21 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Peraturan Daerah No. 8 Tahun 2008 Tentang Retribusi Pelayanan Persampahan atau Kebersihan di Kabupaten Kampar

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    The authentic incoming local is one of resources component of local incoming that can count by money as the community otority that turn out as local taxing and retribution. The local has the otority to do adoption of every single local taxing and local retribution associated with many aspect of living society. In local regulation number 8 year 2008 about retribution of trash serving or cleanliness as the background of adopting retribution trash serving of law or cleanliness, and it may as background to implementating the cleanliness serving of district Kampar that execute by cleanliness and park official. As we know on the last 2014, subdistrict Bangkinang town got the lowest percentage in accepting realisation of cleanliness retribution which is come out of the Kampar society and it also as big trash producer in Kampar district area. This research is going to know about the implementation of the local regulation number 8 year 2008 in Bangkinang town subdistrict about the cleanliness and find the complication that blocked the regulation, which come out from many information by the informan. In this research, who are going to be the informans are the employees of cleanliness and park Official, subdistrict head, the society of Bangkinang town who define as Bangkinang town inhabitant, traders of Bangkinang town market, and the cleanliness and park functionaries. Meanwhile the collecting data technic divided by primer data and secondary data. From the result of this research describes that the implementation of the local regulation number 8 year 2008 about the retribution of trash serving and or cleanliness in Kampar district area specially in Bangkinang town that refer to managing of the retribution adopting, analyzing the obligatory retribution, adopting and transporting the trash, applicating of pidana sanction and or fine and administrative which not going maxymal yet. The factors refer to the implementation of local regulation number 8 year 2008 in Bangkinang town subdistrict is divided as communication factor, human or nature resources,disposition and birocration structure

    Penambahan Probiotik dalam Pakan terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Efisiensi Pakan Benih Ikan Baung (Hemibagrus Nemurus)

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    The research aimed to determine effect of addition probiotic in artificial feed to growth and retention proteins on fingerling of baung (Hemibagrus nemurus). This research used a completely randomized design (RAL) with one factor, five treatments and 3 replications. The treatment given was different concentrated of probiotic in feed. Consisting of: control (without the addition of probiotic), P1 (addition probiotic of 2 ml/kg feed), P2 (4 ml/kg of feed), P3 (6 ml/kg of feed) and P4 (8 ml/kg of feed). Feed protein content of 28,33%. The results showed addition of probiotic 2, 4, 6, and 8 ml into artificial feed did not give a significant effect (P>0,05) on the feed efficiency, retention of protein, specific growth rate, and survival rate fingerling of baung. The best treatment contained in P4 (8 ml/kg of feed) with 53,92% digestibility of feed, feeding efficiency 26,46%, protein retention 22,43% and the specific growth rate of 2,05%

    Patterns of Political Communication Between Government Institutions and Effect to the Trust of the Acehnese People

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    This study has described how the pattern of political communication between government institutions and its impact on public confidence in development in Aceh Province, Indonesia. This study focuses more on the analysis of communication patterns between the executive (ie: Governor of Aceh Province) and the legislative (DPR) in carrying out their respective duties and functions in the context of development in Aceh Province, Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach aimed at describing the pattern of political communication between government institutions and analyzing the level of trust of the Acehnese people. The benefit of this study is to provide a formula for good and effective political communication with elites at various levels of institutions from the executive to the legislature. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the patterns of political communication between government institutions, namely the executive and legislative institutions, are personal communication patterns, informal communication patterns, family communication patterns, party or organizational communication patterns. All types of communication patterns are carried out between parties in carrying out interest lobbying and development policies in the Aceh Province, Indonesia. This type of communication pattern, based on the results of research, has been carried out by both parties in running government institutions in Aceh, namely the Aceh Government and the Aceh Legislature

    Dampak Otonomi Fiskal, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, dan Keterbukaan Daerah terhadap Ketimpangan Wilayah di Sumatera

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    The main research to identify the impact of fiscal autonomy,economic growth,openness access into inequality amongprovinces in Sumatera. For analyze the effect of the degree of fiscal autonomy, economic growth, and openness access to the inequality in Sumatera period2009-2013 withRandom Effect Method. The results explain fiscal autonomy are categorized low. Economic growthin Sumatera during the study period was also low. Openness access in Sumatera can be said is still not open to trade. Inequality in the Sumatera still quite high. The effect of fiscal autonomy to inequality is negative and significant. Economic growth to inequality is negative and significant, while the openness access is positive and not significant to inequality. Expected in Sumatera provincial governments to used maximum local revenue. Economic growth must observe and control the level of inequality. There should be a boost to the regions to be more active in trade traffic in Sumatera or National

    Standing Stok Ikan Paweh (Osteochillus Hasselti) dan Kondisi Lingkungan Danau Lubuk Siam Desa Lubuk Siam Kecamatan Siak Hulu Provinsi Riau

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    Osteochillus hasselti was commonly inhabit the Lubuk Siam Lake. A research aims to understand the standing stock of O. hasselti in that lake was conducted in July to August 2018. The fish was sampled everyday for 10 days in July and 10 days in August, in 3 sampling points (in the inlet area, in the middle of the lake, and the outlet) using gill nets. The standing stock was analyzed using Leslie method. Results shown that the initial population (No) of the fish was 315 kg and the final population (Nt) was 301 kg and the exploitation level was 8%. The water quality parameter shown that temperature was 27-28oc, clarity 6395 cm, pH = 6 and dissolved oxygen was 5.32–5.40 mg/L. Data obtained indicate the water quality in the Lubuk Siam Lake is good and it is able to support the life of O. hasselti