136 research outputs found

    Impact of High Volume Energy Drink Consumption on Electrocardiographic and Blood Pressure Parameters: A Randomized Trial

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    Background Energy drinks have been linked to an increase in emergency room visits and deaths. We aim to determine the impact of energy drinks on electrocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters in young healthy volunteers. Methods and Results A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled, crossover study was conducted in healthy volunteers. Participants consumed 32 oz of either energy drink A, energy drink B, or placebo within 60 minutes on 3 study days with a 6-day washout period in between. The primary end point of QT c interval and secondary end points of QT interval, PR interval, QRS duration, heart rate, and brachial and central blood pressures were measured at baseline, and every 30 minutes for 240 minutes. A repeated-measures 2-way analysis of variance was performed with the main effects of intervention, time, and an interaction of intervention and time. Thirty-four participants were included (age 22.1±3.0 years). The interaction term of intervention and time was statistically significant for Bazett\u27s corrected QT interval, Fridericia\u27s corrected QT interval, QT , PR , QRS duration, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, central systolic blood pressure, and central diastolic blood pressure (all

    Bridging the Gap: Collaboration between a School of Pharmacy, Public Health, and Governmental Organizations to provide Clinical and Economic Services to Medicare Beneficiaries

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    Objective: Promoting healthy communities through the provision of accessible quality healthcare services is a common mission shared by schools of pharmacy, public health departments, and governmental agencies. The following study seeks to identify and detail the benefits of collaboration between these different groups. Methods: In total, 112 mobile clinics targeting Medicare beneficiaries were held in 20 cities across Northern/Central California from 2007 to 2016. Under the supervision of licensed pharmacists, trained student pharmacists provided vaccinations, health screenings, Medicare Part D plan optimization services, and Medication Therapy Management (MTM) to patients at each clinic site. Clinic support was extended by public health departments, governmental agency partners, and a health professional program. Results: Since clinic inception, 8,996 patients were provided services. In total, 19,441 health screenings and 3,643 vaccinations were collectively provided to clinic patients. We assisted 5,549 beneficiaries with their Part D benefit, resulting in an estimated aggregate out-of-pocket drug cost savings of $5.7 million. Comprehensive MTM services were provided to 4,717 patients during which 8,184 medication-related problem (MRP) were identified. In 15.3% of patients, the MRP was determined severe enough to warrant prescriber follow-up. In total, 42.9% of clinic patients were from racial/ethnic minority groups and 25.5% had incomes ≤150% of the Federal Poverty Level. Conclusion: Collaboration between a school of pharmacy, public health departments, and governmental organizations can effectively serve Medicare beneficiary populations and result in: 1) lower out-of-pocket drug costs, 2) minimization of medication-related problems, 3) increased vaccination uptake, and 4) increased utilization of health screenings. Conflict of Interest We declare no conflicts of interest or financial interests that the authors or members of their immediate families have in any product or service discussed in the manuscript, including grants (pending or received), employment, gifts, stock holdings or options, honoraria, consultancies, expert testimony, patents and royalties. Treatment of Human Subjects: IRB review/approval required and obtained   Type: Original Researc

    Examining body appreciation in six countries: The impact of age and sociocultural pressure

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    Previous research on body appreciation across the lifespan has produced conflicting results that it increases with age, decreases with age, or is generally stable with an increase in women over 50-years-old. Furthermore, most of the research has been conducted in White, Western populations. Cross-cultural research suggests that both Chinese and African women experience similar sociocultural pressures as White Western women, and that appearance ideals are shifting to resemble a more Western ideal. We cross-sectionally and cross-culturally examined body appreciation across the lifespan, recruiting White Western women (UK, USA, Canada, and Australia), Black Nigerian women, and Chinese women. 1186 women aged 18–80 completed measures of body appreciation, internalisation of thin and athletic ideals, and perceived sociocultural pressure. Body appreciation did not vary with age in women from any country. Nigerian women reported the highest body appreciation, and Western women the lowest. Higher thin/athletic ideal internalisation, and higher perceived sociocultural pressure were significantly associated with lower body appreciation in all countries and age-groups. Overall, our findings indicate that although levels of body appreciation differ drastically between ethnicities and cultures, it is generally stable across age, and shows cross-culturally robust relationships between sociocultural internalisation and pressure

    The Rat Genome Database (RGD): developments towards a phenome database

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    The Rat Genome Database (RGD) (http://rgd.mcw.edu) aims to meet the needs of its community by providing genetic and genomic infrastructure while also annotating the strengths of rat research: biochemistry, nutrition, pharmacology and physiology. Here, we report on RGD's development towards creating a phenome database. Recent developments can be categorized into three groups. (i) Improved data collection and integration to match increased volume and biological scope of research. (ii) Knowledge representation augmented by the implementation of a new ontology and annotation system. (iii) The addition of quantitative trait loci data, from rat, mouse and human to our advanced comparative genomics tools, as well as the creation of new, and enhancement of existing, tools to enable users to efficiently browse and survey research data. The emphasis is on helping researchers find genes responsible for disease through the use of rat models. These improvements, combined with the genomic sequence of the rat, have led to a successful year at RGD with over two million page accesses that represent an over 4-fold increase in a year. Future plans call for increased annotation of biological information on the rat elucidated through its use as a model for human pathobiology. The continued development of toolsets will facilitate integration of these data into the context of rat genomic sequence, as well as allow comparisons of biological and genomic data with the human genomic sequence and of an increasing number of organisms

    Prevalence, incidence, and progression of myopia of school children

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    PURPOSE. To determine the prevalence, incidence, and progression of myopia of Chinese children in Hong Kong. METHODS. A cross-sectional survey was initially conducted. A longitudinal follow-up study was then conducted 12 months later. RESULTS. A total of 7560 children of mean age 9.33 (95% confidence interval [CI] ϭ 9.11-9.45; range, 5-16) participated in the study. Mean spherical equivalent refraction (SER) was Ϫ0.33 D (SD ϭ 11.56; range, Ϫ13.13 to ϩ14.25 D). Myopia (SER Յ Ϫ0.50 D) was the most common refractive error and was found in 36.71% Ϯ 2.87% (SD) of children. Prevalence of myopia correlated positively with older age. Children aged 11 years were almost 15 times more likely to have myopia than were children younger than 7 years (Odds ratio [OR] ϭ 14.81; 95% CI ϭ 14.17-15.48). Incidence of myopia was 144.1 Ϯ 2.31 (SD) per 1000 primary school children per annum. Increasing age was correlated with increased incidence of myopia, with highest risk in children ages 11 years (OR ϭ 2.27; 95% CI ϭ 2.11-2.44). The average annual change in SER for children with myopia (SER Յ Ϫ0.50 D) was Ϫ0.63 D (SD ϭ 3.44) compared with Ϫ0.29 D (SD ϭ 2.96) for those who were not myopic at the beginning of the study (P Ͻ 0.001). CONCLUSIONS. The results show that the prevalence and progression of myopia in Hong Kong children was much higher than those previously reported in Western countries. The longterm socioeconomic impact of these findings warrants further studies. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
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