107 research outputs found

    Constraints on the thickness and seismic properties of the lithosphere in an extensional setting (Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field, Northern Pannonian Basin)

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    TheNógrád-GömörVolcanic Field (NGVF) is one of the five mantle xenolith bearing alkaline basalt locations in the Carpathian Pannonian Region. This allows us to constrain the structure and properties (e.g. composition, current deformation state, seismic anisotropy, electrical conductivity) of the upper mantle, including the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) using not only geophysical, but also petrologic and geochemical methods. For this pilot study, eight upper mantle xenoliths have been chosen from Bárna-Nagyk˝o, the southernmost location of the NGVF. The aim of this study is estimating the average seismic properties of the underlying mantle. Based on these estimations, the thickness of the anisotropic layer causing the observed average SKS delay time in the area was modelled considering five lineation and foliation end-member orientations. We conclude that a 142– 333km thick layer is required to explain the observed SKS anisotropy, assuming seismic properties calculated by averaging the properties of the eight xenoliths. It is larger than the thickness of the lithospheric mantle. Therefore, the majority of the delay time accumulates in the sublithospheric mantle. However, it is still in question whether a single anisotropic layer, represented by the studied xenoliths, is responsible for the observed SKS anisotropy,as it is assumed beneath the Bakony–Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (Kovács et al. 2012), or the sublithospheric mantle has different layers. In addition, the depths of the Moho and the LAB (25 ± 5, 65 ± 10 km, respectively) were estimated based on S receiver function analyses of data from three nearby permanent seismological stations

    Tapasztalatok es motiváltság: magyar középiskolások véleménye az egészségvédő programokról.

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    INTRODUCTION: Health-related attitudes can be encouraged most effectively at young ages. Young generations would require more interactive methods in programs engaged in health promotion. AIM: The aim of the authors was to get an insight into the attitudes, experience and motivation of youngsters in connection with health promotion programs and the community service work. METHOD: The questionnaires were filled in by high school students studying in Budapest and in the countryside (N = 898). RESULTS: 44.4% of the students did not have lessons or extracurricular activities dealing with health promotion. Concerning health promotion programs, youngsters in Budapest had more positive experience, while female students showed a more adoptive attitude. CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that in one of the most susceptible life stages, many youngsters either do not participate in programs dealing with health promotion, or participate in programs that are within the framework of school subjects or extracurricular activities building on traditional teaching methods. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(2), 65-69

    Kortárs egészségfejlesztési programok közvetlen hatása alsó tagozatos gyermekek kézhigiénés tudására és megfelelő kézmosási technikájára

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    INTRODUCTION AND AIM: In the case of primary school children in Budapest (n = 165), data on their social status and their previous knowledge on hand hygiene were elicited with the help of pre-knowledge questionnaires issued by students of higher education. The aim of the research was introducing a novel pedagogical procedure - application and optimization of peer education in the development of proper hand hygiene among primary school students. METHOD: The knowledge-based survey was conducted after four (n = 85) and eight hours of teaching (n = 36). In addition, the effectiveness of hand washing was tested immediately before (n = 166) and after the four (n = 74) and eight hours of teaching (n = 35) with Semmelweis Scanner after rubbing the hand with fluorescent cream. RESULTS: Prior knowledge of hand hygiene significantly increased after the four-hour and eight-hour trainings. In the case of smaller children, the effect of the eight-hour training was more pronounced. Similar results were obtained with regards to the changes in the number of areas missed while rubbing the surface of the hand as a result of the teaching. CONCLUSION: Sociological surveys on hand hygiene knowledge and direct physical measurements indicate that training with appropriate pedagogical procedures is effective and contributes to the environmentally conscious hygiene culture of children aged 6 to 10. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(12): 485-490