20 research outputs found
Upaya Meningkatkan Volume Penjualan Melalui Periklanan (Advertising) (Studi Pada PT. Setio Budi Luhur Tours & Travel Surabaya)
This study aimed to describe effect advertising on sales volume growth with promotion. Type of research is study cases and there two concepts, namely concept advertising and sales concept. This study population is travel service users Setio Budi Luhur Tours&Travel. Analysis of data used mean growth, least square estimation and multiple linear regression analysis. The result of calculation is known that: using the mean growth analysis is known average growth in sales turnover, sales volume, frequency of advertising activity advertising costs increased. Calculation of prediction an increase the cost of advertising, sales turnover, frequency of advertising activity and volume of sales using multiple linear regression and least squares estimation analysis. For the calculation of average growth in sales volume of frequency of print and electronic media activity using multiple linear regression analysis, obtained equation is Y = 2912.960 to 4.940 x1 + 1,189 x2 + e while for analysis of least squares estimation equation obtained was Y '= 13793.33 + 315,643.35 (X). As for calculation of turnover sales using multiple linear regression analysis, equations obtained is Y = 2249185335 + 44.657 +31,938 + e while for analysis of least squares estimation equation obtained was Y '= 6133 to 0.34 (X)
Pengaruh Layanan Purna Jual Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen (Survei Pada Pengguna Produk Lg Di Malang Town Square (Matos) Malang β Jawa Timur)
The study aimed to know the influence of Service After Sales that consists of Guarantee, Reparation, and Spare Part simultaneously to the Level of Customer Satisfaction, the influence of Service After Sales partially Level of Customer Satisfaction, and dominant variable that influence Level of Customer Satisfaction. The research type is explanatory research, that uses quantitative approach. This research used 106 respondents as the sample by purposive sampling technique. The respondents are the LG Product Users in Malang Town Square (Matos) Malang - East Java. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis and multiple linier regression with regard classical assumption. The research result shows that Service After Sales is simultaneously influence Level of Customer Satisfaction, Service After Sales is partially influence Level of Customer Satisfaction, Reparation is the dominant variable that influence Level of Customer Satisfaction. Result of coefficient determination test show that Guarantee, Reparation, and Spare Part influencing the Level of Customer Satisfaction, showed by the amount of R2 is 52,8%, and the rest 47,2% show that the Level of Customer's Satisfaction influenced by other variables
Peningkatan Daya Saing Ekspor Produk Olahan Kakao Indonesia Di Pasar Internasional (Studi Pada Ekspor Produk Olahan Kakao Indonesia Tahun 2009-2014)
This paper seek to analyze Indonesia's export competitiveness between Malaysia, Ivory Coast, Netherland, and Belgium in cocoa manufactured product in 2009-2014 periods. Cocoa manufactured product that will be analyzed such as cocoa bean, cocoa paste, butter, powder, and chocolate. This study used a descriptive statistical analysis and qualitative approach. Revealed Comparative Advantage Analysis (RCA) is used to examine export competitiveness that calculated in every cocoa manufactured commodities. The result from RCA's analysis showed that Indonesia's cocoa manufactured product have an comparative advantage in cocoa bean, cocoa paste, cocoa butter, and powder but not in chocolate commodity. This analysis showed that Indonesian cocoa butter has highest RCA index than another cocoa manufactured commodities
Pengaruh Fashion Involvement Dan Positive Emotion Terhadap Impulse Buying (Survey Pada Warga Kelurahan Tulusrejo Kecamatan Lowokwaru Kota Malang)
This study aims to determine and explain how the influence of Fashion Involvement and Positive Emotion jointly and severally against Impulse Buying. This type of research is an explanatory research using research instruments such as questionnaires distributed to 57 respondents who are residents of the Village Tulusrejo with the majority of respondents aged 17 to 24 years. The results showed that both variables fashion involvement and positive emotion jointly influential on the basis of the results of multiple linear regression analysis with value Fhitung 33.04, while F table at significant level of 0.05 indicates a value of 3.17. While individually also significantly influence the Impulse Buying on the basis of test results of t-test
Pengaruh Brand Image Dan Persepsi Harga Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen (Survei Pada Mahasiswa Pengguna Sepatu Merek Nike Di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya)
This research aime to determine the influence of the Brand Image and Price Perception on Customer Loyalty. The type of this research is explanatory with quantitative approach. Location of the study at Administration Science Faculty Brawijaya University, student use Nike shoes. The sampling technique of this research is used purposive sampling with 120 people. Data analysis technique is used multiple regression with t test and F test. The result of this research based on determination coefficient is 0.528 amounted to 52,8 % of variable Customer Loyalty are influenced by the free variables Brand Image and Price Perception, 47.2 % variable customer loyalty influenced by other variables. There is a significant influence in partial (individual) on the free variable (Brand Image and Price Perception) of customer loyalty. Each has value t calculate>t table of 4.939>1,980 and 3.757>1,980. There is a significance influence in simultan test between brand image and price perception on customer loyalty. Each has value F calculate>F table of 67.573 > 3.074
Pengaruh Komunitas Merek Terhadap Loyalitas (Survei Pada Anggota Komunitas Motor Honda Tiger Neo_gat's Malang)
This type of research in this study is an explanatory research with quantitative approach. The location of this research conducted in Jalan Ijen Malang, which is a gathering place for community members Tiger Neo_Gat's Malang. Methods of data collection using the questionnaire. Methods of data collection using the questionnaire. The sample in this study were 60 respondents. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. Descriptive data analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that Effect of Brand Community consisting of a variable Awareness Together, Ritual and Tradition and Moral Responsibility to Brand Loyalty together or partial is significant. Based on these results, In the results showed that the Joint Awareness variables become the dominant influence Brand Loyalty variables, these results suggest that community Tiger Malang (Neo_Gat's) have been able to create awareness of each member of the community to contribute to the brand Honda Tiger
Pengaruh Consumer Level Factors Terhadap Keputusan Private Label (Survei Pada Pelanggan Nevada Di Matahari Deparment Store Malang Town Square)
This research is based on strategy of company to expand by means of use consumer level factors that is able to compare between one product is exsist in public. The strategy enable costumer to choose between national brand and Private label which is able as alternative choice for functional thing. The type of this research is explanatory research. The sample of this study were 119 respondents who are costumers of nevada in Matahari Department Store, Malang Town Square.Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. The conclusion of this study, there are four variables that make up the costumer level factors, namely Consumer risk perception, price consciousness, price quality. Companies can harness the power of brand nevada to create its own Brand Loyalytiy on the costumer of Matahari Department Store that can influence the sales level of nevada
Pengaruh Store Atmosphere dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan (Survei pada Pelanggan Cafe Otw Food Street Malang)
This study aims to explain the influence of Store Atmosphere ( store interior, exterior, display, and layout) to Customer Satisfaction and the influence of Product Quality (perceived and aesthetic quality) to Customer Satisfaction. Researcher apply survey method and questionnaire as a research instrument to collecting data. Researcher also use the SPSS application to calculate and analyze data for view able results.Researcher has selected 116 respondents with purposive sampling method where the characteristics of the respondent has the researcher specify before. Data analysis using descriptive analysis and linear regression analysis. The result shows that both independent variable that is Store Atmosphere and Product Quality either jointly or partially have significant influence to Customer Satisfaction. Product Quality Variable is the most dominant variable in giving influence to Customer Satisfaction
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan (Survei Pada Pelamggan Ritel Pt.pos Indonesia, Kantor Pos Besar Kota Malang)
This study aims to identify and explain the effect that occurs between the quality of service consisting of a variable direct evidence, reliability, responsiveness, anssurance and empathy to variable levels of customer satisfactiion. This type of risearch is explanatory research.fPopulationjinrthisrstudiedrisrallrthe retail customers Kantor Pos Besar Malang is in the process of goods delivery transactions. Sampling technique used in this reaserh is purposive sampling and 116 respndents selectedd as samplle.rQuestionaire become a tool for collectingrdata.rAnalysissofrthe datarused isrmultiple linear analysis and descriptive analysis. These results indicaterrthatrrreither simultan or inrrpartial effectrrof Tangibless, Reliability, Responsiveness, Anssurance and Empathy on the variable level of CustomerrSatisfaaction isrsignificant