116 research outputs found


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    Whitman and Melville’s poetry about the Civil War is almost completely silent when it comes to slavery. Both writers depict a newly emancipated person in their poems about the Civil War, but they seem to do so almost as an afterthought. Both Whitman\u27s “Ethiopia Saluting the Colors” and Melville\u27s “Formerly a Slave” represent an elderly African American woman. These poems stand alone in their representation of an African American. Peter J. Bellis argues that both writers were concerned with how to negotiate national emotions and policies by the end of the war and these “emotions” and “policies” were vital to understanding liberation. The subject of liberated slaves was an emotional issue because people feared that there were not enough jobs and that African Americans would get the scarce positions because they would presumably work for less pay. Bellis believes that Whitman and Melville were hesitant to address liberated slaves, but Ethiopia and Formerly a Slave indicate that Whitman and Melville each depicted a liberated slave on at least one occasion. Why did these writers who were in so many ways bold and forward-thinking do little to address slavery and African Americans? What motivated them to include these rare poems treating African Americans in their poetry collections? Advisor: Kenneth M. Pric

    Étude de la commande par mode de glissement sur les systùmes mono et multi variables

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    Dans ce mémoire, nous avons approfondi notre étude sur la commande non linéaire par mode de glissement appliquée à des systÚmes mono entrée / mono sortie (SISO) et à des systÚmes multi / entrées multi sorties (MIMO). Nous avons tenté d'élaborer théoriquement une approche qui réduit les commutations haute fréquence qui se manifestent en régime établi, sans toutefois détériorer les performances de poursuite du contrÎleur non linéaire en régime permanent. Cette approche consiste à concevoir des composantes discontinues contenant des termes exponentiels qui s'adaptent dynamiquement aux fluctuations du systÚme étudié. Nous avons concentré notre étude expérimentale sur un systÚme mono variable, à savoir un systÚme à lévitation magnétique, et sur un systÚme multi variable, a savoir un robot manipulateur modulaire hyper redondant. Afin de valider notre approche sur ces deux systÚmes, nous avons comparé expérimentalement cette derniÚre à d'autres approches existantes dans la littérature basées sur la commande par mode de glissement. Les résultats expérimentaux enregistrés sur les deux systÚmes non linéaires ont montré une supériorité notable de notre approche, surtout en ce qui concerne la réduction des commutations haute fréquence de la commande en régime établi

    Intégration de l'analyse du cycle de vie dans une approche de quantification corporative des émissions de gaz à effet de serre

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    RÉSUMÉ Un nombre important de mĂ©thodologies pour comptabiliser les Ă©missions de gaz Ă  effet de serre a suivi la mise en application d’outils de lutte contre le changement climatique proposĂ©s par le protocole de Kyoto, dont les marchĂ©s d’échange des Ă©missions. Les mĂ©thodologies de comptabilisation des Ă©missions GES font face Ă  un enjeu important: quantifier, inventorier et dĂ©clarer les Ă©missions GES d’une organisation. Ce projet de maĂźtrise Ă©tudie l’utilisation de l’analyse du cycle de vie pour bonifier la mĂ©thodologie de quantification corporative des Ă©missions de gaz Ă  effet de serre. Il est articulĂ© autour de l’hypothĂšse de recherche suivante : la compatibilitĂ© de l’analyse du cycle de vie quant Ă  la quantification corporative des Ă©missions de gaz Ă  effet de serre permet de l’intĂ©grer et de la bonifier grĂące Ă  une meilleure connaissance de la chaĂźne logistique ainsi qu’une approche multicritĂšre de l’évaluation des impacts environnementaux. L’hypothĂšse de recherche se dĂ©cline sur deux objectifs de projets. En premier lieu, il s’agit de vĂ©rifier la compatibilitĂ© des Ă©lĂ©ments mĂ©thodologiques des deux approches et la possibilitĂ© thĂ©orique d’intĂ©grer l’ACV dans la quantification des GES. Dans ce but, les deux mĂ©thodologies sont comparĂ©es de façon systĂ©matique. Par la suite, une approche conceptuelle de leur intĂ©gration est dĂ©veloppĂ©e. En second lieu, il s’agit de vĂ©rifier la possibilitĂ© pratique de cette intĂ©gration. Pour ce faire, des bilans GES et une ACV sont rĂ©alisĂ©s sur des opĂ©rations de « Veolia PropretĂ© ». Une comparaison systĂ©matique des rĂ©sultats permet de vĂ©rifier trois critĂšres de validation et entĂ©riner ainsi l’approche conceptuelle. Tout d’abord, la comparaison systĂ©matique des deux mĂ©thodologies identifie trois Ă©lĂ©ments mĂ©thodologiques clĂ© qui permettent leur compatibilitĂ© : les frontiĂšres de systĂšme, l’évaluation des impacts et l’horizon temporel. En regard de ceux-ci, l’approche conceptuelle dĂ©veloppe une reprĂ©sentation de l’adĂ©quation des deux mĂ©thodologies selon trois axes : · ChaĂźne logistique : selon cet axe, celui du cycle de vie de l’organisation, l’ACV est dĂ©structurĂ©e Ă  la maniĂšre de la comptabilisation GES. Ceci rend compatibles les frontiĂšres de systĂšmes des deux mĂ©thodologies. · Évaluation des impacts : la compatibilitĂ© des mĂ©thodologies vient du fait que l’évaluation de l’impact sur le changement climatique est dĂ©jĂ  incluse dans l’ACV. Qui plus est, cette derniĂšre Ă©largit l’éventail des impacts environnementaux considĂ©rĂ©s, de par son approche multicritĂšres. · Horizon temporel : les deux mĂ©thodologies sont compatibles grĂące Ă  une unitĂ© fonctionnelle de l’ACV fixĂ©e par rapport aux opĂ©rations annuelles de l’organisation Ă  l’étude.----------ABSTRACT With the implementation of Kyoto Protocol and the carbon market, greenhouse gas accounting became high on the agenda of environmental management. Corporate greenhouse gas accounting hence faces a great challenge: quantify, account and report for corporate greenhouse gas emissions. This M.Sc.A. research project focuses on the use of life cycle assessment in order to improve corporate greenhouse gas accounting methodology. Hence, the research hypothesis of this project is as follow: Being compatible one to the other, life cycle assessment can be incorporated to greenhouse gas accounting. The latter is thus improved through a better understanding of the logistic chain and a multicriteria approach of the evaluation of environmental impacts. This research hypothesis aims to attain two objectives. The first objective is to verify the compatibility of various components of both methodologies and the theoretical possibility to combine them. In order to do so, they are consistently compared. A conceptual approach of their integration is then developed. The second objective of the project is to verify the practical possibility of that integration. In order to do so, a case study is performed on “Veolia PropretĂ©â€ operations. Greenhouse gas accounting and life cycle assessment are both performed. Their respective results are consistently compared over three validation criterias, thus confirming the conceptual approach. The systematic comparison of greenhouse gas accounting and life cycle assessment methodologies identifies three methodological components which enable their compatibility: system boundaries, impact assessment and temporal aspect. The conceptual approach represents the combination of both methodologies with regards to these three items. Therefore, it proposes to consider three axes: · Logistic chain : life cycle assessment product system is de-aggregated with regards of the organization logistic chain. The latter represents its life cycle. This reorganization of life cycle assessment’s product system is in adequacy to GHG accounting methodology which categorizes the emissions into three scopes of accounting. The system boundaries of both systems are thus compatible one to another. · Impact assessment : the compatibility of both methodologies comes from the fact that climate change impact assessment of greenhouse gas accounting is already included in life cycle assessment. As a matter of fact, it broadens the impact assessment through a multicriteria approach to environmental impact evaluation. · Temporal aspect : both methodologies are compatible by the means of life cycle assessment’s functional unit. As a matter of fact, it is set to the annual operations of the organization

    Melanoma in situ mimicking a lichen planus-like keratosis

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    The incidence of melanoma has steadily increased over the past three decades. Melanoma in situ (MIS), defined as melanoma that is limited to the epidermis, contributes to a disproportionately high percentage of this rising incidence. Amelanotic melanoma presents as an erythematous macule or plaque and may initially be misdiagnosed as an inflammatory disorder. We report a case of amelonatic MIS raised on non-sun-exposed skin, inducing a lichen planuslike keratosis as inflammatory reaction, which clinically masked the melanoma

    Treatment threshold for intra-operative hypotension in clinical practice-a prospective cohort study in older patients in the UK

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    Intra-operative hypotension frequently complicates anaesthesia in older patients and is implicated in peri-operative organ hypoperfusion and injury. The prevalence and corresponding treatment thresholds of hypotension are incompletely described in the UK. This study aimed to identify prevalence of intra-operative hypotension and its treatment thresholds in UK practice. Patients aged ≄ 65 years were studied prospectively from 196 UK hospitals within a 48-hour timeframe. The primary outcome was the incidence of hypotension (mean arterial pressure 20%; systolic blood pressure 20% reduction in systolic blood pressure from baseline and 77.5% systolic blood pressure <100 mmHg. The mean (SD) blood pressure triggering vasopressor therapy was mean arterial pressure 64.2 (11.6) mmHg and the mean (SD) stated intended treatment threshold from the survey was mean arterial pressure 60.6 (9.7) mmHg. A composite adverse outcome of myocardial injury, kidney injury, stroke or death affected 345 patients (7.3%). In this representative sample of UK peri-operative practice, the majority of older patients experienced intra-operative hypotension and treatment was delivered below suggested thresholds. This highlights both potential for intra-operative organ injury and substantial opportunity for improving treatment of intra-operative hypotension

    EPRL Sliding Mode Flight Controller with Model-based Switching Manifold of a Quad-Rotor UAV

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    Presentación realizada en el marco Proyecto PINV18-765: Vehículos aéreos no tripulados en aplicaciones para la agricultura de precisión para el monitoreo de cultivos agrícolas. Cuyo objetivo general fue: el Estudio, investigación, anålisis y validación experimental de, por un lado, avanzadas estrategias de control de vuelo de vehículos no tripulados (UAV) y, por otro, de algoritmos de procesamiento de imågenes obtenidas por el UAV, orientada al anålisis de cultivos agrícolas enfocado al desarrollo del sector agropecuario.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Diverses modalitĂ©s de traitement des troubles d’apprentissage scolaire par thĂ©rapies visuelles: quelles sont les Ă©vidences scientifiques?

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    Les troubles d’apprentissage sont des dĂ©sordres complexes qui entravent le dĂ©veloppement normal des processus d’acquisition et de traitement de l’information. ils sont couramment rencontrĂ©s au sein de la population pĂ©diatrique et peuvent se manifester sous diverses formes dont la plus frĂ©quente est la dyslexie. Les troubles d’apprentissage ont une nature chronique et n’ont pas pour cause premiĂšre des handicaps visuels, auditifs et/ ou moteurs, la dĂ©ficience intellectuelle, la perturbation affective ni mĂȘme un milieu dĂ©favorisĂ©. Cependant, il est possible que ces troubles puissent coexister avec l’un ou l’autre de ces problĂšmes. Puisque les enfants qui en sont atteints rencontrent souvent des difficultĂ©s de taille lors des apprentissages fondamentaux dĂšs leur entrĂ©e Ă  l’école primaire, il est essentiel de leur offrir un soutien adaptĂ©, un diagnostic prĂ©coce et une intervention efficace. Plusieurs hypothĂšses impliquant divers problĂšmes visuels ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©mises quant Ă  la cause de la dyslexie et des troubles d’apprentissage. La prĂ©sente revue de littĂ©rature traite de ces diverses hypothĂšses de traitement des troubles d’apprentissage scolaire par thĂ©rapies visuelles. L’analyse dĂ©montre qu’il n’y a pas de preuves scientifiques suffisantes Ă  ce jour prouvant que la thĂ©rapie visuelle, les lunettes d’entraĂźnement, les exercices de poursuites et de saccades, les exercices perceptuels, les lunettes grossissantes, les filtres ou lentilles colorĂ©es ainsi que les prismes peuvent amĂ©liorer significativement les troubles d’apprentissage

    The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Ergonomics

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    The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) has accelerated technology advancement across the manufacturing sector. The technologies of Industry 4.0 make it possible for manufacturing processes to be more efficient while also bringing about changes in human work that may pose new risks to employee wellbeing and test their current abilities. Technologies, such as virtual reality and augmented reality have a significant impact to revise the position and responsibilities of human in the manufacturing environment. Thus, ergonomic perspectives have evolved from focusing solely on adjusting the human to the other components of the work system physically and psychosocially into upgrading cognitive skills to process more information. There are very few ergonomics-related studies in the literature with reference to Industry 4.0 emerging technologies. Especially, research on emphasizing the importance of the concurrent development of technical and ergonomic skills in the industrial setting is a necessity in this modern era. This research aims to explain the modified manufacturing environment, define the role of the human in this new production settings and describe the cognitive modifications required to fit into the Industry 4.0 habitat

    Treatment threshold for intra‐operative hypotension in clinical practice—a prospective cohort study in older patients in the UK

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    Intra-operative hypotension frequently complicates anaesthesia in older patients and is implicated in peri-operative organ hypoperfusion and injury. The prevalence and corresponding treatment thresholds of hypotension are incompletely described in the UK. This study aimed to identify prevalence of intra-operative hypotension and its treatment thresholds in UK practice. Patients aged ≄ 65 years were studied prospectively from 196 UK hospitals within a 48-hour timeframe. The primary outcome was the incidence of hypotension (mean arterial pressure 20%; systolic blood pressure 20% reduction in systolic blood pressure from baseline and 77.5% systolic blood pressure <100 mmHg. The mean (SD) blood pressure triggering vasopressor therapy was mean arterial pressure 64.2 (11.6) mmHg and the mean (SD) stated intended treatment threshold from the survey was mean arterial pressure 60.6 (9.7) mmHg. A composite adverse outcome of myocardial injury, kidney injury, stroke or death affected 345 patients (7.3%). In this representative sample of UK peri-operative practice, the majority of older patients experienced intra-operative hypotension and treatment was delivered below suggested thresholds. This highlights both potential for intra-operative organ injury and substantial opportunity for improving treatment of intra-operative hypotension
