95 research outputs found

    Clinical and immunological correlates of pre-co-seasonal sublingual immunotherapy with birch monomeric allergoid in patients with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.

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    Sublingual immunotherapy is safe and efficacious in the treatment of patients with allergic rhinitis. The clinical and biological efficacy of modified allergens (allergoids) has not been fully clarified. We investigated in birch allergic patients the effect of a pre-co-seasonal sublingual immunotherapy regimen with a modified allergen extract on clinical parameters and on T cell proliferation and regulatory cytokine production (IL-10, TGF-beta). We found that during the birch pollen season symptoms and drug usage scores were 30 and 40% improved, respectively, in treated versus control subjects (p<0.0001 for both comparisons) whereas well days were 23.5 (33%) versus 16.9 (23%) (p=0.0024), respectively. Bet v 1 allergen specific proliferation decreased (p = 0.0010), whereas IL-10 transcription increased (p = 0.0010) in treated, but not in control patients. Moreover, TGF-beta transcription was increased, although not significantly (p=0.066), following immunotherapy. Thus, sublingual immunotherapy with modified allergen in birch-allergic subjects was safe, clinically efficacious and associated with the reduction of allergen-specific proliferation and with the increased production of the IL-10 regulatory cytokine

    The clinical efficacy of a sublingual monomeric allergoid at different maintenance doses: a randomized controlled trial

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    Sublingual immunotherapy is widely recognized as a viable treatment for allergic rhinitis and asthma, but the optimal dosage is still under debate, expecially with modified allergens. We assessed the clinical effects of a monomeric allergoid across 3 different maintenance doses in mite-monosensitized patients with rhinitis and intermittent asthma. Eighty-nine patients allergic to HDM were randomized to 3 maintenance doses of monomeric allergoid (Lais®, Lofarma) or medications only. All the patients recorded their symptoms and rescue drug consumption in a diary card from November to February. Additionally, nasal eosinophil count, spirometry and methacholine bronchial challenge were performed at the beginning of the study and after 3 years. The symptom scores showed a clear improvement in all the three active arms versus baseline and versus the controls, irrespective of the dose. Likewise, a similar improvement versus baseline was seen for nasal inflammation and bronchial hyperreactivity. The SLIT with monomeric allergoids produces clinically significant results across a wide range of doses. The absence of significant side effects, even at high doses, is probably due to their low level of allergenicity

    Oral hyposensitization to nickel induces clinical improvement and a decrease in TH1 and TH2 cytokines in patients with systemic nickel allergy syndrome.

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    Some patients with nickel (Ni) allergic contact dermatitis suffer from systemic (intestinal or cutaneous) symptoms after ingestion of Ni-rich foods and experience symptoms reduction with low-Ni diet, a condition termed "systemic Ni allergy syndrome" (SNAS). We aimed at evaluating whether oral administration of low nickel doses improved clinical conditions and modulated immunological aspects of SNAS, without significant side effects. Thirty-six SNAS patients were enrolled. Treatment started after 1-month of low-Ni diet and consisted in an incremental oral NiOH dose phase (0.3ng to 1.5 μg/week) followed by a 12-months maintenance phase (1.5 μg/week). Randomly, twenty-four patients added Ni therapy to low-Ni diet and 12 remained with diet alone. All patients were allowed rescue medications (antihistamines and topical steroids). After 4 months, Ni-rich foods were gradually reintroduced. In vitro allergen-driven IL13, IL5 and IFNγ release by peripheral blood mononuclear cells was evaluated before and after treatment. Twenty-three patients receiving NiOH and the 12 control patients completed the study. Evaluation of SNAS clinical severity (by VAS and drug consumption) showed a significant difference in favor of NiOH-treated patients compared to controls. Twenty of 23 patients in the NiOH group and none in the control group tolerated Ni-rich food reintroduction. Release of all studied cytokines in culture supernatants was significantly lower after NiOH treatment. In conclusion NiOH is effective in reducing symptoms and drug consumption in SNAS and is able to modulate inflammatory parameters

    Progettazione e sintesi di molecole ad attivita' antimico-batterica

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    Dottorato di ricerca in chimica del farmaco:chimica farmaceutica. 12. ciclo. A.a. 1996-99. Coordinatore Carlo De Micheli. Docente guida Luciano VioConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Allergeni modificati chimicamente e procedimento per la loro preparazione

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    Metodo per legare in modo stabile antigeni ed allergeni ad un supporto di polistirene consistenye nel far reagire un aldeide polifunzionale con la fase solida del polistirene; nel lavare detta fase solida per allontanare l'aldeide in eccesso; nell'incubare la fase solida cos\uec trattata con gli antigeni o gli allergeni, e nello stabilizzare il legame aldeide-antigeni o allergeni con sodio boro idruro o sodio ciano boroidruro

    Proc\ue9d\ue9 pour fixer d'une fa\ue7on stable del antig\ue8nes et des allerg\ue8nes sur des supports solides, et supports destin\ue9s \ue0 cet usage

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    a. Proc\ue9d\ue9 pour fixer d'une fa\ue7on stable del antig\ue8nes et des allerg\ue8nes sur des supports solides, an partuculier sur du polystyr\ue8ne. b. Caract\ue9ris\ue9 en ce qu'il comprend les phases suivantes: faire r\ue9agir un ald\ue9hyde polyfunctionnel avec le phase solide du support, eliminer l'exc\ue8s d'ald\ue9hyde par lavage, faire incuber la phase solide aimsi trait\ue9e avec les antig\ue8nes ou les allerg\ue8nes, et finalement stabiliser la liaison entre l'ald\ue9hyde et les antig\ue9nes ou les allerg\ue9nes par un traitement avec des substances r\ue9duisant la liaison ald-imin\ue9\ue8, c. Support solide utilisable pour d\ue9celer les amticorps des classes IgE, IgG, IgA ou IgM, sp\ue9cifiques pour des antig\ue9nes ou des allerg\ue9nes, soit aux fins de diagnostiquer una maladie allergique ou infectieuse, soit pour v\ue9erifier un \ue9tat d'immunit\ue9