1,442 research outputs found

    Ripples in Tapped or Blown Powder

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    We observe ripples forming on the surface of a granular powder in a container submitted from below to a series of brief and distinct shocks. After a few taps, the pattern turns out to be stable against any further shock of the same amplitude. We find experimentally that the characteristic wavelength of the pattern is proportional to the amplitude of the shocks. Starting from consideration involving Darcy's law for air flow through the porous granulate and avalanche properties, we build up a semi-quantitative model which fits satisfactorily the set of experimental observations as well as a couple of additional experiments.Comment: 7 pages, four postscript figures, submitted PRL 11/19/9

    A theory for undercompressive shocks in tears of wine

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    We revisit the tears of wine problem for thin films in water-ethanol mixtures and present a new model for the climbing dynamics. The new formulation includes a Marangoni stress balanced by both the normal and tangential components of gravity as well as surface tension which lead to distinctly different behavior. The prior literature did not address the wine tears but rather the behavior of the film at earlier stages and the behavior of the meniscus. In the lubrication limit we obtain an equation that is already well-known for rising films in the presence of thermal gradients. Such models can exhibit non-classical shocks that are undercompressive. We present basic theory that allows one to identify the signature of an undercompressive (UC) wave. We observe both compressive and undercompressive waves in new experiments and we argue that, in the case of a pre-coated glass, the famous "wine tears" emerge from a reverse undercompressive shock originating at the meniscus

    The garden of Guadarrama. Ricardo Sanchez Ortiz de Urbina. Materialism and phenomenology

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    Esta es la síntesis de la presentación de Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina en las Jornadas Fenomenológicas de la Universidad de Coimbra, Portugal,que se desarrollaron en marzo del 2020 en torno a suobra. En la ya conocida Conferencia de Coimbra, se hizo un reconocimiento expreso al trabajo desarrollado por el autor a partir de la aparición en el año 2014 de su obra Estromatología. Teoría de los niveles fenomenológicos. En estos momentos, justo en el tiempo de la próxima publicación de Orden oculto. Ensayo de una epistemología fenomenológica, urge una contextualización prescriptiva de la trascendencia teórica del pensamiento del autor en el panorama filosófico del siglo XXI. This is the synthesis of the presentation of Ricardo Sanchez Ortiz de Urbina in the Phenomenological Conference of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, that developed in March of the 2020 around his work. In the already known Conference of Coimbra, did a recognition express to the work developed by the author from the apparition in the year 2014 of his work Estromatologia. Teoria de los niveles fenomenologicos. In these moments, just in the time of the next publication of Orden oculto. Ensayo de una epistemologia fenomenologica, a prescriptive contextualization is urgently needed of the theoretical transcendence of the thought of the author in the philosophical panorama of the 21st century

    Experimental study of the inverse cascade in gravity wave turbulence

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    We perform experiments to study the inverse cascade regime of gravity wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid. Surface waves are forced at an intermediate scale corresponding to the gravity-capillary wavelength. In response to this forcing, waves at larger scales are observed. The spectrum of their amplitudes exhibits a frequency-power law at high enough forcing. Both observations are ascribed to the upscale wave action transfers of gravity wave turbulence. The spectrum exponent is close to the value predicted by the weak turbulence theory. The spectrum amplitude is found to scale linearly with the mean injected power. We measure also the distributions of the injected power fluctuations in the presence of upscale (inverse) transfers or in the presence of a downscale (direct) cascade in gravity wave turbulence.Comment: in press in EPL (2011

    Novel tau filament fold in chronic traumatic encephalopathy encloses hydrophobic molecules

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    Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative tauopathy that is associated with repetitive head impacts or exposure to blast waves. First described as punch-drunk syndrome and dementia pugilistica in retired boxers1-3, CTE has since been identified in former participants of other contact sports, ex-military personnel and after physical abuse4-7. No disease-modifying therapies currently exist, and diagnosis requires an autopsy. CTE is defined by an abundance of hyperphosphorylated tau protein in neurons, astrocytes and cell processes around blood vessels8,9. This, together with the accumulation of tau inclusions in cortical layers II and III, distinguishes CTE from Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies10,11. However, the morphologies of tau filaments in CTE and the mechanisms by which brain trauma can lead to their formation are unknown. Here we determine the structures of tau filaments from the brains of three individuals with CTE at resolutions down to 2.3 Å, using cryo-electron microscopy. We show that filament structures are identical in the three cases but are distinct from those of Alzheimer's and Pick's diseases, and from those formed in vitro12-15. Similar to Alzheimer's disease12,14,16-18, all six brain tau isoforms assemble into filaments in CTE, and residues K274-R379 of three-repeat tau and S305-R379 of four-repeat tau form the ordered core of two identical C-shaped protofilaments. However, a different conformation of the β-helix region creates a hydrophobic cavity that is absent in tau filaments from the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease. This cavity encloses an additional density that is not connected to tau, which suggests that the incorporation of cofactors may have a role in tau aggregation in CTE. Moreover, filaments in CTE have distinct protofilament interfaces to those of Alzheimer's disease. Our structures provide a unifying neuropathological criterion for CTE, and support the hypothesis that the formation and propagation of distinct conformers of assembled tau underlie different neurodegenerative diseases

    On the origin of intermittency in wave turbulence

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    Using standard signal processing tools, we experimentally report that intermittency of wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid occurs even when two typical large-scale coherent structures (gravity wave breakings and bursts of capillary waves on steep gravity waves) are not taken into account. We also show that intermittency depends on the power injected into the waves. The dependence of the power-law exponent of the gravity-wave spectrum on the forcing amplitude cannot be also ascribed to these coherent structures. Statistics of these both events are studied.Comment: To be published in EP

    Analysis of friction coefficient for a base steel 5 % Cr, applying variable loads of 196 N, 294 N and 392 N, and speeds of 0,18 m/sec, 0,36 m/sec and 0,54 m/sec

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    The present study consists in analyzing the friction coefficient as a variable of the normal load and slip speed for 5% Cr steel, by applying the Block-on-Disk method according to ASTM D2714. The friction coefficient increases linearly 23,25 % from 0,214 to 0,266 when the load is increased from 196 N to 392 N; the same phenomenon is observed when the friction coefficient increases 47,82 % from 0,23 to 0,34 when the slip speed increases from 0,18 m/sec to 0,54 m/sec. The friction coefficient increased by 23,25 % for an increase in the load from 196 N to 392 N, which corresponds to 100 %, while an increase of the friction coefficient of 47,82 % occurred by increasing the speed from 0,18 m/sec to 0,54 m/sec which corresponds to 200 %