8,398 research outputs found

    Rapid Assessment of Intertidal Wetland Sediments

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    Urbanization of coastal areas poses a severe threat to ecologically valuable intertidal wetlands. This paper presents a pragmatic approach called Rapid Assessment for Intertidal Wetland Sediments (RAITWS) for evaluating the sediment quality of intertidal wetlands. RAITWS involves construction of reference groups, selection of a subset of environmental variables, matching of test sites to reference groups, prediction of the benthic fauna community structure (e. g. of macroinvertebrates) at test sites, evaluation of the Observation to Expectation ratio (O/E ratio), quantification of environmental variables with series of dynamic numerical models, and interpretation of the O/E findings. The proposed method extends the existing rapid biological assessment approach from static to dynamic applications. In particular, RAITWS provides a fast method of assessing intertidal wetland sites which are undergoing ecological change due to nearby coastal development.Environmental SciencesSCI(E)EI0ARTICLE5574-5852

    On the global existence and finite time blow-up of shadow systems

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    AbstractShadow systems are often used to approximate reaction–diffusion systems when one of the diffusion rates is large. In this paper, we study the global existence and blow-up phenomena for shadow systems. Our results show that even for these fundamental aspects, there are serious discrepancies between the dynamics of the reaction–diffusion systems and that of their corresponding shadow systems

    From instinct to self: a psychoanalytic exploration into a Fairbairnian understanding of depression through a dialogue with my imaginary Virginia Woolf

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    This thesis explores a psychoanalytic understanding of depression from the perspective of Fairbairn’s object relations theory, something Fairbairn did not himself undertake. Highlighting the historical and political contexts of the development of psychoanalysis in Fairbairn’s time, I underline the marginalization of Fairbairn’s theory, which I attribute primarily to his lifelong endeavour to challenge the orthodoxy of the time: instinct theory. I chart a theoretical trajectory from the instinct theory (Freud, Klein) to object relations theory (Fairbairn), to contextualise my argument for the potential of Fairbairn’s theory. My argument aligns with Rubens’ (1994, 1998) view that an extension of Fairbairn’s theory beyond what Fairbairn himself originally proposed on the subject of depression is not only advantageous but also necessary. The Fairbairnian understanding of depression at the heart of this inquiry is illustrated through my personal engagement with psychoanalytic theory and framed by my subjective experiences and interpretations. Contending that theory requires personal voices to make sense and be relevant, I engage creatively and personally using the method of letter-writing to an imaginary companion - Virginia Woolf. The Virginia Woolf I construct and with whom I engaged in the research process is based on factual information about Virginia Woolf along with her published texts. In this process I blur the boundary between the real Woolf and my imaginary Woolf. Troubling the edge of reality and fantasy, I use the Woolf of my imagination to stage a process of getting to know Woolf personally, working to develop a trusting relationship and engaging her in a conversation about theory. My letters to Virginia Woolf trace an unfolding dialogue in which we tell and hear each other’s most intimate stories, once unthinkable and unsayable. The letters trace the transformation of my own understanding of the nature of depression, and through them I seek to establish a line of theoretical argument about depression running through the claims of Freud and Klein before turning to the Fairbairnian version of object relations theory. In so doing this thesis complicates psychoanalytic knowledge of the nature of depression, and argues that, framed in Fairbairn’s system, depression can be understood as an actively organised psychic manoeuvre to defend against changes to the endopsychic structure. In other words, and as elaborated through the letters constructed in this thesis, I argue that depression can be understood as a defence against the disintegration of a particular sense of self sponsored by internal object relationships

    A Neural RDE-based model for solving path-dependent PDEs

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    The concept of the path-dependent partial differential equation (PPDE) was first introduced in the context of path-dependent derivatives in financial markets. Its semilinear form was later identified as a non-Markovian backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE). Compared to the classical PDE, the solution of a PPDE involves an infinite-dimensional spatial variable, making it challenging to approximate, if not impossible. In this paper, we propose a neural rough differential equation (NRDE)-based model to learn PPDEs, which effectively encodes the path information through the log-signature feature while capturing the fundamental dynamics. The proposed continuous-time model for the PPDE solution offers the benefits of efficient memory usage and the ability to scale with dimensionality. Several numerical experiments, provided to validate the performance of the proposed model in comparison to the strong baseline in the literature, are used to demonstrate its effectiveness

    Do higher house prices indicate higher safety? Price volatility risk in major cities in Taiwan

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    This study investigates the housing market in Taiwan, an emerging market with relatively severe housing price inflation. Using data from the first quarter of 1991 to the second quarter of 2017 for four cities in Taiwan, this study compares the risk transmission and sources of their housing prices. The results reveal that Taipei−Taiwan’s main financial hub−has the highest house prices among the four cities but maintains the lowest risk. Thus, in terms of price volatility risk, Taipei has the safest housing market among the studied cities. Other studies have discussed the potential housing price bubbles in regions with high housing prices but have been unable to explain the continual overheating of the housing markets. The findings of this study reveal that despite having the highest housing prices and the greatest potential bubble, the Taipei housing market has the lowest fluctuation risk, making it the safest market in terms of housing investment. The results of this study imply that Taiwan’s economic development is excessively concentrated in Taipei, causing people to bear low returns and high risk when purchasing real estate in other areas, in turn increasing the continual imbalance between regional housing markets. First published online 12 March 202
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