152 research outputs found

    Brevi spunti di riflessione sull'evoluzione delle relazioni sindacali nell'economia digitale

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    Con il presente contributo l’Autrice intende promuovere una riflessione sulle sfide che il sindacato è chiamato ad affrontare nell’era della digitalizzazione sia con riguardo alle modalità di azione sindacale e di esercizio dei diritti collettivi che gli strumenti social consentono di sperimentare, sia con riguardo alle nuove istanze di rappresentanza che il mondo del lavoro su piattaforma digitale esprime e alla capacità del sindacato tradizionale di rappresentarle. La riflessione che si intende suscitare riguarda altresì le potenzialità di intervento della contrattazione collettiva a fronte della gestione algoritmica dei rapporti di lavoro e dell’adozione di modelli organizzativi orizzontali e fluidi da parte dell’impresa 4.0; a tal riguardo l’A. tiene conto delle criticità connesse all’esercizio del diritto di negoziazione collettiva da parte dei lavoratori delle piattaforme digitali in prevalenza qualificati come autonomi, nonché del carattere transnazionale del lavoro su piattaforma.This essay aims to promote a reflection on the challenges that the trade union is called upon to face in the era of digitalisation, namely the ones regarding the methods of trade union action and the exercise of collective rights that social tools make it possible to experiment. In addition, the new instances of representation that the world of work on the digital platform expresses and the ability of the traditional trade union to represent them are taken into account. The essay also covers the chance for collective bargaining to intervene with regard to the algorithmic management of labour relations and the adoption of horizontal and fluid organisational models within the 4.0 enterprise. In this perspective, the Author considers the main critical issues related to the exercise of collective bargaining rights by digital platform workers, who are mainly qualified as autonomous, as well as the transnational nature of platform work

    Il sistema di tutele negli appalti e sub-appalti privati tra riforme e controriforme

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    Il saggio prende in esame i molteplici interventi legislativi che hanno riformato in questi ultimi anni il sistema di tutele dei lavoratori impiegati negli appalti, rivolgendo una particolare attenzione alle regole che governano il regime della responsabilità solidale dell’appaltante nei confronti dei lavoratori dipendenti dell’appaltatore; la ricostruzione dell’evoluzione del dato normativo è volta a mettere in evidenza i diversi orientamenti di politica legislativa in tema di decentramento produttivo. In particolare, dopo aver esaminato i contenuti dell’obbligazione solidale ampliatisi con il susseguirsi delle riforme, l’Autore evidenzia come le modifiche che hanno riguardato l’aspetto processuale della disciplina abbiano però sostanzialmente indebolito la posizione del lavoratore. Infine, ad essere preso in esame il ruolo che oggi è riconosciuto dal legislatore all’autonomia collettiva nella governance dei processi di outsourcing.The essay analyzes the legislative measures which have reformed the protection system for employees in contracts in the last years, with a particular focus on the rules governing the solidarity-based accountability regime; the analysis of the regulatory development aims to underline legislative political guidelines about outsourcing. Specifically, having considered the contents of the solidarity obligation after the reforms, the Author suggests that the amendements regarding procedural aspects of the discipline have substantially riduced employee condition. Finally the A. takes into account the role of the collective bargaining in the governance of the outsourcing processes

    Le sfide della transizione digitale nel lavoro agricolo

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    Con il presente contributo si intende riflettere sull’impatto dei processi di digitalizzazione nel settore agricolo con riguardo sia al profilo occupazionale in termini di richiesta di nuove competenze professionali, sia al profilo sociale in relazione ai costi connessi all’introduzione delle nuove tecnologie. A tal proposito si prendono in esame le modalità di regolazione e gli strumenti negoziali che possono rivelarsi utili affinché la transizione digitale possa condurre a un’agricoltura socialmente sostenibile.This essay aims to reflect on the impact of digitisation in the agricultural sector with regard to the employment profile in terms of the demand for new professional skills and the social profile in relation to the costs related to the new technologies. In this context models of regulation and negotiation tools that may be useful for the digital transition to lead to socially sustainable agriculture are examined

    Sensitivity of Hydra vulgaris to Nanosilver for Environmental Applications

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    Nanosilver applications, including sensing and water treatment, have significantly increased in recent years, although safety for humans and the environment is still under debate. Here, we tested the environmental safety of a novel formulation of silver nanoparticles functionalized with citrate and L-cysteine (AgNPcitLcys) on freshwater cnidarian Hydra vulgaris as an emerging ecotoxicological model for the safety of engineered nanomaterials. AgNPcitLcys behavior was characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), while Ag release was measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). H. vulgaris (n = 12) subjects were evaluated for morphological aberration after 96 h of exposure and regeneration ability after 96 h and 7 days of exposure, after which the predatory ability was also assessed. The results show a low dissolution of AgNPcitLcys in Hydra medium (max 0.146% of nominal AgNPcitLcys concentration) and highlight a lack of ecotoxicological effects, both on morphology and regeneration, confirming the protective role of the double coating against AgNP biological effects. Predatory ability evaluation suggests a mild impairment of the entangling capacity or of the functionality of the tentacles, as the number of preys killed but not ingested was higher than the controls in all exposed animals. While their long-term sub-lethal effects still need to be further evaluated on H. vulgaris, AgNPcitLcys appears to be a promising tool for environmental applications, for instance, for water treatment and sensing

    Drought Stress Affects the Response of Italian Local Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Varieties in a Genotype-Dependent Manner

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    Drought stress is one of the most severe conditions for plants, especially in the face of the emerging problem of global warming. This issue is important when considering economically relevant crops, including the tomato. For these plants, a promising solution is the valorization of local agrobiodiversity as a source of genetic variability. In this paper we investigated how six Italian tomato varieties react to a prolonged period of water depletion. We used a multidisciplinary approach, from genetics to plant physiology and cytology, to provide a detailed overview of the response of plants to stress. The varieties analyzed, each characterized by a specific genetic profile, showed a genotype-specific response with the variety 'Fragola' being the most resistant and the variety 'Pisanello' the most susceptible. For all the parameters evaluated, 'Fragola' performed in a manner comparable to that of control plants. On the contrary, 'Pisanello' appeared to be more affected and showed an increase in the number of stomata and a drastic increase in antioxidants, a symptom of acute oxidative stress. Our work suggests the existence of a valuable reservoir of genetic biodiversity with more drought-tolerant tomato genotypes opening the way to further exploitation and use of local germplasm in breeding programs

    Spermine Regulates Pollen Tube Growth by Modulating Ca2+-Dependent Actin Organization and Cell Wall Structure

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    Proper growth of the pollen tube depends on an elaborate mechanism that integrates severalmolecularandcytologicalsub-processesandensuresacellshapeadaptedtothe transport of gametes. This growth mechanism is controlled by several molecules among which cytoplasmic and apoplastic polyamines. Spermine (Spm) has been correlated with various physiological processes in pollen, including structuring of the cell wall and modulation of protein (mainly cytoskeletal) assembly. In this work, the effects of Spm on the growth of pear pollen tubes were analyzed. When exogenous Spm (100 µM) was supplied to germinating pollen, it temporarily blocked tube growth, followed by the induction of apical swelling. This reshaping of the pollen tube was maintained also after growth recovery, leading to a 30–40% increase of tube diameter. Apical swelling was also accompanied by a transient increase in cytosolic calcium concentration and alteration of pH values, which were the likely cause for major reorganization of actin filaments and cytoplasmic organelle movement. Morphological alterations of the apical and subapical region also involved changes in the deposition of pectin, cellulose, and callose in the cell wall. Thus, results point to the involvement of Spm in cell wall construction as well as cytoskeleton organization during pear pollen tube growth

    Bast fibre formation: insights from Next-Generation Sequencing

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    Bast fibres are extraxylary sclerenchymatous cells characterized by a noteworthy length and by a cell wall composed of crystalline cellulose. Bast fibres support mechanically the phloem and are used for different industrial applications by the textile and biocomposite sectors. Fibre crops like hemp (Cannabis sativa), flax (Linum usitatissimum), ramie (Boehmeria nivea), jute (Corchorus olitorius, C. capsularis), kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) are therefore important natural resources which can help develop a sustainable economy. Despite the importance of bast fibres, not all the features related to their initiation and growth are fully explored and understood. In this review we will focus on the current knowledge concerning bast fibre initiation and development by using a transcriptomic angle, in the light of the great advances that Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) has fostered in the last years. We discuss the results obtained recently on different fibre crops and we conclude our survey with a perspective on future molecular studies aimed at valorising neglected fibre crops, e.g. nettle (Urtica dioica)

    Small extracellular vesicles released from germinated kiwi pollen (pollensomes) present characteristics similar to mammalian exosomes and carry a plant homolog of ALIX

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    Introduction: In the last decade, it has been discovered that allergen-bearing extracellular nanovesicles, termed “pollensomes”, are released by pollen during germination. These extracellular vesicles (EVs) may play an important role in pollen-pistil interaction during fertilization, stabilizing the secreted bioactive molecules and allowing long-distance signaling. However, the molecular composition and the biological role of these EVs are still unclear. The present study had two main aims: (I) to clarify whether pollen germination is needed to release pollensomes, or if they can be secreted also in high humidity conditions; and (II) to investigate the molecular features of pollensomes following the most recent guidelines for EVs isolation and identification. Methods: To do so, pollensomes were isolated from hydrated and germinated kiwi (Actinidia chinensis Planch.) pollen, and characterized using imaging techniques, immunoblotting, and proteomics. Results: These analyses revealed that only germinated kiwi pollen released detectable concentrations of nanoparticles compatible with small EVs for shape and protein content. Moreover, a plant homolog of ALIX, which is a well-recognized and accepted marker of small EVs and exosomes in mammals, was found in pollensomes. Discussion: The presence of this protein, along with other proteins involved in endocytosis, is consistent with the hypothesis that pollensomes could comprehend a prominent subpopulation of plant exosome-like vesicles