161 research outputs found

    Direcionamento das linhas de plantio em diferentes orientações cardeais e seus reflexos sobre a produtividade de cafeeiros.

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    Uma variação ambiental que provoca alterações na morfologia externa da planta de café se refere à localização das fileiras do café em relação a orientações dos pontos cardeais. Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a produtividade individual de cada lado de plantas de café implantadas em diferentes orientações cardeais buscando subsídios para otimizar o plantio direcionado e o manejo de lavoura em solo com topografia plana a suave ondulada. Observa-se de maneira geral que, independentemente do direcionamento das ruas de café em relação as orientações cardeais, a produtividade de café, no lado da planta que recebeu sol pela manhã, foi sempre maior que aquela apresentada pelo lado da planta que recebeu sol à tarde. Estas observações levam a concluir que os melhores direcionamentos de rua de café são no sentido leste-oeste e nordeste-sudoeste e que os dois lados da planta, relacionados com o posicionamento solar, comportam-se como se pertencessem a diferentes lavouras, já que os dois lados da planta apresentam diferenças na morfo-anatomia, na partição de carboidratos, na assimilação do CO2 e nas características hídricas a ponto de alterar o crescimento das plantas e sua produção

    Atividade do fator de necrose tumoral alfa no líquido peritoneal de equinos submetidos a obstrução experimental do cólon menor

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    Biodiesel Processing Using Sodium and Potassium Geopolymer Powders as Heterogeneous Catalysts

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    This work investigates the catalytic activity of geopolymers produced using two different alkali components (sodium or potassium) and four treatment temperatures (110 to 700 \ub0C) for the methyl transesterification of soybean oil. The geopolymers were prepared with metakaolin as an aluminosilicate source and alkaline activating solutions containing either sodium or potassium in the same molar oxide proportions. The potassium-based formulation displayed a higher specific surface area and lower average pore size (28.64-62.54 m\ub2/g; 9 nm) than the sodium formulation (6.34-32.62 m\ub2/g; 17 nm). The reduction in specific surface area (SSA) after the heat treatment was more severe for the sodium formulation due to the higher thermal shrinkage. The catalytic activity of the geopolymer powders was compared under the same reactional conditions (70-75 \ub0C, 150% methanol excess, 4 h reaction) and same weight amounts (3% to oil). The differences in performance were attributed to the influences of sodium and potassium on the geopolymerization process and to the accessibility of the reactants to the catalytic sites. The Na-based geopolymers performed better, with FAME contents in the biodiesel phase of 85.1% and 89.9% for samples treated at 500 and 300 \ub0C, respectively. These results are competitive in comparison with most heterogeneous base catalysts reported in the literature, considering the very mild conditions of temperature, excess methanol and catalyst amount and the short time spent in reactions

    Lesões intestinais provocadas pela obstrução experimental do cólon menor equino com isquemia mural

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    Perfil eletroforético do proteinograma do soro de equinos com obstrução experimental do cólon menos

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    Morte celular nas lâminas epidermais de equinos com laminite

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    Contrações intestinais no cólon menor equino submetido a obstrução com ou sem distensão intraluminal

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    Neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL) and calprotectin in equine laminar tissue after jejunal obstruction, treated or not with hidrocortisone

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    Laskoski L.M., Valadao C.A.A., Vasconcelos R.O., Faleiros R.R., Mendes H.M.F., Ferrucci D., Silva J.A.F. & Machado D.D.R.S. 2012. [Neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL) and calprotectin in equine laminar tissue after jejunal obstruction, treated or not with hidrocortisone.] Lipocalina associada a gelatinase de neutrofilos (NGAL) e calprotectina no tecido laminar de equinos apos obstrucao jejunal, tratados ou nao com hidrocortisona. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(9):817-823. Departamento de Clinica e Cirurgia Veterinaria, Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/n, Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Laminitis is a severe hoof condition in horses that may cause intense suffering. In this study, leukocyte infiltration in hoof laminar tissue was investigated in horses subject to intestinal obstruction using immunohistochemistry to detect calprotectin, and zymography to detect neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL). There were four groups: the Control Group (Gc), with seven horses, without surgical procedures; the Sham-operated Group (Gi), with five horses that were subjected to surgical procedure without intestinal obstruction; the No Treat group (Gnt), with four horses subjected to intestinal obstruction (jejunal distention using an intraluminal balloon) without treatment; and Treated group (Gt), with four horses subjected to intestinal obstruction and treated with hydrocortisone. Positive calprotectin imunostaining was detected in all experimental groups, with increase cell counts in horses of the distended group compared with the control group. NGAL expression was increased in Gd compared with Gc e Gi. The Gt did not differ from the others. In conclusion, small intestine distension can promote leukocyte in filtration in equine hoof laminar tissue, and NGAL zymography was considered a useful method for leukocyte tissue detection in horses. New studies will be conducted to verify the possible beneficial anti-inflammatory effects of hydrocortisone in hoof of horses with intestinal obstruction.32981782