43 research outputs found

    De l'amour

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    Magnetic Screening of NbN Multilayers Samples

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    6 pagesInternational audienceIn 2006 Gurevich proposed to use nanoscale layers of superconducting materials with high values of Hc > Hc^Nb for magnetic shielding of bulk niobium to increase the breakdown magnetic field inside SC RF cavities [1]. We have deposited high quality "model" samples by magnetron sputtering on monocrystalline sapphire substrates. A 250 nm layer of niobium figures the bulk Nb. It was coated with a single and multi-stacks of NbN layers (25 or12 nm) separated by 15 nm MgO barriers, and characterized by X-Ray reflectivity and DC transport measurements. DC or AC measurement of HC1 is an important goal for multilayer evaluation during the sample evaluation phase. A clear increase of HC1 at low frequency is promising indication since HC1 is expected to increase with frequency (see e.g. [2] and references therein). We have measured the first penetration field (HP~HC1) on DC magnetization curves in a SQUID system. HP of NbN covered sample is increased compared to Nb alone. We have also developed a set-up that allows measuring a large range of field and temperature with a local probe method based on 3rd harmonic analysis. We have confirmed the screening behavior of a single 25 nm NbN layer placed on the top of a Nb Layer

    Kate 2012

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    Each year, kate seeks to: explore ideas about normative gender, sex, and sexuality work against oppression and hierarchies of power in any and all forms serve as a voice for race and gender equity as well as queer positivity encourage the silent to speak and feel less afraid build a zine and community that we care about and trusthttps://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/kate/1007/thumbnail.jp

    An Economic Analysis of the Value of Local Street Improvements In Springfield, Oregon

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    43 pagesThe City of Springfield faces deteriorating street conditions due to a steady decline in transportation funding. The City believes a possible solution to this problem is to improve its local streets with funding from residential property assessments. However, to encourage property owners to bear the costs of improving roads, the City would like to better understand the value of local street improvements. This paper surveys the existing literature on amenity valuation and infrastructure investment and proposes a hedonic price regression to estimate the impact local street conditions have on residential house prices. Our results suggest better street conditions have a positive effect on Springfield house prices when property values exceed a minimum sales price threshold. Based on these findings, we conduct a cost-benefit analysis of local street improvements and suggest additional considerations for the City of Springfield

    Conséquences bucco-dentaires des troubles alimentaires de l’adolescent

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    Les troubles du comportement alimentaire chez les adolescents recouvrent différents aspects pouvant aller d’une consommation anormalement élevée de sodas ou de sucre à des consommations d’alcool du type « binge drinking », l’anorexie mentale dans ses formes restrictives ou boulimiques. Des usures dentaires ou un risque carieux élevé peuvent constituer la manifestation clinique de telles habitudes nocives et l’examen clinique dentaire peut permettre d’établir un diagnostic précoce de troubles du comportement alimentaire. Dans ce genre de situation, la discussion avec l’adolescent doit être privilégiée en l’absence de membres de sa famille. Les études épidémiologiques ont démontré une prévalence particulièrement élevée de ce type de comportement alimentaire en particulier pour les adolescents. Les vomissements et les phénomènes de reflux gastro-oesophagien aboutissent à des phénomènes d’érosion mais également sont corrélés au bruxisme et à des usures par attrition. La prévention et l’interception des habitudes nocives restent le meilleur moyen de stopper la dégradation des dents mais le recours à la dentisterie restauratrice peut s’avérer nécessaire. Les traitements orthodontiques sont une bonne occasion d’échanger avec les adolescents afin de diagnostiquer les facteurs de risque, mais un choix judicieux des biomatériaux est également nécessaire durant le traitement orthodontique

    Adverse effects of eating disorders on the oral health of teenagers

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    Eating disorders in teenager’s population has a wide range of expressions from a large consumption of sodas or sugar, to binge drinking, anorexia nervosa and anorexia bulimia. Tooth wear or high caries risk could be the clinical expression of such harmful habits and the dental clinical examination could be the way for an early diagnosis of eating disorders In this kind of situation, discussion with the teenager should be preferred. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a higher prevalence of such eating behaviors especially for teenagers. Vomiting and gastro esophageal reflux to lead to dental erosion could also be correlated to bruxism and attrition. Prevention and interception of harmful habits are the best way to stop teeth degradation purpose restorative procedure is sometimes required. Orthodontic therapy is a good opportunity for discussion with teenagers to identify risk factors, but an advised selection of biomaterials is also required during the orthodontic treatment