8 research outputs found

    Laboratory Studies to Increase Oil Production Using Methyl Ester Sulfonate Injection on X Field

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    The majority of petroleum production comes from the brown field where production has decreased from year to year in Indonesia. To increase the recovery factor of petroleum from the reservoir, an advanced step of production is required, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), which can optimize the depletion of old oil fields. EOR is the application of technology that requires cost, technology and high risk. Therefore, before implementing EOR, in a field, we must carefully evaluate both technically and economically to obtain an optimal additional recovery. This research was conducted to increase oil production by injection of Methyl Ester Sulfonate (MES). This study begins with a screening parameter crude oil, formation water, Berea’s core, and determination of phase behavior, interfacial tension (IFT), thermal stability, imbibition, and core flooding tests. The result for concentratin optimum in 0.3% MES and had IFT 0.3267 dyne/cm. The results of core flooding tests are: Recovery factor of waterflooding is 33.95 % and recovery factor of MES injection is 4.19 %

    Produksi dan Kualitas Telur Itik Alabio di Daerah Sentra Peternakan Desa Sungai Pandan, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, Kalimantan Selatan

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan 20 itik Alabio betina siap bertelur dengan rentang usia 6 bulan dan untuk pemeriksaan kualitas telur untuk masing-masing kelompok 10 sampel. Pengamatan tingkat produksi telur dilakukan selama tiga bulan dengan 10 pengulangan, kualitas telur (ketebalan kulit telur, persentase kulit telur, persentase kulit telur, persentase albumin, persentase kuning telur, huagh unit, warna kuning telur, kadar protein dan lemak kandungan). Data produksi telur dan kualitas telur diuji menggunakan uji Anova. Hasil pengamatan rata-rata produksi harian telur 15.45 ± 0.12, 14.72 ± 0.10, 14.91 ± 0.09; produksi berat harian (kg/hari) 925.27 ± 7.50, 875.40 ± 6.32, 884 ± 5.03; hasil dari ketebalan kulit telur kualitas 0.33 ± 0.01, 0.33 ± 0.12, 0.33 ± 0.12; persentase kulit telur 11.32 ± 0.93, 11.28 ± 0.10, 11.36 ± 0.05; persentase albumin 55.70 ± 1.08, 56.66 ± 1.22, 56.12 ± 1.00; persen kuning telur 32.07 ± 1.24, 31.55 ± 1.48, 31.64 ± 1.20; Haugh unit 88.70 ± 6.21, 91.41 ± 6.70, 94.51 ± 5.06. Warna kuning masing-masing memiliki skor 15. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa produksi dan kualitas telur itik Alabio baik

    Strategi Pengembangan Itik ALABIO (Anas Platyrhynchos Borneo) Berdasarkan Keragaman Gen Cytochrome Oxidase Sub Unit 1 (CO 1) dalam Rangka Pelestarian Berkelanjutan di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan.

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    Alabio Duck (Anas platyrhynchos Borneo) is the name of the local duck which is one of the assets of the Province of South Kalimantan that must be protected and preserved. The development of livestock in South Kalimantan, especially in the Regency of North Hulu Sungai (HSU), is directed from traditional farms to more advanced farms by utilizing technology and increasing the knowledge of duck farmers to develop their businesses, so that they are more advanced and profitable. The research method was divided into three different groups (locations) without treatment. Each group consisted of 200 Alabio ducks, then analyzed egg production, feed conversion, and egg quality. Continued with the second stage which is to conduct a PCR test in order to see the composition of Nucleutides through the CO1 gene approach then proceed to see the phylogenetic tree. The third stage is carried out filling out the questionnaire in order to collect data then a SWOT analysis is performed. This type of research is exploratory or non-experimental using a completely randomized design (CRD) unidirectional pattern. The results showed that the level of production of Alabio duck eggs had an average of 77.26%, 73.63%, and 74.58%. Feed conversion shows the mean value of 4.62(group 1), 4.88 (group 2), and 4.81 (group 3). Egg quality eggshell thickness has an average of 0.33 mm, the average percentage of eggshell 15.10%, 12.50%, and 18.90%. The average percentage of albumen was 55.67%, 56.63%, and 56.06%. The average percentage of Yolk is 32.07%, 31.55% and 31.64%. The average Hu (hugh unit) is 88.70, 91.41, and 94.51. The egg yolk has a score of 15 at three locations. The average protein content has an average of 11.13, 11.06, and 11.03 fat content has a mean of 33.34, 33.67, and 34.34. PCR examination results on the Alabio duck CO1 gene have the closest kinship with the Anas platyrhynchos voucher (GU571241) distribution area in Scandinavia and North America, Anas platyrhynchos breed Pekin (MG373561) in the Egyptian distribution area, and Anas poecilorhyncha voucher (FJ661089) in the distribution area of China resulting from China. SWOT analysis produces positive internal and external factors, meaning that the strength of the Alabio duck breeding in South Kalimantan is relatively superior compared to its weaknesses

    Keys of sustainable community-based waste management (lesson learnt from Yogyakarta City)

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    In Indonesia, trough Sanimas (Community Based Sanitation Program), which is coordinated by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing in collaboration with local governments and communities, establishes KSM (Community Self-Help Group) for Communal Liquid Waste Management Installations. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that cause the sustainability of community-based liquid waste management. This research uses mixed methods, that is by analyzing quantitative data from the SKM (Community Satisfaction Survey) 2019 on the Implementation of Infrastructure Services in Yogyakarta City and then validated with primary data collected from semi-structured interviews with the head of KSM from the three well-managed Communal IPALs. Instead of the active participation of the community, the result shows in the case of Yogyakarta City, the key of Communal IPAL management sustainability is still more on the role and commitment of KSM or community leaders rather than the active participation of the community

    Produksi dan Kualitas Telur Itik Alabio di Daerah Sentra Peternakan Desa Sungai Pandan, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, Kalimantan Selatan

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan 20 itik Alabio betina siap bertelur dengan rentang usia 6 bulan dan untuk pemeriksaan kualitas telur untuk masing-masing kelompok 10 sampel. Pengamatan tingkat produksi telur dilakukan selama tiga bulan dengan 10 pengulangan, kualitas telur (ketebalan kulit telur, persentase kulit telur, persentase kulit telur, persentase albumin, persentase kuning telur, huagh unit, warna kuning telur, kadar protein dan lemak kandungan). Data produksi telur dan kualitas telur diuji menggunakan uji Anova. Hasil pengamatan rata-rata produksi harian telur 15.45 ± 0.12, 14.72 ± 0.10, 14.91 ± 0.09; produksi berat harian (kg/hari) 925.27 ± 7.50, 875.40 ± 6.32, 884 ± 5.03; hasil dari ketebalan kulit telur kualitas 0.33 ± 0.01, 0.33 ± 0.12, 0.33 ± 0.12; persentase kulit telur 11.32 ± 0.93, 11.28 ± 0.10, 11.36 ± 0.05; persentase albumin 55.70 ± 1.08, 56.66 ± 1.22, 56.12 ± 1.00; persen kuning telur 32.07 ± 1.24, 31.55 ± 1.48, 31.64 ± 1.20; Haugh unit 88.70 ± 6.21, 91.41 ± 6.70, 94.51 ± 5.06. Warna kuning masing-masing memiliki skor 15. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa produksi dan kualitas telur itik Alabio baik