241 research outputs found

    Interplay among work function, electronic structure and stoichiometry in nanostructured VO: X films

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    The work function is the parameter of greatest interest in many technological applications involving charge exchange mechanisms at the surface. The possibility to produce samples with a controlled work function is then particularly interesting, albeit challenging. We synthetized nanostructured vanadium oxide films by a room temperature supersonic cluster beam deposition method, obtaining samples with tunable stoichiometry and work function (3.7-7 eV). We present an investigation of the electronic structure of several vanadium oxide films as a function of the oxygen content via in situ Auger, valence-band photoemission spectroscopy and work function measurements. The experiments probed the partial 3d density of states, highlighting the presence of strong V 3d-O 2p and V 3d-V 4s hybridizations which influence 3d occupation. We show how controlling the stoichiometry of the sample implies control over work function, and that the access to nanoscale quantum confinement can be exploited to increase the work function of the sample relative to the bulk analogue. In general, the knowledge of the interplay among work function, electronic structure, and stoichiometry is strategic to match nanostructured oxides to their target applications

    Electro-chemical deposition of zinc oxide nanostructures by using two electrodes

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    One of the most viable ways to grow nanostructures is electro deposition. However, most electrodeposited samples are obtained by three-electrode electrochemical cell. We successfully use a much simpler two-electrode cell to grow different ZnO nanostructures from common chemical reagents. Concentration, pH of the electrolytes and growth parameters like potentials at the electrodes, are tailored to allow fast growth without complexity. Morphology and surface roughness are investigated by Scanning Electron and Air Force Microscopy (SEM and AFM) respectively, crystal structure by X-Ray Diffraction measurements (XRD) and ZnO stoichiometry by core level photoemission spectroscopy (XPS)

    O2 Loaded Germanosilicate Optical Fibers: Experimental In Situ Investigation and Ab Initio Simulation Study of GLPC Evolution under Irradiation

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    In this work we present a combined experimental and ab initio simulation investigation concerning the Germanium Lone Pair Center (GLPC), its interaction with molecular oxygen (O2), and evolution under irradiation. First, O2 loading has been applied here to Ge-doped optical fibers to reduce the concentration of GLPC point defects. Next, by means of cathodoluminescence in situ experiments, we found evidence that the 10 keV electron irradiation of the treated optical fibers induces the generation of GLPC centers, while in nonloaded optical fibers, the irradiation causes the bleaching of the pre-existing GLPC. Ab initio calculations were performed to investigate the reaction of the GLPC with molecular oxygen. Such investigations suggested the stability of the dioxagermirane (DIOG) bulk defect, and its back conversion into GLPC with a local release of O2 under irradiation. Furthermore, it is also inferred that a remarkable portion of the O2 passivated GLPC may form Ge tetrahedra connected to peroxy bridges. Such structures may have a larger resistance to the irradiation and not be back converted into GLPC

    HST/NICMOS Observations of NGC 1333: The Ratio of Stars to Sub-Stellar Objects

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    We present an analysis of NICMOS photometry and low-resolution grism spectroscopy of low-mass stars and sub-stellar objects in the young star-forming region NGC 1333. Our goal is to constrain the ratio of low-mass stars to sub- stellar objects down to 20 Mjup in the cluster as well as constrain the cluster IMF down to 30 Mjup in combination with a previous survey of NGC 1333 by Wilking et al. Our survey covers 4 fields of 51.2" x 51.2", centered on brown dwarf candidates previously identified in Wilking et al. We extend previous work based on the use of a water vapor index for spectral typing to wavelengths accessible with NICMOS on the HST. Spectral types were derived for the 14 brightest objects in our fields, ranging from <M0 - M8, which at the age of the cluster (0.3 Myr) corresponds to a range in mass of >0.25 - 0.02 Msun. In addition to the spectra, we present an analysis of the color-magnitude diagram using pre-main sequence evolutionary models of D'Antona & Mazzitelli. Using an extinction-limited sample, we derive the ratio of low-mass stars to brown dwarfs. Comparisons of the observed ratio to that expected from the field IMF of Chabrier indicate that the two results are consistent. We combine our data with that of Wilking et al. to compute the ratio of intermediate-mass stars (0.1 - 1.0 Msun) to low-mass objects (0.03 - 0.1 Msun) in the cluster. We also report the discovery of a faint companion to the previously confirmed brown dwarf ASR 28, as well as a possible outflow surrounding ASR 16. If the faint companion is confirmed as a cluster member, it would have a mass of ~ 5 Mjup (mass ratio 0.15) at a projected distance of 350 AU, similar to 2MASS 1207-3923 B.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication by A

    Molecular subtypes, metastatic pattern and patient age in breast cancer: An analysis of italian network of cancer registries (airtum) data

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    Breast cancer stage at diagnosis, patient age and molecular tumor subtype influence disease progression. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between these factors and survival in breast cancer patients among the Italian population using data from the AIRTUM national database. We enrolled women with primary breast cancer from 17 population‐based cancer registries. Patients were subdivided into older (&gt;69 years), middle (50–69 years) and younger age groups (&lt;50 years) and their primary tumors categorized into four molecular subtypes based on hormone receptor (HR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status. There were 8831 patients diagnosed between 2010 and 2012 included. The most represented age group was 50– 69 years (41.7%). In 5735 cases the molecular subtype was identified: HER2–/HR+ was the most frequent (66.2%) and HER2+/HR− the least (6.2%). Of the 390 women with metastases at diagnosis, 38% had simultaneous involvement of multiple sites, independent of age and molecular profile. In women with a single metastatic site, bone (20% of cases), liver (11%), lung (7%) and brain (3%) were the most frequent. In the studied age groups with different receptor expression profiles, the tumor metastasized to target organs with differing frequencies, affecting survival. Five‐year survival was lowest in women with triple‐negative (HER2−/HR–) tumors and women with brain metastases at diagnosis

    A snapshot on radiotherapy for head and neck cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey of the Italian Association of Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology (AIRO) head and neck working group

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    Objectives: The objective of the paper was to assess real-life experience in the management of head and neck cancer (HNC) patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in radiotherapy departments and to evaluate the variability in terms of adherence to American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) and European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) recommendations. Materials and methods: In May 2020, an anonymous 30-question online survey, comparing acute phase of outbreak and pre-COVID-19 period, was conducted. Two sections exploited changes in general management of HNC patients and different HNC primary tumors, addressing specific statements from ASTRO ESTRO consensus statement as well. Results: Eighty-eight questionnaires were included in the demographic/clinical workflow analysis, and 64 were analyzed for treatment management. Forty-eight percent of radiotherapy departments became part of oncologic hubs. First consultations reduced, and patients were addressed to other centers in 33.8 and 18.3% of cases, respectively. Telematic consultations were used in 50% of follow-up visits and 73.9% of multidisciplinary tumor board discussions. There were no practical changes in the management of patients affected by different primitive HNCs. Hypofractionation was not favored over conventional schedules. Conclusions: Compared to pre-COVID era, the clinical workflow was highly re-organized, whereas there were no consistent changes in RT indications and schedules

    Reirradiation for isolated local recurrence of prostate cancer: Mono-institutional series of 64 patients treated with salvage stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT)

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    objective: To evaluate high-precision external beam reirradiation (re-EBRT) for local relapse of prostate cancer (PCa) after radiotherapy. Methods: This retrospective study included patients with biochemical failure and evidence of isolated local recurrence of PCa after radical/salvage EBRT or brachytherapy that received salvage stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT, re-EBRT). Biopsy was not mandatory if all diagnostic elements were univocal (prostate specific antigen evolution, choline-positron emission tomography or magnetic resonance imaging). Salvage SBRT (re-EBRT) was delivered with image-guided radiation therapy (RapidArc\uae, VERO\uae and CyberKnife\uae). results: Data of 64 patients were included, median age at salvage SBRT was 73.2 years, median pre-salvage SBRT prostate specific antigen was 3.89 ng ml 121 . Median total dose was 30 Gy in five fractions, biologically effective dose (BED) of 150 Gy. One acute G3 genitourinary event and one late G3 genitourinary event were observed. No G 65 3 bowel toxicity was registered. At the median follow-up of 26.1 months, tumor progression was observed in 41 patients (64%). 18 patients (28%) experienced local relapse. 2-year local control, biochemical and clinical relapse free survival rates were 75, 40 and 53%, respectively. With BED 65130 Gy 1-year biochemical and clinical progression-free survival rate were 85 and 90%, respectively. conclusions: Salvage SBRT (re-EBRT) for isolated local PCa recurrence is a safe, feasible and noninvasive salvage treatment. Further investigation is warranted to define the optimal patient selection, dose and volume parameters. advances in knowledge: Salvage SBRT reirradiation for the locally recurrent PCa offer a satisfactory tumor control and excellent toxicity profile, if BED 65130 Gy is administered

    The impact of electronic versus paper-based data capture on data collection logistics and on missing scores in thyroid cancer patients.

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the type of data capture on the time and help needed for collecting patient-reported outcomes as well as on the proportion of missing scores. In a multinational prospective study, thyroid cancer patients from 17 countries completed a validated questionnaire measuring quality of life. Electronic data capture was compared to the paper-based approach using multivariate logistic regression. A total of 437 patients were included, of whom 13% used electronic data capture. The relation between data capture and time needed was modified by the emotional functioning of the patients. Those with clinical impairments in that respect needed more time to complete the questionnaire when they used electronic data capture compared to paper and pencil (OR &lt;sub&gt;adj&lt;/sub&gt; 24.0; p = 0.006). This was not the case when patients had sub-threshold emotional problems (OR &lt;sub&gt;adj&lt;/sub&gt; 1.9; p = 0.48). The odds of having the researcher reading the questions out (instead of the patient doing this themselves) (OR &lt;sub&gt;adj&lt;/sub&gt; 0.1; p = 0.01) and of needing any help (OR &lt;sub&gt;adj&lt;/sub&gt; 0.1; p = 0.01) were lower when electronic data capture was used. The proportion of missing scores was equivalent in both groups (OR &lt;sub&gt;adj&lt;/sub&gt; 0.4, p = 0.42). The advantages of electronic data capture, such as real-time assessment and fewer data entry errors, may come at the price of more time required for data collection when the patients have mental health problems. As this is not uncommon in thyroid cancer, researchers need to choose the type of data capture wisely for their particular research question