p. 227Serebrennikova, I., Birss, V.I., (1997) J. Electrochem. Soc., 2, p. 536Gorenstein, A., Decker, F., Fantini, M.C.A., Estrada, W., (1988) SPIE Proceedings, 4, p. 272Xingfang, H., Xiaofeng, C., Hutchins, M.G., (1992) SPIE Proceedings, 1728, p. 73Chaibi, J., Henry, M., Zarrouk, M., Gharbi, N., Livage, J., (1994) J. NonCryst. Solids, 1, p. 70Doeuf, S., Henry, M., Sanchez, C., Livage, J., (1989) J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 20, p. 89Agarwal, V., Liu, M., (1996) J. Electrochem. Soc., 143, p. 3239Torresi, R.M., Vazquez, M.V., Gorenstein, A., Cordoba De Torresi, S.I., (1993) Thin Solid Film, 229, p. 18

    Electrochromic Nickel Oxide Thin Films Deposited Under Different Sputtering Conditions

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    In this work, non stoichiometric nickel oxide (NiOx) thin films were deposited by r.f. reactive sputtering of a metallic nickel target in an O2-Ar atmosphere. A systematic variation of two deposition parameters was done: the oxygen flux (φ) and the r.f. power (P). The electrochemical characterization of the films was performed in aqueous electrolyte. The spectral transmittance measurements, as well as the X-ray diffraction analysis were performed ex-situ, while monochromatic transmittance and stress measurements were performed in situ. Samples deposited at low oxygen flux (or high power) are transparent, in contrast to those deposited at high oxygen flux (or low power), which are dark brown. The films were cubic NiO, with preferred orientation in the (111) direction. Lattice parameters increase with increasing oxygen flux during deposition, but decrease with increasing power. For all samples, the ratio O/Ni was greater than 1, as determined by Rutherford back-scattering analysis. Also, an important hydrogen content was found in the films. The relationship between optical, electrochemical, mechanical, structural and morphological behaviour of the above mentioned films will be reported and discussed in this work.86-88PART 2971976Gorenstein, A., Decker, F., Fantini, M., Estrada, W., (1991) Large Area Chromogenics: Materials and Devices for Transmittance Control, p. 71. , eds. C.M. Lampert and C.G. Granqvist SPIE, BellinghamDelichère, P., Joiret, S., Hugot-Le-Goff, A., Bange, K., Hetz, B., (1988) J. Electrochem. Soc., 135, p. 1856Orel, Z.C., Hutchins, M.G., Mc Meeking, G., (1993) Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells, 30, p. 327Otterman, C.R., Temmink, A., Bange, K., (1990) Thin Solid Films, 193-194, p. 409Seike, T., Nagai, J., (1991) Solar Energy Mater., 22, p. 107Cordoba-Torresi, S.I., Gabrielli, C., Goff, A.H.-L., Torresi, R., (1991) J. Electrochem. Soc., 138, p. 1548Estrada, W., Andersson, A.M., Granqvist, C.G., (1988) J. Appl. Phys., 64, p. 3678Gorenstein, A., Decker, F., Estrada, W., Esteves, C., Andersson, A., Passerini, S., Pantaloni, S., Scrosati, B., (1990) J. Electroanal. Chem., 277, p. 277Wruck, D.A., Dixon, A.M., Rubin, M., Bogy, S.N., (1991) J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 19, p. 2170Scarminio, J., Estrada, W., Andersson, A., Gorenstein, A., Decker, F., (1992) J. Electrochem. Soc., 139, p. 1236Passerini, S., Scrosati, B., Gorenstein, A., Andersson, A.M., Granqvist, C.G., (1989) J. Electrochem. Soc., 136, p. 3394Granqvist, C.G., (1990) Thin Solid Films, 193-194, p. 730Klug, H.P., Alexander, L.E., (1974) X-Ray Diffraction Procedures for Polycrystalline and Amorphous Materials, , Wiley-Interscience, New York, 2nd. edConell, R.S., Corrigan, D.A., Powell, B.R., (1992) Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells, 25, p. 301Agrawal, A., Habibi, H.R., Agrawal, R.K., Cronin, J.P., Roberts, D.M., Caron-Popowich, R.S., Lampert, C.M., (1992) Thin Solid Films, 221, p. 239Fantini, M.C.A., Gorenstein, A., Kleinke, M., to be publishe

    Microvoids In Diamond-like Amorphous Silicon Carbide

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    The correlation between composition, microstructure, and optical properties of a-Si1-xCx:H thin films with different stoichiometries was established. The alloys were deposited by radio frequency glow discharge under "starving" plasma conditions from mixtures of SiH4 and CH4. The samples were characterized by small angle x-ray scattering, ultraviolet-visible and infrared spectrometry, and Auger electron spectroscopy. The results showed the presence of microvoids with sizes between ≅3 Å and ≅8 Å. The relative microvoid volume fraction displayed a maximum for x around 55 at. % and decreased for higher values of x. High carbon content alloys (x≅70 at. %) not only have a lower relative microvoid volume fraction, but show optical gaps as high as 3.7 eV, high resistivity, and very low refractive index, indicating the presence of a diamond-like C-C structure. These remarkable results are attributed to the deposition under "starving" plasma conditions.75153854

    Toward Efficient Electrochromic Niox Films: A Study Of Microstructure, Morphology, And Stoichiometry Of Radio Frequency Sputtered Films

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    In this work, NiOx films were deposited by reactive radio frequency sputtering, varying either the oxygen flow or the power during deposition. The morphology was studied by atomic force microscopy. The Ni/O and Ni/H ratios were determined by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy and forward recoil spectroscopy. The microstructure of pristine and colored or bleached films were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction. The electrochromic and mechanical behavior in aqueous alkaline electrolyte were investigated in situ. Samples deposited at low oxygen flow (or high power) are transparent, and have the highest Ni/O ratio and the lowest Ni/H ratio. The effective area is also greater for these samples. Samples deposited at high oxygen flow (or low power) are dark brown and present the lowest Ni/O ratio and the highest Ni/H ratio. For all samples, the Ni/O ratio is lower than 1. All films were cubic NiO, with preferred orientation in the (111) direction. Lattice parameters and crystalline grain size increase with the increase of oxygen flow (or decrease of power) during deposition. The highest optical contrast and lowest stress changes upon intercalation were obtained for samples deposited at low oxygen flow. Nonintentional, low-size dopants, like H, favor the mechanical stability of the films.1451235240Granqvist, C.G., (1995) Handbook of Inorganic Electrochromic Materials, , Elsevier Science, AmsterdamLampert, C.M., (1984) Sol. Energy Mater., 11, p. 1Deb, S.K., (1992) Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 25, p. 327Gorenstein, A., Decker, F., Fantini, M., Estrada, W., (1991) Large Area Chromogenics: Materials and Devices for Transmittance Control, p. 71. , C. M. Lampert and C. G. Granqvist, Editors, SPIE, Bellingham, WA SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. EngOrel, Z.C., Hutchins, M.G., Mc Meeking, G., (1993) Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 30, p. 327Lampert, C.M., Omstead, T.R., Yu, P.C., (1986) Sol. Energy Mater., 14, p. 161Carpenter, M.K., Connell, R.S., Corrigan, D.A., (1987) Sol. Energy Mater., 16, p. 333Fantini, M., Gorenstein, A., (1987) Sol. Energy Mater., 16, p. 487Morisaki, S., Kawakami, K., Baba, N., (1988) Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 27, p. 314Corrigan, D.A., Carpenter, M.K., (1991) Large Area Chromogenics: Materials and Devices for Transmittance Control, p. 299. , C. M. Lampert and C. G. Granqvist, Editors, SPIE, Bellingham, WA SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. EngJoseph, J., Gomathi, H., Rao, G.P., (1991) Sol. Energy Mater., 23, p. 1Corrigan, D.A., (1992) Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 25, p. 293Chigane, M., Ishikawa, M., (1992) J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 88, p. 2203Delichére, P., Joiret, S., Hugot-Le-Goff, A., Bange, K., Hetz, B., (1988) This Journal, 135, p. 1856Otterman, C.R., Temmink, A., Bange, K., (1990) Thin Solid Films, 193-194, p. 409Seike, T., Nagai, J., (1991) Solar Energy Mater., 22, p. 107Cordoba-Torresi, S.I., Gabrielli, C., Hugot-Le Goff, A., Torresi, R., (1991) This Journal, 138, p. 1548Nemetz, A., Temmink, A., Bange, K., Cordoba-Torresi, S.I., Gabrielli, C., Torresi, R., Hugto-Le-Goff, A., (1992) Solar Energy Mater., 25, p. 93Svensson, J.S.E.M., Granqvist, C.G., (1986) Appl. Phys. Lett., 49, p. 1566Yamada, S., Yoshioka, T., Miyashita, M., Urabe, K., Kitao, M., (1988) J. Appl. Phys., 63, p. 2116Estrada, W., Andersson, A.M., Granqvist, G.G., (1988) J. Appl. Phys., 64, p. 3678Gorenstein, A., Decker, F., Estada, W., Esteves, C., Andersson, A., Passerini, S., Pantaloni, S., Scrosati, B., (1990) J. Electroanal. Chem., 277, p. 277Wruck, D.A., Dixon, A.M., Rubin, M., Bogy, S.N., (1991) J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 19, p. 2170Campet, G., Morel, B., Bourrel, M., Chabagno, J.M., Ferry, D., Garie, R., Quest, C., Salardenne, J., (1991) Mater. Sci. Eng., B, p. 303Decker, F., Pileggi, R., Passerini, S., Scrosati, B., (1991) This Journal, 138, p. 3182Conell, R.S., Corrigan, D.A., Powell, B.R., (1992) Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 25, p. 301Scarminio, J., Estrada, W., Andersson, A., Gorenstein, A., Decker, F., (1992) This Journal, 139, p. 1236Wruck, D.A., Rubin, M., (1993) This Journal, 140, p. 1097Granqvist, C.G., (1990) Thin Solid Films, 193-194, p. 730Scarminio, J., Sahu, S.N., Decker, F., (1989) J. Phys. E. Sci. Instrum., 22, p. 755Scarminio, J., Gorenstein, A., Decker, F., Passerini, S., Pillegi, R., Scrosati, B., (1991) SPIE Proc. Series, 1536, p. 70. , SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. EngFerreira, F.F., Fantini, M.C.A., Tabacniks, M.H., Faria, I.C., Gorenstein, A., (1996) Solid State Ionics, 86-88, p. 971Katada, K., Nakahigashi, K., Shimomura, Y., (1970) Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 9, p. 1019(1992) Powder Diffraction Files, Joint Committee of Powder Diffraction Standards (J.C.P.D.S.) of the International Center for Diffraction Data, , Swarthmore, PAVan Elp, J., Eskes, H., Kuiper, P., Sawatzky, G.A., (1992) Phys. Rev. B, 45, p. 1612Faria, I.C., Torresi, R.M., Gorenstein, A., (1993) Electrochim. Acta, 38, p. 276