21 research outputs found

    Music and Sound in Virtual/Augmented Realities—Questions, Challenges and Approaches

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    The mid-to-late 2010s saw a renewed interest in virtual reality technologies with the release of a wide selection of consumer VR headsets and glasses, and the increased power of smartphones to provide augmented reality experiences. While research on sound and music in these technologies has started to gather pace, practice and research continue to grapple with significant creative and practical questions. In addition, such discussions have tended to be limited within disciplinary or professional silos. The roundtable presented here was an effort to begin conversations across a variety of fields of research and practice. We shared perspectives and exchanged views informed by different disciplinary traditions and experiences. We also sought to identify key questions and issues regarding music and sound in VR/AR. Three main themes are presented here: 1) Spaces and musical performances, 2) Realities and realism, and 3) Movement, orientation, and disorientation

    Decrease in the production of beta-amyloid by berberine inhibition of the expression of beta-secretase in HEK293 cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Berberine (BER), the major alkaloidal component of <it>Rhizoma coptidis</it>, has multiple pharmacological effects including inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, reduction of cholesterol and glucose levels, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects. It has also been demonstrated that BER can reduce the production of beta-amyloid<sub>40/42</sub>, which plays a critical and primary role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. However, the mechanism by which it accomplishes this remains unclear.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we report that BER could not only significantly decrease the production of beta-amyloid<sub>40/42 </sub>and the expression of beta-secretase (BACE), but was also able to activate the extracellular signal-regulated kinase1/2 (ERK1/2) pathway in a dose- and time-dependent manner in HEK293 cells stably transfected with APP695 containing the Swedish mutation. We also find that U0126, an antagonist of the ERK1/2 pathway, could abolish (1) the activation activity of BER on the ERK1/2 pathway and (2) the inhibition activity of BER on the production of beta-amyloid<sub>40/42 </sub>and the expression of BACE.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data indicate that BER decreases the production of beta-amyloid<sub>40/42 </sub>by inhibiting the expression of BACE via activation of the ERK1/2 pathway.</p

    Music and Sound in Virtual/Augmented Realities-Questions, Challenges and Approaches A Multidisciplinary Roundtable

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    The mid-to-late 2010s saw a renewed interest in virtual reality technologies with the release of a wide selection of consumer VR headsets and glasses, and the increased power of smartphones to provide augmented reality experiences. While research on sound and music in these technologies has started to gather pace, practice and research continue to grapple with significant creative and practical questions. In addition, such discussions have tended to be limited within disciplinary or professional silos. The roundtable presented here was an effort to begin conversations across a variety of fields of research and practice. We shared perspectives and exchanged views informed by different disciplinary traditions and experiences. We also sought to identify key questions and issues regarding music and sound in VR/AR. Three main themes are presented here: 1) Spaces and musical performances, 2) Realities and realism, and 3) Movement, orientation, and disorientation. © 2021 Voices, Combat, and Music. All Rights Reserved

    1962-2012: la storia dopo la "Storia"? Contributi e prospettive degli studi sul Vaticano II dieci anni dopo la "Storia del concilio".

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    Il numero monografico 33 (2013)/1 di "Cristianesimo nella storia" presenta diversi dei contributi discussi nel seminario internazionale tenutosi a Modena il 23-25 febbraio 2012 in occasione del cinquantesimo anniversario dell'inizio del concilio Vaticano II. Le aree interessate dai contributi proposti riflettono la pluralit\ue0 delle direzione in cui negli ultimi anni si \ue8 mossa la ricerca soprattutto di una nuova generazione di studiosi: una ricerca che registra all'attivo l'edizione di nuove fonti conciliari, soprattutto diaristiche, e una nutrita messe di saggi, articoli, tesi dottorali, monografie, che hanno indagato specifice vicende redazionali, l'attuazione e il ruolo giocato da alcuni protagonisti, individuali e/o collettivi, le dinamiche di alcuni ambienti e gruppi informali cos\uec come di alcuni settori del pi\uf9 vasto mondo "extra aulam", l'impatto della comunicazione, segmenti biografici variamente rilevanti per la storia dell'evento conciliare