3 research outputs found

    Remote deformation measurement

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    The thesis presents the project of a deformation measurement from a distance of a subway tunnel in Munich. It describes the installation of the equipment in the tunnel itself, the hardware and software that was used, the course of the project and its results. The results are described and there is also an accuracy analysis of the measurements. Also described is the method of the measurement from a distance. And in the end, there are other similar projects which use a similar method briefly described

    Analysis of construction of the roof corner element of the office container

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    V diplomskem delu se bomo osredotočili na numerično analizo strešnega vogelnika jeklene konstrukcije pisarniškega kontejnerja podjetja Arcont d. d. med dvigovanjem s prijemalom za kontejnerje in z dvižnimi kavlji. V obeh primerih dvigalni pripravi namestimo na strešne vogelnike, kjer se posledično pojavijo povečane napetosti, ki ne smejo preseči napetosti tečenja. Na začetku smo pripravili numerično analizo četrtinskega modela konstrukcije kontejnerja in na podlagi rezultatov prve analize pripravili pod-model strešnega vogelnika ter to mesto podrobneje analizirali. Na osnovi rezultatov numerične analize smo ugotovili, da je konstrukcija strešnega vogelnika ustrezna.In this diploma we will focus on the numerical analysis of the roof corner element of an office container, manufactured by Arcont d. d., during lifting with a spreader and lifting hooks. Lifting contraptions are in both cases fitted on to the roof corner elements, which results in higher stress levels at these areas. The stress levels must not surpass the yield stress of materials used for components of the roof element. At first, we analysed the quarter model of the entire steel construction then we used the acquired results to create a submodel of a roof corner element for a more detailed analysis. Based on the numerical results of the submodel analysis, we determined that the roof corner elements are properly designed

    Computational model for strength analysis of spruce wood

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    Čeprav je les v uporabi že od pradavnine, je splošno razumevanje njegovega mehanskega obnašanja zelo skromno. V magistrskem delu je na osnovi rezultatov izvedenih statičnih in dinamičnih tri-točkovnih upogibnih preizkusov, bil določen materialni model smrekovega lesa. Vrednosti statičnih materialnih parametrov so bile določene s postopkom inverzne določitve, ki temelji na zaporednem izvajanju numeričnih simulacij. Na osnovi rezultatov dinamičnih upogibnih preizkusov je bila določena enačba S-N krivulje, na osnovi katere je bila potrjena S-N krivulja, pridobljena z numeričnimi simulacijami. Končen rezultat je bil razvit in potrjen materialni model, s katerim je mogoče predvideti odziv komponent iz smrekovega lesa izpostavljenih statični obremenitvi in napovedati njihovo življenjsko dobo pri cikličnem utripnem obremenjevanju v tangencialni orientaciji lesnih vlaken.Even though wood has been used for ages, the general understanding of its mechanical properties is sparse at best. In this master thesis, material model for spruce wood was calculated based on acquired results from static and dynamic three-point bending tests. Values of static material parameters were calculated with the process of inverse determination, which is based on sequential calculation of numerical simulations. Based on results of dynamic bending tests the equation of S-N curve was proposed, which was later used to validate the S-N curve acquired from results of numerical simulations. In the end a material model was proposed, which can be used to predict response of components made from spruce wood while subjected to static loading, and to predict the number of load cycles to material failure for components that are subjected to periodic pulsating loading in tangential orientation of wood fibres