3,558 research outputs found
Generalised dimensions of measures on almost self-affine sets
We establish a generic formula for the generalised q-dimensions of measures
supported by almost self-affine sets, for all q>1. These q-dimensions may
exhibit phase transitions as q varies. We first consider general measures and
then specialise to Bernoulli and Gibbs measures. Our method involves estimating
expectations of moment expressions in terms of `multienergy' integrals which we
then bound using induction on families of trees
A multifractal zeta function for cookie cutter sets
Starting with the work of Lapidus and van Frankenhuysen a number of papers
have introduced zeta functions as a way of capturing multifractal information.
In this paper we propose a new multifractal zeta function and show that under
certain conditions the abscissa of convergence yields the Hausdorff
multifractal spectrum for a class of measures
Small union with large set of centers
Let be a fixed set. By a scaled copy of around
we mean a set of the form for some .
In this survey paper we study results about the following type of problems:
How small can a set be if it contains a scaled copy of around every point
of a set of given size? We will consider the cases when is circle or sphere
centered at the origin, Cantor set in , the boundary of a square
centered at the origin, or more generally the -skeleton () of an
-dimensional cube centered at the origin or the -skeleton of a more
general polytope of .
We also study the case when we allow not only scaled copies but also scaled
and rotated copies and also the case when we allow only rotated copies
The geometry of fractal percolation
A well studied family of random fractals called fractal percolation is
discussed. We focus on the projections of fractal percolation on the plane. Our
goal is to present stronger versions of the classical Marstrand theorem, valid
for almost every realization of fractal percolation. The extensions go in three
directions: {itemize} the statements work for all directions, not almost all,
the statements are true for more general projections, for example radial
projections onto a circle, in the case , each projection has not
only positive Lebesgue measure but also has nonempty interior. {itemize}Comment: Survey submitted for AFRT2012 conferenc
Hausdorff dimension of three-period orbits in Birkhoff billiards
We prove that the Hausdorff dimension of the set of three-period orbits in
classical billiards is at most one. Moreover, if the set of three-period orbits
has Hausdorff dimension one, then it has a tangent line at almost every point.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur
Characterising the tumour morphological response to therapeutic intervention:an ex vivo model
In cancer, morphological assessment of histological tissue samples is a fundamental part of both diagnosis and prognosis. Image analysis offers opportunities to support that assessment through quantitative metrics of morphology. Generally, morphometric analysis is carried out on two dimensional tissue section data and so only represents a small fraction of any tumour. We present a novel application of three-dimensional (3D) morphometrics for 3D imaging data obtained from tumours grown in a culture model. Minkowski functionals, a set of measures that characterise geometry and topology in n-dimensional space, are used to quantify tumour topology in the absence of and in response to therapeutic intervention. These measures are used to stratify the morphological response of tumours to therapeutic intervention. Breast tumours are characterised by estrogen receptor (ER) status, human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER)2 status and tumour grade. Previously, we have shown that ER status is associated with tumour volume in response to tamoxifen treatment ex vivo. Here, HER2 status is found to predict the changes in morphology other than volume as a result of tamoxifen treatment ex vivo. Finally, we show the extent to which Minkowski functionals might be used to predict tumour grade.Minkowski functionals are generalisable to any 3D data set, including in vivo and cellular systems. This quantitative topological analysis can provide a valuable link among biomarkers, drug intervention and tumour morphology that is complementary to existing, non-morphological measures of tumour response to intervention and could ultimately inform patient treatment
Entropy and Hausdorff Dimension in Random Growing Trees
We investigate the limiting behavior of random tree growth in preferential
attachment models. The tree stems from a root, and we add vertices to the
system one-by-one at random, according to a rule which depends on the degree
distribution of the already existing tree. The so-called weight function, in
terms of which the rule of attachment is formulated, is such that each vertex
in the tree can have at most K children. We define the concept of a certain
random measure mu on the leaves of the limiting tree, which captures a global
property of the tree growth in a natural way. We prove that the Hausdorff and
the packing dimension of this limiting measure is equal and constant with
probability one. Moreover, the local dimension of mu equals the Hausdorff
dimension at mu-almost every point. We give an explicit formula for the
dimension, given the rule of attachment
The Freezeout Hypersurface at LHC from particle spectra: Flavor and Centrality Dependence
We extract the freezeout hypersurface in Pb-Pb collisions at 2760 GeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider by analysing the data on
transverse momentum spectra within a unified model for chemical and kinetic
freezeout. The study has been done within two different schemes of freezeout,
single freezeout where all the hadrons freezeout together versus double
freezeout where those hadrons with non-zero strangeness content have different
freezeout parameters compared to the non-strange ones. We demonstrate that the
data is better described within the latter scenario. We obtain a strange
freezeout hypersurface which is smaller in volume and hotter compared to the
non-strange freezeout hypersurface for all centralities with a reduction in
around . We observe from the extracted parameters that
the ratio of the transverse size to the freezeout proper time is invariant
under expansion from the strange to the non-strange freezeout surfaces across
all centralities. Moreover, except for the most peripheral bins, the ratio of
the non-strange and strange freezeout proper times is close to .Comment: Final version accepted for publicatio
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