17 research outputs found

    Universal Forgery with Birthday Paradox: Application to Blockcipher-based Message Authentication Codes and Authenticated Encryptions

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    An universal forgery attack means that for any given message MM, an adversary without the key can forge the corresponding Message Authentication Code (MAC) tag τ\tau, and the pair (M,τ)(M,\tau) can be verified with probability 1. For a idea MAC, the universal forgery attack should be infeasible to be implemented, whose complexity is believed to be min{(2n,2k)(2^n, 2^k)} queries in the classic setting, where nn is the tag length and kk is the key length of the MAC, respectively. In this paper, we launch a general universal forgery attack to some blockcipher-based MACs and authenticated encryptions (AEs) using birthday attack, whose complexity is about O(2n/2)O(2^{n/2}) queries in the classic setting. The attack shows that such MACs and AEs are totally insecure. However, this attack is not applicable in the quantum model, since no inclusion of period in the input messages is guaranteed. We also propose other generic universal forgery attacks using collision finding with structural input messages with complexity of O(2n/2)O(2^{n/2}), by birthday paradox in the classic setting. Since our attacks are based on the collision finding with fixed but unknown differences (or period), such attacks can also be implemented with only O(n)O(n) queries using \textit{Simon\u27s} algorithm in the quantum model, which shows that such MACs and AEs are completely broken in the quantum model. Our attacks can be applied to CBC-MAC, XCBC, EMAC, OMAC, CMAC, PC-MAC, MT-MAC, PMAC, PMAC with parity, LightMAC and some of their variants. Moreover, such attacks are also applicable to the authenticated encryptions of the third round of the CAESAR candidates: CLOC, SILC, AEZ, COLM (including COPA and ELmD) and Deoxys

    Universal Forgery and Key Recovery Attacks: Application to FKS, FKD and Keyak

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    In this paper, we provide a security analysis of the Full-State Keyed Sponge (FKS), Full-State Keyed Duplex (FKD) and Keyak, one of the third-round CAESAR candidates, in the classic setting and the quantum model, respectively. In the classic setting, we present an universal forgery attack that can be implemented in O(2c/2)O(2^{c/2}) queries, where cc is the capacity. In the quantum model, by utilizing the Simon\u27s algorithm, we propose an efficient universal forgery attack to FKS, FKD and Keyak with complexity of O(c)O(c). Moreover, we also propose an efficient key recovery attack that can be implemented in O(c)O(c). Such attacks show that FKS, FKD and Keyak is completely broken in the quantum model

    On the Security of NMAC and Its Variants

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    Based on the three earlier MAC (Message Authentication Code) construction approaches, we propose and analyze some variants of NMAC. We propose  some key recovery attacks to  these  NMAC  variants, for  example, we can  recover  the  equivalent  inner  key  of NMAC  in  about O(2n/2) MAC  operations, in  a related key  setting. We  propose  NMAC-E, a  variant of NMAC  with  secret  envelop,  to  achieve  more  process  efficiency  and  no  loss  of security, which needs only one call to the  underlying hash  function, instead of two invocations in HMAC

    Could The 1-MSB Input Difference Be The Fastest Collision Attack For MD5 ?

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    So far, two different 2-block collision differentials, both with 3-bit input differences for MD5, have been found by Wang etc in 2005 and Xie etc in 2008 respectively, and those differentials have been improved later on to generate a collision respectively within around one minute and half an hour on a desktop PC. Are there more collision differentials for MD5? Can a more efficient algorithm be developed to find MD5 collisions? In this paper, we list the whole set of 1-bit to 3-bit input difference patterns that are possibly qualified to construct a feasible collision differential, and from which a new collision differential with only 1-MSB input difference is then analyzed in detail, finally the performances are compared with the prior two 3-bit collision attacks according to seven criteria proposed in this paper. In our approach, a two-block message is still needed to produce a collision, the first block being only one MSB different while the second block remains the same. Although the differential path appears to be computationally infeasible, most of the conditions that a collision differential path must satisfy can be fulfilled by multi-step modifications, and the collision searching efficiency can be much improved further by a specific divide-and-conquer technique, which transforms a multiplicative accumulation of the computational complexities into an addition by properly grouping of the conditional bits. In particular, a tunneling-like technique is applied to enhance the attack algorithm by introducing some additional conditions. As a result, the fastest attack algorithm is obtained with an averaged computational complexity of 2^20.96 MD5 compressions, which implies that it is able to search a collision within a second on a common PC for arbitrary random initial values. With a reasonable probability a collision can be found within milliseconds, allowing for instancing an attack during the execution of a practical protocol. The collision searching algorithm, however, is very complex, but the algorithm has been implemented which is available from the website http://www.is.iscas.ac.cn/gnomon, and we suggest you download the implementation program from the website for a personal experience if you are interested in it

    A New Collision Differential For MD5 With Its Full Differential Path

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    Since the first collision differential with its full differential path was presented for MD5 function by Wang et al. in 2004, renewed interests on collision attacks for the MD family of hash functions have surged over the world of cryptology. To date, however, no cryptanalyst can give a second computationally feasible collision differential for MD5 with its full differential path, even no improved differential paths based on Wangs MD5 collision differential have appeared in literature. Firstly in this paper, a new differential cryptanalysis called signed difference is defined, and some principles or recipes on finding collision differentials and designing differential paths are proposed, the signed difference generation or elimination rules which are implicit in the auxiliary functions, are derived. Then, based on these newly found properties and rules, this paper comes up with a new computationally feasible collision differential for MD5 with its full differential path, which is simpler thus more understandable than Wangs, and a set of sufficient conditions considering carries that guarantees a full collision is derived from the full differential path. Finally, a multi-message modification-based fast collision attack algorithm for searching collision messages is specialized for the full differential path, resulting in a computational complexity of 2 to the power of 36 and 2 to the power of 32 MD5 operations, respectively for the first and second blocks. As for examples, two collision message pairs with different first blocks are obtained

    Fast Password Recovery Attack: Application to APOP

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    In this paper, we propose a fast password recovery attack to APOP application in local which can recover a password with 11 characters in less than one minute, recover a password with 31 characters extremely fast, about 4 minutes, and for 43 characters in practical time. These attacks truly simulate the practical password recovery attacks launched by malwaremalware in real life, and further confirm that the security of APOP is totally broken. To achieve these dramatical improvements, we propose a group satisfaction scheme, apply the divide-and-conquer strategy and a new suitable MD5 collision attack to greatly reduce the computational complexity in collision searching with high number of chosen bits. The average time of generating an ``\textit{IV Bridge} is optimized to 0.17 second on ordinary PC, the average time of generating collision pairs for recovering passwords up to 11 characters is about 0.08 second, for 31 characters is about 0.15 second, for 39 characters is about 4.13 seconds, for 43 characters is about 20 seconds, and collisions for recovering passwords as long as 67 characters can be theoretically generated. These techniques can be further applied to reduce the complexity of producing a 1-bit-free collisions for recovering the first 11 characters, whose main target is that to reduce the number of challenges generated in APOP attack, to about 2362^{36} MD5 compressions

    Breaking H2H^2-MAC Using Birthday Paradox

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    H2H^2-MAC was proposed to increase efficiency over HMAC by omitting its outer key, and keep the advantage and security of HMAC at the same time. However, as pointed out by the designer, the security of H2H^2-MAC also depends on the secrecy of the intermediate value (the equivalent key) of the inner hashing. In this paper, we propose an efficient method to break H2H^2-MAC, by using a generalized birthday attack to recover the equivalent key, under the assumption that the underlying hash function is secure (weak collision resistance). We can successfully recover the equivalent key of H2H^2-MAC in about 2n/22^{n/2} on-line MAC queries and 2n/22^{n/2} off-line MAC computations with great probability. Moreover, we can improve the attack efficiency by reducing the on-line MAC queries, which can\u27t be done concurrently. This attack shows that the security of H2H^2-MAC is totally dependent on the (weak) collision resistance of the underlying hash function, instead of the PRF-AX of the underlying compression function in the origin security proof of H2H^2-MAC

    On the Security of NMAC and Its Variants

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    We first propose a general equivalent key recovery attack to a H2H^2-MAC variant NMAC1_1, which is also provable secure, by applying a generalized birthday attack. Our result shows that NMAC1_1, even instantiated with a secure Merkle-Damgård hash function, is not secure. We further show that this equivalent key recovery attack to NMAC1_1 is also applicable to NMAC for recovering the equivalent inner key of NMAC, in a related key setting. We propose and analyze a series of NMAC variants with different secret approaches and key distributions, we find that a variant NMAC-E, with secret envelop approach, can withstand most of the known attacks in this paper. However, all variants including NMAC itself, are vulnerable to on-line birthday attack for verifiable forgery. Hence, the underlying cryptographic hash functions, based on Merkle-Damgård construction, should be re-evaluated seriously

    How to Break EAP-MD5

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    Part 3: Protocols (Short Papers)International audienceWe propose an efficient attack to recover the passwords, used to authenticate the peer by EAP-MD5, in the IEEE 802.1X network. First, we recover the length of the used password through a method called length recovery attack by on-line queries. Second, we crack the known length password using a rainbow table pre-computed with a fixed challenge, which can be done efficiently with great probability through off-line computations. This kind of attack can also be implemented successfully even if the underlying hash function MD5 is replaced with SHA-1 or even SHA-512

    Fast Collision Attack on MD5

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    Abstract. We presented the first single block collision attack on MD5 with complexity of 2 47 MD5 compressions and posted the challenge for another completely new one in 2010. Last year, Stevens presented a single block collision attack to our challenge, with complexity of 2 50 MD5 compressions. We really appreciate Stevens’s hard work. However, it is a pity that he had not found even a better solution than our original one, let alone a completely new one and the very optimal solution that we preserved and have been hoping that someone can find it, whose collision complexity is about 2 41 MD5 compressions. In this paper, we propose a method how to choose the optimal input difference for generating MD5 collision pairs. First, we divide the sufficient conditions into two classes: strong conditions and weak conditions, by the degree of difficulty for condition satisfaction. Second, we prove that there exist strong conditions in only 24 steps (one and a half rounds) under specific conditions, by utilizing the weaknesses of compression functions of MD5, which are difference inheriting and message expanding. Third, there should be no difference scaling after state word q25 so that it can result in the least number of strong conditions in each differential path, in such a way we deduce the distribution of strong conditions for each input difference pattern. Finally, we choose the input difference with the least number of strong conditions and the most number of free message words. We implement the most efficient 2-block MD5 collision attack, which needs only about 2 18 MD5 compressions to find a collision pair, and show a single-block collision attack with complexity 2 41