19 research outputs found


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    Under heat stress conditions, testicular degeneration can occur, even on zebu animals. Therefore, the aim of this work was to verify the occurrence of any possible effect of shadow availability on pasture on spermatic morphology of Brahman Bulls on Brazil Southeast. Five animals were allocated on pasture with shadow availability, and five bulls were allocated on pasture without any kind of shadow. No difference was observed (P>0.05) in any of the characteristics analyzed when Brahman bulls were maintained on pastures with or without shadow availability


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    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do recurso de ventilação sobre a fisiologia de vacas Holandesas alojadas em free-stall, durante o verão do sudeste brasileiro. Foram utilizadas 20 vacas Holandesas submetidas a dois tratamentos: controle e ventilação. Os parâmetros ambientais registrados foram temperatura e umidade relativa do ar e temperatura de globo negro. As variáveis fisiológicas avaliadas foram temperatura retal e frequência respiratória. Para obtenção das estatísticas descritivas utilizou-se a metodologia de quadrados mínimos. Apesar das diferenças estatísticas obtidas para as variáveis fisiológicas, as mesmas não foram biologicamente efetivas e indicaram que os animais se encontravam em conforto térmico

    Influence of pre-slaughter management on cortisol level in lambs

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    This study aimed to verify the influence of the transport in open or closed compartments, followed by two resting periods (1 and 3 hours) for the slaughter process on the levels of cortisol as a indicative of stress level in lambs. The slaughterhouse was located 85 km away from the place of confinement and the transportation of the lambs was carried out in a cage truck type, each cage had a divider in the middle making the front without external visual access to the environment, and the back portion of the cages with visual access to the road. At the slaughterhouse, blood samples were taken from 86 lambs after the transport and before slaughter (1 or 3 hours of resting) for plasma cortisol analysis. Variables were evaluated through the PROC GLM procedure from the Statistical Analysis System ©, version 9.1.3 software.The method of transport influenced in the cortisol concentration (P<0.01), the animals transported in the closed compartment had a lower level. After the resting period in the slaughterhouse, there was a decline in the plasmatic cortisol concentration, with the animals subjected to three hours of rest presenting the lower average cortisol value (P<0.05). It can be inferred that the lambs that remained three hours in standby before slaughter had more time to recover from the stress of the transportation than those that waited just one hour. Visual access to the external environment during the transport of the lambs is a stressful factor changing the level of plasmatic cortisol, and the resting period before slaughter was effective in lowering stress, reducing the plasmatic cortisol in the lambs

    Liver transcriptomic networks reveal main biological processes associated with feed efficiency in beef cattle

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud The selection of beef cattle for feed efficiency (FE) traits is very important not only for productive and economic efficiency but also for reduced environmental impact of livestock. Considering that FE is multifactorial and expensive to measure, the aim of this study was to identify biological functions and regulatory genes associated with this phenotype.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Eight genes were differentially expressed between high and low feed efficient animals (HFE and LFE, respectively). Co-expression analyses identified 34 gene modules of which 4 were strongly associated with FE traits. They were mainly enriched for inflammatory response or inflammation-related terms. We also identified 463 differentially co-expressed genes which were functionally enriched for immune response and lipid metabolism. A total of 8 key regulators of gene expression profiles affecting FE were found. The LFE animals had higher feed intake and increased subcutaneous and visceral fat deposition. In addition, LFE animals showed higher levels of serum cholesterol and liver injury biomarker GGT. Histopathology of the liver showed higher percentage of periportal inflammation with mononuclear infiltrate.\ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud Liver transcriptomic network analysis coupled with other results demonstrated that LFE animals present altered lipid metabolism and increased hepatic periportal lesions associated with an inflammatory response composed mainly by mononuclear cells. We are now focusing to identify the causes of increased liver lesions in LFE animals.The authors thank Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo\ud (FAPESP) for financial support (process. numbers: 2014/02493-7; 2014/07566-\ud 2) and scholarship for PA Alexandre (2012/14792-3; 2014/00307-1). HN\ud Kadarmideen thanks EU-FP7 Marie Curie Actions – Career Integration Grant\ud (CIG-293511) for partially funding his time spent on this research. The authors\ud thank Dr. JF Medrano for the technical advice on RNAseq and experimental\ud design

    In vitro induced pluripotency from urine-derived cells in porcine.

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    Methods: The UDCs were reprogrammed in vitro using human or murine octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (OCT4), SRY-box2 (SOX2), Kruppel-like factor 4 (KLF4), and C-MYC, and cultured with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) supplementation. To characterize the putative porcine iPSCs three clonal lineages were submitted to immunocytochemistry for alkaline phosphatase (AP), OCT4, SOX2, NANOG, TRA1 81 and SSEA 1 detection. Endogenous transcripts related to the pluripotency (OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG) were analyzed via reverse transcription quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in different time points during the culture, and all three lineages formed embryoid bodies (EBs) when cultured in suspension without bFGF supplementation. Results: The UDCs were isolated from swine urine samples and when at passage 2 submitted to in vitro reprogramming. Colonies of putative iPSCs were obtained only from UDCs transduced with the murine factors (mOSKM), but not from human factors (hOSKM). Three clonal lineages were isolated and further cultured for at least 28 passages, all the lineages were positive for AP detection, the OCT4, SOX2, NANOG markers, albeit the immunocytochemical analysis also revealed heterogeneous phenotypic profiles among lineages and passages for NANOG and SSEA1, similar results were observed in the abundance of the endogenous transcripts related to pluripotent state. All the clonal lineages when cultured in suspension without bFGF were able to form EBs expressing ectoderm and mesoderm layers transcripts. Conclusion: For the first time UDCs were isolated in the swine model and reprogrammed into a pluripotent-like state, enabling new numerous applications in both human or veterinary regenerative medicine

    Influence of transportation methods and pre-slaughter rest periods on cortisol level in lambs

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    This study aimed to verify the influence of the transport in open or closed compartments, followed by two resting periods (1 and 3 hours) for the slaughter process on the levels of cortisol as a indicative of stress level in lambs. The slaughterhouse was located 85 km away from the place of confinement and the transportation of the lambs was carried out in a cage truck type, each cage had a divider in the middle making the front without external visual access to the environment, and the back portion of the cages with visual access to the road. At the slaughterhouse, blood samples were taken from 86 lambs after the transport and before slaughter (1 or 3 hours of resting) for plasma cortisol analysis. Variables were evaluated through the PROC GLM procedure from the Statistical Analysis System ©, version 9.1.3 software.The method of transport influenced in the cortisol concentration (P<0.01), the animals transported in the closed compartment had a lower level. After the resting period in the slaughterhouse, there was a decline in the plasmatic cortisol concentration, with the animals subjected to three hours of rest presenting the lower average cortisol value (P<0.05). It can be inferred that the lambs that remained three hours in standby before slaughter had more time to recover from the stress of the transportation than those that waited just one hour. Visual access to the external environment during the transport of the lambs is a stressful factor changing the level of plasmatic cortisol, and the resting period before slaughter was effective in lowering stress, reducing the plasmatic cortisol in the lambs


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    Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a powerful tool to understand the mechanisms driving the cellular reprogramming, as well as addressing fundamental questions on developmental biology. Hundreds of animals have already been generated through this technology, however its large-scale use is still hampered by the low efficiency and disrupted phenotypes reported in SCNT derived newborns. Therefore, this review aims to expose some of the consequences often seen in cloned animals, as well as to discuss and propose some possibilities and perspectives to avoid epigenetic failures during reprogramming