534 research outputs found

    Leptina y función ovárica

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    Paste one version of a text here.La leptina, producto del gen de la obesidad (ob), es una proteína sintetizada principalmente por el tejido adiposo y secretada al torrente sanguíneo. Está caracterizada como una hormona que regula el apetito y el gasto energético a través de su acción a nivel central. Sin embargo, esta hormona tiene muchos otros efectos como consecuencia de su interacción directa en sistemas periféricos. Esta proteína media sus efectos a través de receptores específicos, que presentan distintas isoformas y están ampliamente distribuidos en diversos tejidos, incluyendo el eje hipotálamo-hipófisis-ovario. La leptina ejerce diferentes efectos sobre la reproducción en múltiples sistemas y el principal sitio de acción depende de los niveles circulantes de la proteína y de la expresión de sus receptores. Se necesita un estrecho y específico rango de concentración de leptina para mantener una función reproductiva normal, ya que concentraciones por debajo o superiores a esos umbrales interfieren en la capacidad reproductiva tanto a nivel central como ovárico. Es capaz de ejercer efectos directos sobre la función ovárica, tanto inhibitorios como estimulantes. Varios estudios demostraron que la leptina es capaz de regular la expresión de sus propios receptores a lo largo del eje hipotálamo-adenohipófisis-ovario en forma diferencial según el tejido y el estado hormonal. Por lo tanto, bajos o altos niveles de leptina, producidos por diferentes patologías o desequilibrios metabólicos como la obesidad, la diabetes o la anorexia nerviosa, pueden alterar la función ovárica a través de una regulación positiva o negativa sobre sus receptores.Leptin, the protein codified by the obesity gene (ob), is synthesized primarily by adipose tissue and secreted into the blood stream. Initially, leptin was known to be a satiety hormone regulating both food intake and energy expenditure, but it is now known that this protein plays an important role in neuroendocrine signaling and reproduction. Leptin is recognized by the leptin receptor, which exists in six different isoforms that have been found to be widely distributed in many peripheral organs, including the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis. Leptin has a dual effect on reproduction and the main site of action depends on its circulating levels in the blood and on its receptor expression. A specific and narrow range of leptin concentrations is necessary to maintain a normal reproductive function, since concentrations either below or above these thresholds might interfere in opposing ways with the function of the reproductive axis. Leptin is able to produce both stimulating and inhibitory effects on the ovarian function. The expression pattern of the leptin receptors in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis is regulated by leptin levels and in a tissue and hormonal state-dependent manner. Thus, low or high levels of leptin, as a result of different pathologies or energy imbalance like, obesity, diabetes or anorexia nervosa, can alter the ovarian function by either a negative or a positive regulation on its receptors.Fil: Faletti, Alicia Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; Argentin

    An exploration of evaluative meanings in tourist brochures : the case of British castles

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    Maestría en Lenguas Inglesa con orientación en Lingüística AplicadaFil: Faletti, Paula M. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas; Argentina.The focus of analysis in the present study will be on how writers establish evaluative prosodies that resonate across their promotional discourse and try to accomplish reader positioning by means of their semantic choices. It seems pertinent, then, to bring into play a model of discourse analysis apposite to the study of evaluative resources. The theory drawn upon for this study is Systemic Functional Linguistics (henceforth SFL), which will be delineated in the following chapter (Halliday, 1994, 2004; Martin, 2000, 2002, 2004; Martin & Rose, 2003, 2007). SFL theorises language as social semiotic, as a meaning-making system from which users choose linguistic resources when they engage in communication. It regards language as organised into different strata and performing three major metafunctions: it construes a world of experience (ideational metafunction), it establishes relationships between people (interpersonal metafunction) and it organises discourse (textual metafunction). In SFL the meaning potential of language is described in terms of interrelating sets of options organised as systems (Economou, 2009). Meaning is realised metafunctionally –as interpersonal, ideational and textual meanings– by the choices language users make out of the possibilities available in the language systems. In other words, meaning choices can be realised across different systems of lexicogrammar (Hood, 2004). EVALUATION1 , alongside INVOLVEMENT and NEGOTIATION, is one of three major resources that construe interpersonal meaning. It is located in the interpersonal dimension of language, at the level of discourse semantics – the stratum that maps meaning systems available at the level of text. Analysing Evaluation in language involves the study of the resources writers make use of when adopting a particular stance in an attempt to align the readers with the value position advanced in the text. These aspects of the interpersonal metafunction have been elaborated on by Martin (2000), Martin and Rose (2003), and Martin and White (2005) in the APPRAISAL model.Fil: Faletti, Paula M. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas; Argentina

    Investing in Nigeria - The law, Good Intentions, Illusion and Substance

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    The Journal has expressed concern whether the New Year\u27s Eve coup d\u27etat in Nigeria may not have made obsolete the contents of this article. The mechanical workings of government in Nigeria are handled by a massive civil service bureaucracy. A new government will replace ministers and possibly permanent secretaries, but it will go no further. Many of the procedures, regulations and laws discussed within were put in place by the previous military government prior to 1979, were continued by the elected government, and will not be terminated by the new military government. I am convinced that bureaucratic life will go on as before. My information sources in Nigeria suggest that under the efficiencies of military dictatorship, it will now be possible to get things done more expeditiously