78 research outputs found

    Una ragazza piuttosto complicata. Paola Pitagora e I pugni in tasca di Marco Bellocchio

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    «Quanto conta un'attrice in un film d'autore? Gli allori erano tanti per Bellocchio e per Lou Castel [...], ma potevo dirmi ugualmente soddisfatta. Attrice, dunque, finalmente. Già, ma quale attrice?», con queste parole, tra molte altre, Paola Pitagora ricorda la sua esperienza in I pugni in tasca. Il saggio intende mettere in evidenza come nel film di Bellocchio Giulia sia una personaggia di tutto rilievo in rapporto alle dinamiche di genere che, in questa famiglia senza padre, si dispiegano in modo dirompente. Tessitrice di storie, di alleanze, di destini, la sua potenza fatale quale antagonista del mondo della Legge, secondo le parole con cui Maurizio Grande avvicina le figure femminili della tragedia, rimanda all'Elettra dell'Orestea, a quell'oscuro del legame col materno implicato nella scelta del matricidio, alla liminalità e all'incertezza di genere espresse nella sua condotta virile e nel suo amore per il fratello che le studiose femministe hanno cercato con percorsi diversi di interpretare; ma incarna anche i desideri, i comportamenti, le contraddizioni della nuova generazione di donne e di attrici che solo alla fine degli anni Sessanta potranno trovare più compiuta espressione, ponendosi come figura embrionale delle donne a venire bellocchiane.Scholarly understanding of Bellocchio's debut film have given leading importance to his main male protagonist; this essay intends instead to point out that Giulia, the embryonic figure of Bellocchian women, plays a not least important role in relation to gender dynamics that, in this fatherless family, unfold in a disruptive way. A weaver of stories, alliances, destinies, her fatal power as the antagonist of the world of the Law, in the words with which Maurizio Grande approaches the female figures of tragedy, refers to the Orestean Electra, to the darkness of the bond with maternal involved in the choice of matricide, and to the genre uncertainty expressed in her virile conduct and in her love for the brother, as feminist scholars as Irigaray, Jacobs, Scott have sought with different paths to comment; but she also embodies the desires, behaviors, and contradictions of the next generation of women and actresses, among them Pitagora, who only at the end of the sixties will be able to find a more complete expression

    COVID-19 Severity in Multiple Sclerosis: Putting Data Into Context

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    Background and objectives: It is unclear how multiple sclerosis (MS) affects the severity of COVID-19. The aim of this study is to compare COVID-19-related outcomes collected in an Italian cohort of patients with MS with the outcomes expected in the age- and sex-matched Italian population. Methods: Hospitalization, intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and death after COVID-19 diagnosis of 1,362 patients with MS were compared with the age- and sex-matched Italian population in a retrospective observational case-cohort study with population-based control. The observed vs the expected events were compared in the whole MS cohort and in different subgroups (higher risk: Expanded Disability Status Scale [EDSS] score > 3 or at least 1 comorbidity, lower risk: EDSS score ≤ 3 and no comorbidities) by the χ2 test, and the risk excess was quantified by risk ratios (RRs). Results: The risk of severe events was about twice the risk in the age- and sex-matched Italian population: RR = 2.12 for hospitalization (p < 0.001), RR = 2.19 for ICU admission (p < 0.001), and RR = 2.43 for death (p < 0.001). The excess of risk was confined to the higher-risk group (n = 553). In lower-risk patients (n = 809), the rate of events was close to that of the Italian age- and sex-matched population (RR = 1.12 for hospitalization, RR = 1.52 for ICU admission, and RR = 1.19 for death). In the lower-risk group, an increased hospitalization risk was detected in patients on anti-CD20 (RR = 3.03, p = 0.005), whereas a decrease was detected in patients on interferon (0 observed vs 4 expected events, p = 0.04). Discussion: Overall, the MS cohort had a risk of severe events that is twice the risk than the age- and sex-matched Italian population. This excess of risk is mainly explained by the EDSS score and comorbidities, whereas a residual increase of hospitalization risk was observed in patients on anti-CD20 therapies and a decrease in people on interferon

    SARS-CoV-2 serology after COVID-19 in multiple sclerosis: An international cohort study

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    DMTs and Covid-19 severity in MS: a pooled analysis from Italy and France

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    We evaluated the effect of DMTs on Covid-19 severity in patients with MS, with a pooled-analysis of two large cohorts from Italy and France. The association of baseline characteristics and DMTs with Covid-19 severity was assessed by multivariate ordinal-logistic models and pooled by a fixed-effect meta-analysis. 1066 patients with MS from Italy and 721 from France were included. In the multivariate model, anti-CD20 therapies were significantly associated (OR = 2.05, 95%CI = 1.39–3.02, p < 0.001) with Covid-19 severity, whereas interferon indicated a decreased risk (OR = 0.42, 95%CI = 0.18–0.99, p = 0.047). This pooled-analysis confirms an increased risk of severe Covid-19 in patients on anti-CD20 therapies and supports the protective role of interferon


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    Fino alla fine del mondo

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    Recensione di "Fino alla fine del mondo" di Wim Wenders

    Il montaggio proibito di Bazin: quando “l’essenza del cinema diventa una storia di bestie”

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    La questione del montaggio in Bazin e la singolare storia della presenza degli animali nel cinema e nel mondo del pensatore frances

    "E poi tornammo a casa... Storie e percorsi dell'identitĂ  femminile" (1982). Memorie di donne nel palinsesto della RAI siciliana all'inizio degli anni Ottanta

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    Il saggio ripropone l'esperienza di realizzazione del documentario "E poi tornammo a casa… Storie e percorsi d ell’identità femminile" (1 9 8 2 ), che, prodotto all'interno del palinsesto della sede regionale siciliana della Rai, racconta l'occupazione delle terre in alcune province dell'isola attraverso la testimonianza diretta delle donne che vi avevano preso parte.The essay reproposes the experience of realization of the documentary "And then we went home ... Stories and paths of female identity" (1 9 8 2), which, produced within the schedule of Sicily Rai Regional Centre, tells the land occupation in the post-Second World War period in some provinces of the island through direct testimony of the women who had taken part

    Splendore e miseria del reale

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    La ripresa del dibattito sul neorealismo e sul realismo negli anni Ottanta: antecedenti e nuove prospettive

    I pugni in tasca

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