252 research outputs found


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    Italy is a country where the energy supply depends largely on imported fossil fuels (such as oil and natural gas). The favorable geographic location could encourage the development of renewable energy sources; nevertheless, the growth of alternative energy sources is slow. What are the reasons? This question will be dealt in this thesis, considering three different aspects of the issue: the economic incentives for renewable energies, the problematic process of authorization of the facilities and the local communities\u2019 opposition to new plants. Besides the analysis of these issues, the aim of this paper is to identify possible solutions, taking into account successful experiences of two EU Countries (Germany and Denmark) and relevant legislative changes that, at national and Community level, have affected and are affecting the field of renewable energy

    First-principles characterization of Mg low-index surfaces: Structure, reconstructions, and surface core-level shifts

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    In this paper, first-principles calculations provide structural characterization of three low-index Mg surfaces - Mg(0001), Mg(1010), and Mg(1120) - and their respective surface core-level shifts (SCLSs). Inspired by the close similarities between Be and Mg surfaces, we also explore the reconstruction of Mg(1120). Through the calculation of surface energies and the use of the angular-component decomposed density of states, we show that reconstructions are likely to occur at the Mg(1120) surface, similarly to what was found earlier for Be(1120). Indeed, the surface energy of some of the explored reconstructions is slightly lower than that of the unreconstructed surface. In addition, because of lattice symmetry, the morphology of the unreconstructed surface (1120) results in a steplike zig-zag chain packing, with topmost chains supporting a resonant, quasi-one-dimensional (1D), partially filled electronic state. As the presence of partially filled quasi-1D bands is a necessary condition for Peierls-like dimerization, we verify that the undimerized surface chain remains stable with respect to it. Some of the reconstructions, namely, the 2 71 and 3 71 added row reconstructions, induce a stronger relaxation of the topmost chains, increasing the coupling with lower layers and thus significantly damping the quasi-1D character of this state. The original approach followed offers a common and general framework to identify quasi-1D bands - even in the case of resonant electronic surface states - and to meaningfully compare calculated and measured SCLSs even in the presence of multicomponent peak contributions

    Interplay among work function, electronic structure and stoichiometry in nanostructured VO: X films

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    The work function is the parameter of greatest interest in many technological applications involving charge exchange mechanisms at the surface. The possibility to produce samples with a controlled work function is then particularly interesting, albeit challenging. We synthetized nanostructured vanadium oxide films by a room temperature supersonic cluster beam deposition method, obtaining samples with tunable stoichiometry and work function (3.7-7 eV). We present an investigation of the electronic structure of several vanadium oxide films as a function of the oxygen content via in situ Auger, valence-band photoemission spectroscopy and work function measurements. The experiments probed the partial 3d density of states, highlighting the presence of strong V 3d-O 2p and V 3d-V 4s hybridizations which influence 3d occupation. We show how controlling the stoichiometry of the sample implies control over work function, and that the access to nanoscale quantum confinement can be exploited to increase the work function of the sample relative to the bulk analogue. In general, the knowledge of the interplay among work function, electronic structure, and stoichiometry is strategic to match nanostructured oxides to their target applications

    Electro-chemical deposition of zinc oxide nanostructures by using two electrodes

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    One of the most viable ways to grow nanostructures is electro deposition. However, most electrodeposited samples are obtained by three-electrode electrochemical cell. We successfully use a much simpler two-electrode cell to grow different ZnO nanostructures from common chemical reagents. Concentration, pH of the electrolytes and growth parameters like potentials at the electrodes, are tailored to allow fast growth without complexity. Morphology and surface roughness are investigated by Scanning Electron and Air Force Microscopy (SEM and AFM) respectively, crystal structure by X-Ray Diffraction measurements (XRD) and ZnO stoichiometry by core level photoemission spectroscopy (XPS)

    O2 Loaded Germanosilicate Optical Fibers: Experimental In Situ Investigation and Ab Initio Simulation Study of GLPC Evolution under Irradiation

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    In this work we present a combined experimental and ab initio simulation investigation concerning the Germanium Lone Pair Center (GLPC), its interaction with molecular oxygen (O2), and evolution under irradiation. First, O2 loading has been applied here to Ge-doped optical fibers to reduce the concentration of GLPC point defects. Next, by means of cathodoluminescence in situ experiments, we found evidence that the 10 keV electron irradiation of the treated optical fibers induces the generation of GLPC centers, while in nonloaded optical fibers, the irradiation causes the bleaching of the pre-existing GLPC. Ab initio calculations were performed to investigate the reaction of the GLPC with molecular oxygen. Such investigations suggested the stability of the dioxagermirane (DIOG) bulk defect, and its back conversion into GLPC with a local release of O2 under irradiation. Furthermore, it is also inferred that a remarkable portion of the O2 passivated GLPC may form Ge tetrahedra connected to peroxy bridges. Such structures may have a larger resistance to the irradiation and not be back converted into GLPC

    Reirradiation for isolated local recurrence of prostate cancer: Mono-institutional series of 64 patients treated with salvage stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT)

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    objective: To evaluate high-precision external beam reirradiation (re-EBRT) for local relapse of prostate cancer (PCa) after radiotherapy. Methods: This retrospective study included patients with biochemical failure and evidence of isolated local recurrence of PCa after radical/salvage EBRT or brachytherapy that received salvage stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT, re-EBRT). Biopsy was not mandatory if all diagnostic elements were univocal (prostate specific antigen evolution, choline-positron emission tomography or magnetic resonance imaging). Salvage SBRT (re-EBRT) was delivered with image-guided radiation therapy (RapidArc\uae, VERO\uae and CyberKnife\uae). results: Data of 64 patients were included, median age at salvage SBRT was 73.2 years, median pre-salvage SBRT prostate specific antigen was 3.89 ng ml 121 . Median total dose was 30 Gy in five fractions, biologically effective dose (BED) of 150 Gy. One acute G3 genitourinary event and one late G3 genitourinary event were observed. No G 65 3 bowel toxicity was registered. At the median follow-up of 26.1 months, tumor progression was observed in 41 patients (64%). 18 patients (28%) experienced local relapse. 2-year local control, biochemical and clinical relapse free survival rates were 75, 40 and 53%, respectively. With BED 65130 Gy 1-year biochemical and clinical progression-free survival rate were 85 and 90%, respectively. conclusions: Salvage SBRT (re-EBRT) for isolated local PCa recurrence is a safe, feasible and noninvasive salvage treatment. Further investigation is warranted to define the optimal patient selection, dose and volume parameters. advances in knowledge: Salvage SBRT reirradiation for the locally recurrent PCa offer a satisfactory tumor control and excellent toxicity profile, if BED 65130 Gy is administered
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