358 research outputs found

    A new approach to the propagation of light-like signals in perturbed cosmological backgrounds

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    We present a new method to compute the deflection of light rays in a perturbed FLRW geometry. We exploit the properties of the Geodesic Light Cone (GLC) gauge where null rays propagate at constant angular coordinates irrespectively of the given (inhomogeneous and/or anisotropic) geometry. The gravitational deflection of null geodesics can then be obtained, in any other gauge, simply by expressing the angular coordinates of the given gauge in terms of the GLC angular coordinates. We apply this method to the standard Poisson gauge, including scalar perturbations, and give the full result for the deflection effect in terms of the direction of observation and observed redshift up to second order, and up to third order for the leading lensing terms. We also compare our results with those presently available in the literature and, in particular, we provide a new non trivial check of a previous result on the luminosity-redshft relation up to second order in cosmological perturbation theory.Comment: 37 pages, no figures. Typos corrected, comments and references added. Version accepted for publication in JCA

    An exact Jacobi map in the geodesic light-cone gauge

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    The remarkable properties of the recently proposed geodesic light-cone (GLC) gauge allow to explicitly solve the geodetic-deviation equation, and thus to derive an exact expression for the Jacobi map J^A_B(s,o) connecting a generic source s to a geodesic observer o in a generic space time. In this gauge J^A_B factorizes into the product of a local quantity at s times one at o, implying similarly factorized expressions for the area and luminosity distance. In any other coordinate system J^A_B is simply given by expressing the GLC quantities in terms of the corresponding ones in the new coordinates. This is explicitly done, at first and second order, respectively, for the synchronous and Poisson gauge-fixing of a perturbed, spatially-flat cosmological background, and the consistency of the two outcomes is checked. Our results slightly amend previous calculations of the luminosity-redshift relation and suggest a possible non-perturbative way for computing the effects of inhomogeneities on observations based on light-like signals.Comment: 26 pages, no figures. Inconsequential modification of an equation, comments and references added. Version accepted for publication in JCA

    Analysis of genetic relationships among Muscat grapevines in Apulia (South Italy) by RAPD markers

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    Two hundred 10-mer primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence were used to study the genetic relationships among Muscat grapevines in Apulia. The coefficients of similarity of these genotypes were determined with 484 polymorphic RAPD bands (profiles). The bootstrap sampling analysis revealed that the number of RAPD bands was suitable to estimate the coefficients of similarity. The pattern of aggregation among genotypes (cluster analysis, principal coordinate analysis) indicates a diversity among the Muscats in Apulia except for Moscato Reale and Moscato Canelli, which were closely related

    Comparing the luminosity distance for gravitational waves and electromagnetic signals in a simple model of quadratic gravity

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    We compute the modified friction coefficient controlling the propagation of tensor metric perturbations in the context of a generalized cosmological scenario based on a theory of gravity with quadratic curvature corrections. In such a context we discuss the differences between gravitational and electromagnetic luminosity distance, as well as the differences with the standard results based on the Einstein equations. We present numerical estimates of the modified luminosity distance on the cosmic redshift scale typical of Supernovae and standard sirens.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, published in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Effects of polysaccharides from Botryotinia fuckeliana (Botrytis cinerea) on in vitro culture of table and wine grapes (Vitis vinifera)

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    Shoots of several table and wine grape cultivars were cultured in vitro on a medium supplemented with polysaccharides obtained from a culture filtrate of Botryotinia fuckeliana through differential ethanolic precipitations. The general effects of polysaccharides resulted in leaf yellowness and in a reduction of fresh and dry weight. Differential response of assayed cultivars to polysaccharides seemed to be not related to their bunch susceptibility to grey mould under field conditions

    Elementi di statistica per lo studio della sociologa. Primi approcci per la ricerca in campo sociale

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    Concepito per far acquisire agli studenti universitari cognizioni circa l’importanza di un approccio rigoroso e razionale per le scienze umane e sociali, obiettivo del volume è far comprendere che un orientamento logico-matematico non è alternativo bensì complementare ed integrativo per lo studio della sociologia. Si tratta quindi di un testo scritto per spiegare l’utilità dell’apprendimento della statistica all’interno degli studi umanistici e, in particolare, per accompagnare e in un certo senso rendere più “concrete” le spiegazioni sul fondamento, i contenuti e la missione scientifica della sociologia. Sulla scorta di questo proposito, il convincimento che ispira l’organizzazione degli argomenti trattati è che, più che la statistica in quanto tale, è la statistica in quanto strumento a rappresentare un indispensabile ausilio per introdurre i temi dell’epistemologia, ossia per chiarire le questioni legate alla necessità/opportunità di una compenetrazione e commistione tra umanesimo e scienze cosiddette esatte. Per tale ragione il volume, articolato in sette capitoli, cerca di unire lo studio della sociologia a quello della metodologia della ricerca sociale. Cosicché, dopo un primo capitolo introduttivo, i capitoli secondo e terzo trattano della costruzione del disegno della ricerca, ovvero forniscono una descrizione delle principali fasi della rilevazioni dei dati nonché della presentazione degli stessi, evidenziandone gli aspetti metodologici, mentre nei restanti capitoli vengono presentati, con il ricorso a molti esempi pratici, gli strumenti fondamentali per l’analisi dei dati (rapporti statistici, valori medi, variabilità e relazioni tra variabili)

    Estimations of length-weight relationships and consumption rates of odontocetes in the Mediterranean Sea from stranding data

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    Stranding data provide fundamental information on biometric traits of cetaceans useful to increase knowledge on ecological traits and their consumption patterns. In this study, the length weight (L-W) relationships through the power regression model (W = a ×Lb ) were calculated for three dolphin species (the striped dolphin, the common bottlenose dolphin and the Risso’s dolphin) in several Mediterranean subregions and at the scale of the entire basin. Length (L) and weight (W) data were collected from stranding records during the period from 1983 to 2021 acquired from several databases and the literature. Starting from L-W relationships, a bootstrap method was applied to estimate the mean body weights, the daily ingested biomass (IB) and annual food consumption (AFC) rates of different dolphin species. In particular, four different equations were used to estimate the IB rates. Prey consumption by dolphin species was calculated through AFC rates and the available diet information (expressed in weight fractions) of dolphin species for different Mediterranean subregions. Considering the L-W relationships in the Mediterranean Sea, b coefficient values were equal to 2.578, 2.975 and 2.988 for the striped, the common bottlenose and the Risso’s dolphin, respectively. At the Mediterranean scale, the AFC values estimated were 3913 kg (CI 2469–5306) for the Risso’s dolphin, 2571 kg (1372–3963) for the common bottlenose dolphin and 1118 kg (531–1570) for the striped dolphin. Prey consumption pattern showed a clear partitioning among the investigated species, where the common bottlenose dolphin exploits neritic demersal and pelagic fishes (e.g. eel fishes, sparids), the striped dolphin exploits mesopelagic fishes and myctophids, and the Risso’s dolphin was specialized on bathyal cephalopods of Histioteuthidae family. The results obtained in this study provide new information for the investigated species in several Mediterranean subregions providing a first consistent baseline to support the population dynamics modelling. At the same time, the wide uncertainty ranges of some parameters, as well as the lack of information for some species, stress the necessity of improving the data collection associated to stranding events, especially in the southern Mediterranean areas

    A possible role of fzd10 delivering exosomes derived from colon cancers cell lines in inducing activation of epithelial–mesenchymal transition in normal colon epithelial cell line

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    Exosomes belong to the family of extracellular vesicles released by every type of cell both in normal and pathological conditions. Growing interest in studies indicates that extracellular vesicles, in particular, the fraction named exosomes containing lipids, proteins and nucleic acid, represent an efficient way to transfer functional cargoes between cells, thus combining all the other cell–cell interaction mechanisms known so far. Only a few decades ago, the involvement of exosomes in the carcinogenesis in different tissues was discovered, and very recently it was also observed how they carry and modulate the presence of Wnt pathway proteins, involved in the carcinogenesis of gastrointestinal tissues, such as Frizzled 10 protein (FZD10), a membrane receptor for Wnt. Here, we report the in vitro study on the capability of tumor-derived exosomes to induce neoplastic features in normal cells. Exosomes derived from two different colon cancer cell lines, namely the non-metastatic CaCo-2 and the metastatic SW620, were found to deliver, in both cases, FZD10, thus demonstrating the ability to reprogram normal colonic epithelial cell line (HCEC-1CT). Indeed, the acquisition of specific mesenchymal characteristics, such as migration capability and expression of FZD10 and markers of mesenchymal cells, was observed. The exosomes derived from the metastatic cell line, characterized by a level of FZD10 higher than the exosomes extracted from the non-metastatic cells, were also more efficient in stimulating EMT activation. The overall results suggest that FZD10, delivered by circulating tumor-derived exosomes, can play a relevant role in promoting the CRC carcinogenesis and propagation
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