591 research outputs found

    Sorption of Eu(III) on Attapulgite Studied by Batch, XPS and EXAFS Techniques.

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    The effects of pH, ionic strength and temperature on sorption of Eu(III) on attapulgite were investigated in the presence and absence of fulvic acid (FA) and humic acid (HA). The results indicated that the sorption of Eu(III) on attapulgite was strongly dependent on pH and ionic strength, and independent of temperature. In the presence of FA/HA, Eu(III) sorption was enhanced at pH 7. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis suggested that the sorption of Eu(III) might be expressed as ≡X3Eu0 ≡SwOHEu3+ and ≡SOEu-OOC-/HA in the ternary Eu/HA/attapulgite system. The extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analysis of Eu-HA complexes indicated that the distances of d(Eu-O) decreased from 2.451 to 2.360 Å with increasing pH from 1.76 to 9.50, whereas the coordination number (N) decreased from ~9.94 to ~8.56. Different complexation species were also found for the different addition sequences of HA and Eu(III) to attapulgite suspension. The results are important to understand the influence of humic substances on Eu(III) behavior in the natural environment

    Experimental Investigation on the Tensile Strength of Composite Laminates Containing Open and Filled Holes

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    An experimental study is performed to evaluate the effects of clamping pressure, friction, and washer size on the static performance of composite laminates with open and bolt-filled holes. The static tensile strength and failure behavior of composite laminates with an open hole and a bolt-filled hole are analyzed and compared. Experimental results show that the static tensile strength of composite laminates is sensitive to pre-existing damage of both open- or filled-hole laminates. In contrast, a comparison between the experimental results of open- and filled-hole specimens proved that whether the hole is open or filled has a feeble influence on the tensile-tensile fatigue strength of studied composite laminates. In comparison, however, it is found that the inserted washer size, bolt clamping force, and friction force strongly affect the tensile strength of open- and filled-hole composite laminates. Moreover, application of thicker washers and hi-lock bolt will significantly increase the static strength and fatigue life of composite laminates with a bolt-filled hole.Экспериментально оценено влияние силы зажима, трения и размера шайбы на статические характеристики слоистых композитов со сквозными и болтовыми отверстиями. Проведено сравнение статического предела прочности при растяжении и характера разрушения слоистых композитов со сквозным и болтовым отверстиями. Результаты экспериментальных исследований показали, что на статический предел прочности при растяжении слоистых композитов влияет изначальное повреждение независимо от наличия сквозного или болтового отверстия. Сравнительный анализ результатов исследований образцов со сквозным и болтовым отверстиями подтвердил тот факт, что вид отверстия (сквозное или болтовое) незначительно влияет на усталостную прочность при растяжении исследуемых слоистых композитов. Установлено, что такие факторы, как размер шайбы, сила зажима болта и сила трения, существенно влияют на предел прочности при растяжении слоистых композитов со сквозным или болтовым отверстием. Использование утолщенных шайб между слоистым материалом и болтом-заклепкой значительно увеличивает статическую прочность и долговечность слоистых композитов с болтовыми отверстиями.Експериментально досліджено вплив сили затиску, тертя і розміру шайби на статичні характеристики шаруватих композитів із наскрізними і болтовими отворами. Проведено порівняння статичної границі міцності при розтязі і характера руйнування шаруватих композитів із наскрізними і болтовими отворами. Результати експериментальних досліджень показали, що на статичну границю міцності при розтязі шаруватих композитів впливає початкове пошкодження незалежно від наявності наскрізного чи болтового отвору. Порівняльний аналіз результатів досліджень зразків із наскрізними і болтовими отворами підтвердив той факт, що вид отвору (наскрізне чи болтове) незначно впливає на міцність від утомленості при розтязі досліджуваних шаруватих композитів. Установлено, що такі чинники, як розмір шайби, сила затиску болта і сила тертя, суттєво впливають на границю міцності при розтязі шаруватих композитів із наскрізним чи болтовим отвором. Використання стовщених шайб між шаруватим матеріалом і болтом-заклепкою значно збільшує статичну міцність і довговічність шаруватих композитів із болтовими отворам

    Research of Curve Fitting Method on the Measured Settlement of Tanks

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    AbstractThe settlement data of oil storage tanks made of steel are measured by the measurement points located around the base of the tank wall. The measured settlement data need to be curve fitted in order to reflect the settlement distribution around the whole tank wall base. Considering about the disadvantage of measured settlement data treatment methods on tanks in current standards, an optimization method of curve fitting on the measured settlement data is presented. The Fourier series expansion is used to analyze the measured settlement data, the fitting curves and mean square error according to different order are obtained. The fitting curve with minimum mean square error is selected as the most appropriate one that reflects the actual displacement of the tank base. The optimization method of curve fitting present is applied to analyze the measured settlement data obtained from the floating roof tank and the fixed roof tank. Results show that different effects can be obtained with different order of the fitting curve. Curve fitting referring to different order is necessary to the measured settlement data in actual engineering in order to find the most appropriate one that reflects the real tank base displacement distribution

    Enhancing gravitational wave astronomy with galaxy catalogues

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    Joint gravitational wave (GW) and electromagnetic (EM) observations, as a key research direction in multi-messenger astronomy, will provide deep insight into the astrophysics of a vast range of astronomical phenomena. Uncertainties in the source sky location estimate from gravitational wave observations mean follow-up observatories must scan large portions of the sky for a potential companion signal. A general frame of joint GW-EM observations is presented by a multi-messenger observational triangle. Using a Bayesian approach to multi-messenger astronomy, we investigate the use of galaxy catalogue and host galaxy information to reduce the sky region over which follow-up observatories must scan, as well as study its use for improving the inclination angle estimates for coalescing binary compact objects. We demonstrate our method using a simulated neutron stars inspiral signal injected into simulated Advanced detectors noise and estimate the injected signal sky location and inclination angle using the Gravitational Wave Galaxy Catalogue. In this case study, the top three candidates in rank have 72%72\%, 15%15\% and 8%8\% posterior probability of being the host galaxy, receptively. The standard deviation of cosine inclination angle (0.001) of the neutron stars binary using gravitational wave-galaxy information is much smaller than that (0.02) using only gravitational wave posterior samples.Comment: Proceedings of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics. 2014 Session on 'Gravitational Wave Astrophysics