80 research outputs found

    Markkinointitutkimus rakennusalalla toimivalle henkilöstöpalveluyritykselle

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa rakennusalalla toimivalle henkilöstöpalvelualan toimeksiantajayritykselle, Värväämö Oy:lle, tietoa sen olemassa olevasta asiakaskunnasta sekä toimeksiantajan ja asiakasyritysten välisen yhteistyön laadusta. Tutkimuksen avulla oli tarkoitus pyrkiä ymmärtämään yleisellä tasolla olevia asenteita rakennusalalla toimivia henkilöstöpalvelualan yrityksiä kohtaan ja selvittää henkilöstöpalveluiden kysynnän tasoa. Tutkimus toteutettiin markkinointitutkimuksena, jonka tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin pääosin kvalitatiivista, mutta myös osin kvantitatiivista tutkimusmetodia. Tutkimuksen kvalitatiivisin menetelmin tehdyt haastattelut ja haastatteluiden yhteydessä kvantitatiivisesti tehdyt kyselyt toteutettiin loppuvuoden 2015 aikana. Tutkimuksen otos koostui toimeksiantajayrityksen tilaavista asiakkaista ja muista asiakasyritysten yhteyshenkilöistä, jotka toimivat päättävissä asemissa. Haastatteluiden avoimet kysymykset koskivat henkilöstöpalvelualan tilaa yleisellä tasolla ja haastateltavien mielipiteitä palveluiden laadusta. Tutkimuksen suljetut, kvantitatiiviset kysymykset koskivat toimeksiantajayrityksen palvelun laatua, brändi-imagoa sekä henkilöstöpalveluiden tarjoajien valintaan ja ostopäätöksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Markkinointitutkimus oli onnistunut, ja sen tulokset osoittivat selvästi rakennusalalla toimivien henkilöstöpalvelualan yritysten laadulliset puutteet. Siitä huolimatta vastausten analyysin perusteella voitiin todeta, että rakennusalalla toimiville henkilöstöpalveluille on jatkuvaa ja myös potentiaalisesti kasvavaa kysyntää rakennusalan yritysten keskuudessa ja yritykset ovat valmiita käyttämään henkilöstöpalveluita nykyistä jopa huomattavasti laajemmin. Ratkaisevaa on laadulliset kriteerit täyttävän kumppanin löytäminen. Saatujen tulosten perusteella on mahdollista kehittää Värväämö Oy:n sisäisiä prosesseja asiakaslähtöiseen suuntaan ja tuottaa selkeämmin asiakasnäkökulman ja asiakasyritysten laadulliset kriteerit huomioon ottavia palveluita.The objective of this thesis was to produce information for a personnel services company, Värväämö Oy, which operates in the construction industry. The goal was to gain knowledge about its present clients and from the level of quality in their co-operation and also to get better understanding of common attitudes concerning personnel service companies in general and about the level of demand of personnel services in construction industry. The research was executed as a marketing research where the research methods were mainly qualitative but also partly quantitative. Qualitative methods were used in the interviews in the study were made by qualitative methods and quantitative methods were used in closed questions. The interviews were made during the last months of 2015. The target groups of the study consisted of employers, clients, purchasing staff and from other people who work as decision makers in the companies. The open questions focused on personnel services industry in general and on the respondents´ opinions of the quality in their service. The closed, quantitative questions focused on the quality of the employers service, its brand image and the factors leading to the selection of a service provider and purchase decisions. This marketing research was successful and its results showed clearly the shortcomings in the quality of service in personnel service companies which operate in the construction industry. Regardless of that, based on the analysis of the study there is a continuous and potentially increasing demand for personnel services within construction companies and they are ready to use personnel services even in significantly larger scale. For them it is crucial to find a partner which can fulfill their criteria in the level of quality. Based on the results of this study, it possible to steer employers´ inner processes to more customer oriented direction and to produce personnel services which take the criteria of the quality into better consideratio

    Mielenterveyden edistäminen asumispalveluyksikössä – opas henkilökunnalle

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli lisätä pääkaupunkiseudun vaikeasti vammaisille palveluasumista tarjoavien Validia-talojen henkilökunnan tietoja ja taitoja koskien mielenterveyden edistämistä. Tavoitteena oli koota kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulosten pohjalta opas, jota henkilökunta voi hyödyntää mielenterveyden edistämistyössä. Opas toteutettiin posterin muodossa. Posterin tarkoituksena oli esitellä mielenterveyttä edistäviä tekijöitä sekä keinoja, joiden avulla mielenterveyttä voidaan edistää asumispalveluyksikössä. Opinnäytetyön tietoperusta esitteli opinnäytetyön aiheen kannalta keskeiset käsitteet sekä opinnäytetyön aiheeseen yhteydessä olevat lait ja asetukset. Mielenterveyden edistämistä käsitteltiin tietoperustassa osa-alueittain. Osa-alueet olivat elintavat, päihteettömyys, yhteisöllisyys ja osallisuus, seksuaalisuus, mielekäs tekeminen sekä kulttuuri. Opinnäytetyön toiminnallinen osuus oli mielenterveyden edistämistä esittelevän posterin tekeminen pääkaupunkiseudun Validia-talojen henkilökunnan käyttöön. Posteri laadittiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksiin perustuen. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tiedohaussa käytettyjä hakusanoja olivat mielenterveys ja edistäminen, englanniksi mental health ja promotion. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksissa toistuivat samat mielenterveyden edistämisen osa-alueet, jotka esiteltiin opinnäytetyön tietoperustassa. Asumispalvelut sekä vammaisuus jätettiin pois tiedonhaussa käytettävistä hakusanoista, koska tiedon löytäminen näillä hakusanoilla oli haastavaa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksiin perustuvan posterin alustavan version valmistuttua, posteri käytiin esittelemässä Lintukorven Validia-talon henkilökunnalle. Lintukorven Validia-talolle jätettiin alustava versio posterista sekä henkilökunnalle suunnatut kyselylomakkeet, jotka arvioivat posterin hyödyllisyyttä ja käytettävyyttä työn tukena. Arviointiin osallistuminen tapahtui vapaaehtoisesti ja anonyymisti. Viikon arviointijakson jälkeen kyselylomakkeiden vastaukset analysoitiin. Kyselylomakkeiden tuloksissa toivottiin posteriin tiivistetympää tekstiä, lisää konkreettisia mielenterveyden edistämiskeinoja sekä vinkkejä, mistä löytyy aiheeseen liittyvää lisätietoa. Posterin visuaalisen ilmeeseen vastaajat olivat tyytyväisiä. Kyselylomakkeiden vastausten perusteella alustava versio posterista muokattiin lopulliseen muotoonsa. Posterin lopullinen versio käytiin esittelemässä Lintukorven Validia-talolla ja samalla luovuttamassa Validia-talojen käyttöön. Posterin Validia-talon henkilökunnalta saaman palautteen perusteella voisi tulevaisuudessa olla hyödyllistä tarjota Validia-talojen henkilökunnalle lisätietoa mielenterveyden edistämisestä sekä erityisesti päihteettömyyden, seksuaalisuuden ja omatoimisuuden tukemisesta osana mielenterveyden edistämistä.The purpose of the thesis was to provide more information and skills in mental health promotion to the staff of Validia housing. Validia housing offers assisted living for the disabled persons.The objective was to produce a guide based on the results of the literature review that the staff could utilize in the promotion work of the mental health. The quide was realized in the form of a poster. The purpose of the poster was to introduce factors which promote the mental health in the assisted living facilities. The theoretical framework of the thesis dealt with the key concepts of the thesis subject and pre-sented laws and regulations pertinent to the subject of the thesis. Subject has been dealt with form eight perspectives of mental health promotion. The perspectives were ways of life, sobriety, sense of community and being part of it, sexuality, meaningful activities and culture. The functional part of the thesis was to make the poster which presents the promotion of the mental health into use of the metropolitan area’s Valdia housing staff. The poster was made based on the results of the literature review. The terms that were used in the information retrieval of the literature review were the mental health and the promotion. The housing services and the disability terms were left out of the entries because the finding the information with these terms was challenging. In the results of the literature review the same sectors of mental health promotion that were presented in the theoretical framework were repeated. When the preliminary version of the poster which was based on the results of the literature review had been completed, the poster was presented at Validia housing Lintukorpi house staff. The preliminary poster and questionnaires for the staff which evaluate the usefulness and usability of the poster were left to the Validia housing Lintukorpi. The participation was voluntary and anonymous. After a one week evaluation period, the answers to the questionnaires were analyzed. In the results of questionnaires was requested more compact text more concrete ways to promote mental health and where to find additional information which is related to the subject were requested for the poster in the results of the questionnaires. The respondents were satisfied of the visual expression of the poster. Based on the questionnaire replies, the preliminary version of the poster was edited in its final form. Final version of the poster was presented at the Validia housing and at the time poster was handed over to the Validia housing. Based on the feedback from the Validia housing staff it could be beneficial to offer more information about promoting mental health and especially supporting abstinence, sexuality and selfreliance as a part of the mental health promoting for the staff of Validia-housing.Liitteenä on myös opa

    Lasten tyytyväisyys saamaansa päivähoitoon Montessori-päiväkoti Aurinkoleijonassa

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    Lasten päivähoidossa aikuisten toimintaa ohjaavat kansainväliset lapsen oikeuksia määrittelevät sopimukset, kansalliset säädökset, muut ohjaavat asiakirjat sekä päiväkodin oma kulttuuri. Lainsäädäntö raamittaa asiakaslähtöisyyden periaatteen toteutumista ja kun asiakkaana on lapsi, pitäisi asiaa tarkastella lapsilähtöisyyden näkökulmasta. Käytännössä lasten osallistumi-sen esteenä ovat aikuisten asenteet ja toimintakulttuurin puutteet, arvioinnissa vanhemmat ovat olleet lapsen näkökulman viestinviejiä. Käytännöistä kerätä lasten mielipiteitä ja kokemuksia osallistua palveluiden kehittämiseen on niukasti tietoa. Lasten mielipiteen kuuleminen sekä mukaan ottaminen päätöksentekoon koetaan nykypäivänä tärkeäksi. Opinnäytetyö on osa Turun ammattikorkeakoulun koordinoimaa Verkonkutojahanketta, jonka tarkoituksena on hyvinvointialan toiminnan kehittäminen. Hankkeessa luodaan hyvinvointialan toimijoiden verkostoa, kehitetään alojen yhteistyötä ja luodaan asiakaspalautteen keruu- ja kä-sittelymalli. Laadunkehitys kohdistuu vanhusten-, mielenterveyskuntoutujien-, lasten päivähoito- ja lastensuojelupalveluihin. Opinnäytetyö oli hankkeessa osana lasten päivähoidon laadunkehi-tystä. Tarkoituksena oli tutkia lasten tyytyväisyyttä omaan hoitoonsa Montessori-päiväkoti Au-rinkoleijonassa. Tavoitteena on kehittää päiväkodin toimintaa. Tutkimus tehtiin keräämällä tietoa lapsilta (n=23) laatupelin avulla, jossa he vastasivat pelin kysymyksiin. Aineisto analysoitiin frekvenssin avulla. Tutkimuksen perusteella selvisi lasten olevan pääosin hyvin tyytyväisiä hoitoonsa Montessori-päiväkoti Aurinkoleijonassa. Erityisesti leikkiminen päiväkodin pihalla ja askartelu olivat kaikkien lasten mielestä mukavia. Kaikki lapset myös luottivat päiväkodin aikuisiin. Lasten esiintuomia epäkohtia olivat muun muassa yksityisyyden puute sekä se, että aikuisilla oli heille liian vähän aikaa. Tietoa voidaan käyttää päiväkodin laadun kehitykseen ja ylläpitoon. Tutkimus tulisi toistaa muutaman vuoden välein ja seurata päiväkodin laadun tilannetta. Samaa tutkimusmenetelmää voisi soveltaa myös muihin päiväkoteihin.Practices of children daycare are guided by international agreements of children rights, national laws, as well as many other documents and local daycare culture. Customer orinted approach has been supported by legislation, and since customers are children, this matter has to be ob-served from the children’s point of view. Children’s participation in developing their daycare services is often obstructed by adult attitudes and lack of functional culture. Feedback provided by parents has been important, especially when practises to collect children’s opinion directly from them are relatively unknown or do not exist. Hearing children’s opinion and al-lowing them to take part on making decisions is considered to be an important factor in modern daycare. This thesis is a part of the Verkonkutoja –project coordinated by Turku university of applied sciences. Project aims to create a network between fields of wellbeing, to develop the cooperation between branches and to create a model for collecting and handling customer feedback. Quality development is targeted to care services of elderly people, mental patients in rehabilitation, children protection and daycare. In the project, the thesis is a part of quality development of children daycare. The purpose of the thesis was to study the level of children’s satisfaction in their care in Montessori daycare center Aurinkoleijona. The goal is to develop the operation at Aurinkoleijona. The study was done by collecting information from children by using a specific Children’s Quality Game. When playing the game, children answered to a number of questions and the answers were frequentially analyzed by arranging them in six themes and dividing the themes in four different questions. According to the results, children were mostly satisfied with the care they receive at Montessori daycare center Aurinkoleijona. Negative issues presented by child-ren were a relative lack of privacy, and the fact that adults at the daycare center do not have enough time to spend with every individual child. Results of this study provided useful information about children’s opinions on their care at Montessori daycare center Aurinkoleijona. This information can be utilized for developing and maintaining the care quality at Aurinkoleijona. A similar study should be repeated in a timespan of a couple of years for controlling the state of care quality. Same study methods can be used also for other daycare establishments

    Psychosocial functioning and intelligence both partly explain socioeconomic inequalities in premature death. A population-based male cohort study

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    The possible contributions of psychosocial functioning and intelligence differences to socioeconomic status (SES)-related inequalities in premature death were investigated. None of the previous studies focusing on inequalities in mortality has included measures of both psychosocial functioning and intelligence.The study was based on a cohort of 49 321 men born 1949-1951 from the general community in Sweden. Data on psychosocial functioning and intelligence from military conscription at ∼18 years of age were linked with register data on education, occupational class, and income at 35-39 years of age. Psychosocial functioning was rated by psychologists as a summary measure of differences in level of activity, power of initiative, independence, and emotional stability. Intelligence was measured through a multidimensional test. Causes of death between 40 and 57 years of age were followed in registers.The estimated inequalities in all-cause mortality by education and occupational class were attenuated with 32% (95% confidence interval: 20-45%) and 41% (29-52%) after adjustments for individual psychological differences; both psychosocial functioning and intelligence contributed to account for the inequalities. The inequalities in cardiovascular and injury mortality were attenuated by as much as 51% (24-76%) and 52% (35-68%) after the same adjustments, and the inequalities in alcohol-related mortality were attenuated by up to 33% (8-59%). Less of the inequalities were accounted for when those were measured by level of income, with which intelligence had a weaker correlation. The small SES-related inequalities in cancer mortality were not attenuated by adjustment for intelligence.Differences in psychosocial functioning and intelligence might both contribute to the explanation of observed SES-related inequalities in premature death, but the magnitude of their contributions likely varies with measure of socioeconomic status and cause of death. Both psychosocial functioning and intelligence should be considered in future studies

    Social and psychological predictors of body mass index among South Africans 15 years and older: Sanhanes-1

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    This study investigated how psychological distress and the proxies for social position combine to influence the risk of both underweight and overweight in South Africans aged 15 years and older. This was a cross-sectional study that included 2254 men and 4170 women participating in the first South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES-1). An analysis exploring the associations of social and mental health characteristics with body mass index (BMI) was conducted using binary and multinomial logistic regressions. Results suggested that, overall, women had a higher risk of overweight/obesity compared to men (age-adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 4.65; 95% confidence intervals [CI] 3.94–5.50). The gender effect on BMI was smaller in non-African participants (AOR 3.02; 95% CI 2.41–3.79; p-value for interaction = 0.004). Being employed and having a higher level of education were associated with higher risks of overweight and obesity and a lower risk of underweight. Being single or without a spouse and poor mental health were found to increase the odds of being underweight, especially in men. To conclude, there are strong social gradients and important gender and ethnic differences in how BMI is distributed in the South African population

    Morbidity, Including Fatal Morbidity, throughout Life in Men Entering Adult Life as Obese

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    Background: The association between obesity in adults and excess morbidity and mortality is well established, but the health impact throughout adult life of being obese in early adulthood needs elucidation. We investigated somatic morbidity, including fatal morbidity, throughout adulthood in men starting adult life as obese. Methods: Among 362,200 Danish young men, examined for military service between 1943 and 1977, all obese (defined as BMI$31.0 kg/m 2), and, as controls, a random 1 % sample of the others was identified. In the age range of 18–25 years, there were 1,862 obese, which encompass the men above the 99.5 percentile, and 3,476 controls. Information on morbidity was obtained via national registers. Cox regression models were used to estimate the relative morbidity assessed as first incidence of disease, occurrence of disease in the year preceding death and prevalent disease at time of death. Results: From age 18 through 80 years the obese had an increased risk of becoming diseased by or die from a broad range of diseases. Generally, the incidence of first event, occurrence in the year prior to death, and prevalence at time of death showed the same pattern. As an example, the relative hazard of type 2 diabetes was constant throughout life at 4.9 (95% confidence intervals [CI]: 4.1–5.9), 5.2 (95 % CI: 3.6–7.5), and 6.8 (95 % CI: 4.6–10.1), respectively. Conclusions: Our findings strongly support the continued need to avoid beginning adult life as obese, as obese young me

    Interactive effects of obesity and physical fitness on risk of ischemic heart disease

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    Background/Objectives:Obesity and low physical fitness are known risk factors for ischemic heart disease (IHD), but their interactive effects are unclear. Elucidation of interactions between these common, modifiable risk factors may help inform more effective preventive strategies. We examined interactive effects of obesity, aerobic fitness and muscular strength in late adolescence on risk of IHD in adulthood in a large national cohort.Subjects/Methods:We conducted a national cohort study of all 1 547 407 military conscripts in Sweden during 1969-1997 (97-98% of all 18-year-old males each year). Aerobic fitness, muscular strength and body mass index (BMI) measurements were examined in relation to IHD identified from outpatient and inpatient diagnoses through 2012 (maximum age 62 years).Results:There were 38 142 men diagnosed with IHD in 39.7 million person years of follow-up. High BMI or low aerobic fitness (but not muscular strength) was associated with higher risk of IHD, adjusting for family history and socioeconomic factors. The combination of high BMI (overweight/obese vs normal) and low aerobic fitness (lowest vs highest tertile) was associated with highest IHD risk (incidence rate ratio, 3.11; 95% confidence interval (CI), 2.91-3.31; P<0.001). These exposures had no additive and a negative multiplicative interaction (that is, their combined effect was less than the product of their separate effects). Low aerobic fitness was a strong risk factor even among those with normal BMI.Conclusions:In this large cohort study, low aerobic fitness or high BMI at age 18 was associated with higher risk of IHD in adulthood, with a negative multiplicative interaction. Low aerobic fitness appeared to account for a similar number of IHD cases among those with normal vs high BMI (that is, no additive interaction). These findings suggest that interventions to prevent IHD should begin early in life and include not only weight control but aerobic fitness, even among persons of normal weight

    The contribution from psychological, social, and organizational work factors to risk of disability retirement: a systematic review with meta-analyses

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