60 research outputs found

    A Bayesian analysis of neutron spin echo data on polymer coated gold nanoparticles in aqueous solutions

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    We present a neutron spin echo study (NSE) of the nanosecond dynamics of polyethylene glycol (PEG) functionalised nanosized gold particles dissolved in D2_2O at two temperatures and two different PEG molecular weights. The analysis of the NSE data was performed by applying a Bayesian approach to the description of time correlation function decays in terms of exponential terms, recently proved to be theoretically rigorous. This approach, which addresses in a direct way the fundamental issue of model choice in any dynamical analysis, provides here a guide to the most statistically supported way to follow the decay of the Intermediate Scattering Functions I(Q, t) by basing on statistical grounds the choice of the number of terms required for the description of the nanosecond dynamics of the studied systems. Then, the presented analysis avoids from the start resorting to a pre-selected framework and can be considered as model free. By comparing the results of PEG coated nanoparticles with those obtained in PEG2000 solutions, we were able to disentangle the translational diffusion of the nanoparticles from the internal dynamics of the polymer grafted to them, and to show that the polymer corona relaxation follows a pure exponential decay in agreement with the behavior predicted by coarse grained molecular dynamics simulations and theoretical models. This methodology has one further advantage: in the presence of a complex dynamical scenario I(Q,t) is often described in terms of the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts function that can implicitly represent a distribution of relaxation times. By choosing to describe the I(Q,t) as a sum of exponential functions and with the support of the Bayesian approach, we can explicitly determine when a finer-structure analysis of the dynamical complexity of the system exists according to the available data without the risk of overparametrisation

    Structure, Dynamics, and Composition of Large Clusters in Polyelectrolyte–Surfactant Systems

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    Mixtures of oppositely charged polyelectrolyte (PE) and surfactant show rich structural behavior. The dynamics of such self-assembled structures can be quite complex. For example, using dynamic light scattering (DLS), we observed a slow collective relaxation mode for mixtures of the cationically charged PE JR 400 and the anionic surfactant SDS if the concentration of the system is sufficiently high and a small excess of PE charges is present. A similar mode is observed by using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). However, a large quantitative discrepancy is observed between the values obtained from DLS and FCS. In this paper, we are investigating the connection between these slow relaxation modes and the formation of large micrometer sized structures which have been investigated using ultrasmall-angle neutron scattering (USANS), and the discrepancies between results from DLS and FCS are explained.BMBF, 05K13KT1, Probenumgebung und paralle Charakterisierung bei hochpräzisen Neutronen Spin-Echo (NSE) Messungen an komplexen Systemen der weichen Materi

    Ion Dynamics and Nanostructures of Diluted Ionic Liquid Electrolytes

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    Diluted ionic liquid electrolytes are promising candidates in next-generation batteries enabling the implementation of lithium metal anodes. The diluent should fully mix with the ionic liquid while not interacting with the Li ions to preserve the ionic liquid character, which is beneficial for Li-metal electrode stability. We report on the influence of a hydrofluoroether (HFE) diluent on ion dynamics and nanostructure of an ionic liquid electrolyte. We show that the ionic liquid and the diluent are fully miscible and that the solvation structure of the Li ions is not affected by the presence of HFE. The increase in the conductivity by the addition of the diluent is directly related to a decrease in viscosity with faster dynamics of all ionic species. However, the relative increase in mobility is considerably larger for the ionic liquid cation as a result of a preferred interaction with HFE. On the microscopic scale, more complex local non-Gaussian diffusive dynamics are found, faster than what is expected from the self-diffusion coefficient. The relative change of the dynamics with the addition of HFE on macro- and microscopic length scales correlates well, which underlines the connection between the motions probed on different length and time scales

    On the mesoscopic origins of high viscosities in some polyelectrolyte-surfactant mixtures

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in J. Chem. Phys. 143, 074902 (2015) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4928583.Oppositely charged polyelectrolyte (PE) surfactant mixtures allow the control of rheological parameters of a solution even at fairly low concentrations. For example, addition of 0.3 wt. % of anionic surfactant to a 1 wt. % solution of the polycation JR 400 increases the viscosity by 4 orders of magnitude. Recently, we could show that this increase is related to the formation of mixed, rod-like PE/surfactant aggregates which interconnect several polyelectrolyte chains [Hoffmann et al., Europhys. Lett. 104, 28001 (2013)]. In this paper, we refine our structural model of the aggregates to obtain a more consistent picture of their internal structure for different anionic surfactants. Combining small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and neutron spin-echo (NSE) allows us to determine the size of the aggregates. By comparing different contrasts, the internal structure of the aggregates can be elucidated and it is seen that the PE in the aggregates retains a relatively high freedom of movement. We proceeded to investigate the influence of the surfactant concentration and the surfactant type on structure and dynamics of the mixed aggregates. It is seen that the structural parameters of the aggregates depend very little on the surfactant concentration and headgroup. However, it is crucial to incorporate a sufficient amount of PE in the aggregates to increase the viscosity of the aggregates. By comparing viscous samples at 1 wt. % PE concentration with samples at a PE concentration of 0.3 wt. %, where no significant increase in viscosity is observed, we find that similar aggregates are formed already at this lower PE concentrations. However, the amount of PE incorporated in them is insufficient to interconnect several PE chains and therefore, they do not increase viscosity. So, our detailed investigation combining contrast variation SANS and NSE does not only allow to explain the viscosity behavior but also to deduced detailed information regarding the structures and the dynamics especially of the polyelectrolyte within the complexes.BMBF, 05K13KT1, Probenumgebung und paralle Charakterisierung bei hochpräzisen Neutronen Spin-Echo (NSE) Messungen an komplexen Systemen der weichen Materi

    Dynamics of microemulsions bridged with hydrophobically end-capped star polymers studied by neutron spin-echo

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in J. Chem. Phys. 140, 034902 (2014) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4861894.The mesoscopic dynamical properties of oil-in-water microemulsions (MEs) bridged with telechelic polymers of different number of arms and with different lengths of hydrophobic stickers were studied with neutron spin-echo (NSE) probing the dynamics in the size range of individual ME droplets. These results then were compared to those of dynamicic light scattering (DLS) which allow to investigate the dynamics on a much larger length scale. Studies were performed as a function of the polymer concentration, number of polymer arms, and length of the hydrophobic end-group. In general it is observed that the polymer bridging has a rather small influence on the local dynamics, despite the fact that the polymer addition leads to an increase of viscosity by several orders of magnitude. In contrast to results from rheology and DLS, where the dynamics on much larger length and time scales are observed, NSE shows that the linear polymer is more efficient in arresting the motion of individual ME droplets. This finding can be explained by a simple simulation, merely by the fact that the interconnection of droplets becomes more efficient with a decreasing number of arms. This means that the dynamics observed on the short and on the longer length scale depend in an opposite way on the number of arms and hydrophobic stickers.BMBF, 05K10KT1, Verbundprojekt NanoSOFT: Teilprojekt 2: Neutronen Spin-Echo Experimente zur Untersuchung komplexer Soft-Matter Systeme mit extremer Präzissio

    Q-dependent Collective Relaxation Dynamics of Glass-Forming Liquid Ca0.4K0.6(NO3)1.4 Investigated by Wide-Angle Neutron Spin-Echo

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    Employing wide-angle neutron spin echo spectroscopy, we measured the Q-dependent coherent intermediate scattering function of the prototypical ionic glass former Ca0.4K0.6(NO3)1.4, in the equilibrium and supercooled liquid states beyond the hydrodynamic regime. The data reveal a clear two-step relaxation: an exponential fast process, and a stretched exponential slow alpha process. de Gennes narrowing is observed in all characteristic variables of the alpha process: the relaxation time, amplitude, and stretching exponent. At all length scales probed, the relative amplitude of the alpha-relaxation decreases with increasing temperature and levels off in the normal liquid state. The temperature dependence of the stretching exponent and the relaxation time at different Q's indicate that modifications of the relaxation mechanisms at the local length scales, manifested as temperature independent dynamic heterogeneity and smaller deviations from Arrhenius behavior, have occurred even above the alpha-beta (Johari-Goldstein) bifurcation temperature

    Dynamics of the extended and intermediate range order in model polymer electrolyte poly(ethylene oxide) and lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide

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    The dynamics of lithium ions and polymer chains were investigated at the molecular scale in the model polymer electrolyte Poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO)/Lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide as a function of temperature. This system is known to present an intermediate range order from the arrangement of neighboring chain segments as well as an extended range order of cylindrically arranged chains. The collective dynamics of the systems at lengthscales matching these structural features was measured using Neutron Spin Echo spectroscopy, gaining insights into their lifetime. Moreover, using isotope substitution techniques the dynamics of the lithium ions with respect to the other atoms was probed. The obtained results are compared with the conductivity and the lithium self-diffusion coefficient measured by NMR to gain experimental insight on the molecular processes triggering lithium transport

    La multifonctionnalité de l'agriculture : un concept d'avenir ?

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    International audienceLa multifonctionnalité de l'agriculture : un concept d'avenir ? Etude par Luc Bodiguel chargé de recherche, UMR CNRS 3128, Droit et changement social (DCS)chargé d'enseignement à la faculté de droit de Nantes et d'Angers Accès au sommaire Comment comprendre aujourd'hui le concept de multifonctionnalité de l'agriculture ? Les réformes française et communautaire sont-elles venues lui donner un véritable contenu juridique ? Une autre portée politique ? Ou, au contraire, la multifonctionnalité de l'agriculture est-elle restée au stade théorique, au concept, voire, at -elle été dépassée par d'autres concepts plus influents, plus opérationnels ou plus à la mode ? Enfin, à quoi peut bien encore servir le concept de multifonctionnalité de l'agriculture d'un point de vue politique et juridique ? Afin de tenter de répondre à ces questions, Luc Bodiguel nous propose d'observer tout d'abord les fondements et règles de droit qui peuvent aujourd'hui être liés au concept de multifonctionnalité pour ensuite s'interroger sur l'avenir du concept au vu du droit français, communautaire et de l'organisation mondiale du commerce

    Observation of Small Cluster Formation in Concentrated Monoclonal Antibody Solutions and Its Implications to Solution Viscosity

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    AbstractMonoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are a major class of biopharmaceuticals. It is hypothesized that some concentrated mAb solutions exhibit formation of a solution phase consisting of reversibly self-associated aggregates (or reversible clusters), which is speculated to be responsible for their distinct solution properties. Here, we report direct observation of reversible clusters in concentrated solutions of mAbs using neutron spin echo. Specifically, a stable mAb solution is studied across a transition from dispersed monomers in dilute solution to clustered states at more concentrated conditions, where clusters of a preferred size are observed. Once mAb clusters have formed, their size, in contrast to that observed in typical globular protein solutions, is observed to remain nearly constant over a wide range of concentrations. Our results not only conclusively establish a clear relationship between the undesirable high viscosity of some mAb solutions and the formation of reversible clusters with extended open structures, but also directly observe self-assembled mAb protein clusters of preferred small finite size similar to that in micelle formation that dominate the properties of concentrated mAb solutions
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